ciel是什么意思 ciel的翻译、中文解释

ciel是什么意思 ciel的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词性分析:


2. 发音与拼写:


3. 词释:


4. 用法举例:

① In the morning, the sky is often blue, but sometimes it can be dark and cloudy. (早晨时,天空常常是蓝色的,但有时可能会是阴沉的。)

② She stared up at the celestial sky filled with ling stars. (她仰望着满是闪烁星星的天空。)

③ He was walking in the park, lost in thought, when he suddenly looked up and saw the vast expanse of the sky above him. (他正在公园里走着,陷入了沉思,当他突然抬头看到他上方的广阔天空。)

④ The sky was a beautiful shade of pink as the sun began to set. (太阳开始落山时,天空呈现出美丽的粉色。)

⑤ The young couple lay on the gr looking up at the sky, dreaming of their future together. (年轻的情侣躺在草地上,仰望着天空,憧憬着他们一起的未来。)

5. 常见搭配:

① blue sky:蓝天

② clear sky:晴空

③ cloudy sky:阴天

④ night sky:夜空

⑤ open sky:开阔的天空

词性:名词, masculin




1. Le ciel est bleu aujourd’hui.


2. Les oiseaux volent dans le ciel.


3. Elle est partie au ciel.




例句:# Le ciel parait toujours plus bleu (∮ Le ciel parait toujours plus bleu ∮)


例句:Cows are falling from the sky now! (天上会掉牛了现在 Les vaches tombent du ciel, maintenant?)


例句:The Company regrets Climate the asymmetry of arcs -en-ciel these last 2 days. (气象公司就这两天内 彩虹的不对称性向各位致歉 另一方面)


例句:Sous le Ciel de Paris was the second of director Julien Duvivier’s 1950 French films. (翻译:“在巴黎晴空下”是朱利恩·杜维威尔于xx年导演的第二部法国电影。)

1. The Company regrets Climate the asymmetry of arcs -en-ciel these last 2 days. (翻译:气象公司就这两天内 彩虹的不对称性向各位致歉 另一方面)

2. Sous le Ciel de Paris was the second of director Julien Duvivier’s 1950 French films. (翻译:“在巴黎晴空下”是朱利恩·杜维威尔于xx年导演的第二部法国电影。)

3. But he accompanies with Ciel , swears to be his sword, his shield till the end of his life. (翻译:对于人类,他毫无同情心,无情,冷酷。但他陪伴着夏尔,发誓成为他的剑和盾,直到生命的终结。)

4. But he accompanies with Ciel, swears to be his sword, his shield till the end of his life. (翻译:但他陪伴着夏尔,发誓成为他的剑和盾,直到生命的终结。)

5. # Devant toi surgit un arc-en-ciel (翻译:∮ Devant toi surgit un arc -en -ciel ∮)

6. If you can’t milk a cow, ask the sky. (翻译:如果你不知道怎么挤奶 问天呗 Si tu sais pas comment traire une vache, interroge le ciel.)

7. CIEL nevertheless acknowledged the support of many Member States (翻译:然而,该中心承认,许多成员国支持公共利益民间社会)

8. Lucielia Louis Turner, also known as Ciel, is the granddaughter of Ms. Eva. (翻译:Lucielia特纳,也被称为天空,是女士的孙女伊娃。)

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