chapi是什么意思 chapi的翻译、中文解释

chapi是什么意思 chapi的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



词组搭配:chapi hat(圆顶帽)



1. Il portait un chapi et un manteau noir.(他戴着一顶帽子,穿着一件黑色大衣。)

2. Elle avait enfilé un chapi blanc pour sortir. (她带着一顶白色的帽子出门了。)

3. Je n’arrive jamais à garder un chapi sur la tête. (我总是不能让帽子稳稳地戴在我的头上。)

4. Il a acheté un chapi pour se protéger du soleil. (他买了一顶帽子来遮阳。)

5. Les touristes ont tous acheté des cha en souvenir de leur voyage en France. (游客们为了纪念他们在法国的旅行都买了帽子。)

chapi的中文翻译是茶匹,读音为chä-pē。例句:我需要一些chapi来泡茶。 (I need some chapi to make tea.)



例句:He was quite a muscular chap and I normally go for somebody with no muscles, no bottom, just a stick and a head. (他是个挺有肌肉的人 而我一般喜欢那种 He was quite a muscular chap and I normally go for somebody 没有肌肉 没有屁股 长得像颗金针菇的人 with no muscles, no bottom, just a stick and a head.)


例句:This little chap was born blind and is guided everywhere by his keepers. (眼前的小家伙天生失明 {3cH202020}This little chap was born blind)


例句:He’s a lively little chap. I think I’ll call him Jareth. (他是一个活泼的小家伙 我想我会叫他佳拉斯)


例句:He was a little chap, with a colorless face and the whitest, blankest eyes I ever saw. (翻译:他是个挺年轻的小伙子,面无血色,有着一双我见过的最白最无神的眼睛。)

chapi一般作为名词使用,如在Chapi(人名 西 查皮)等常见短语中出现较多。

Chapi 人名 西 查皮

1. He’s a lively little chap. I think I’ll call him Jareth. (翻译:他是一个活泼的小家伙 我想我会叫他佳拉斯)

2. He was a little chap, with a colorless face and the whitest, blankest eyes I ever saw. (翻译:他是个挺年轻的小伙子,面无血色,有着一双我见过的最白最无神的眼睛。)

3. Well, maybe, but Stowell is a proud chap. (翻译:但坦诚却是他们共同的基石 {3cH202020}But they are all based on honesty.)

4. And there was a second chap, and the second chap says, “What’s the name of his other leg?” (翻译:笑话还没有讲完 另一个家伙问 他的另一条腿叫什么名字)

5. I saw your chap on the television last night cuddling a rabbit. (翻译:对了 昨天你那位上电视了 I saw your chap on the television last night 抱了个小兔子 cuddling a rabbit.)

6. Isn’t that sickening when that happens to a chap? (翻译:那生病是不 当那发生在一个小伙子上的时候?)

7. And so I went back to London, and I went and saw this chap, Jude Law. (翻译:所以我回到了伦敦, 去找这个小伙子,裘德洛 )

8. A single chap and a single girl lodging together. (翻译:一个单身汉子和一个单身姑娘住在一起 A single chap and a single girl lodging together.)

9. So God bless you, dear old Pip, old chap. (翻译:old chap. God bless you!)

10. Mike is a nosey chap, he always wants to be in on everything. (翻译:麦克是一个爱管闲事的家伙,他老是想知道每一件事情。)

11. This little chap here, he stood there for five minutes, motionless. (翻译:这个小伙子,他就这样站在五分钟,一动不动的 )

12. But the one I like, the really cute one, is the “quick, dependable chap”. (翻译:喜欢的那个 真的很可爱的 是快速 可靠的一面)

13. He isn’t such a bad chap really. (翻译:他这个家伙并不真的这么坏。)

14. I mean, I talked the chap out of it, but then this demented socialite… (翻译:我把那个家伙说服了 但然后那个名流…)

15. I think this chap Nabokov is a genius. I love that book. (翻译:我觉得这个家伙,纳博科夫,真是个天才,我很喜欢这本书)

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