cauti是什么意思 cauti的翻译、中文解释

cauti是什么意思 cauti的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释





– exercise caution: 谨慎行事

– error of caution: 谨慎的错误

– caution money: 保证金

– with caution: 谨慎地


– throw caution to the wind:不顾一切地去做

– err on the side of caution:小心保守,采取安全措施

发音拼写: /ˈkɔːʃən/


1. Exercise caution when dealing with strangers. (与陌生人打交道要小心谨慎。)

2. A cautionary tale about the dangers of excessive drinking. (一则关于过度饮酒危险的警示故事。)

3. The driver was cautioned for speeding. (司机因超速被警告。)

4. The teacher cautioned the students to study hard for the upcoming exam. (老师告诫学生为即将到来的考试努力学习。)

5. He threw caution to the wind and invested all his savings in the stock market. (他不顾一切地把所有的积蓄都投入了股市。)

6. The government issued a caution against all non-essential travel. (发出警告,要求避免不必要的旅行。)

7. It’s always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to safety. (在安全问题上,小心保守总是更好的选择。)



1. Nurses are encouraged to use proper catheterization techniques to prevent cauti.


2. The hospital has implemented strict protocols to reduce the occurrence of cauti.




例句:CA: So you just wake up and read them on the internet. (CA:于是你早晨起床上网 才看到这些决策。)


例句:CA: And so, and that windmill, what — it worked? (CA:那么,啊什么?这是一个风车–能工作? )


例句:Results: Lung injury alleviated after using the UTI intervention, significant survival rate change did not ap pearled. (结果:在使用UTI干预后大鼠肺组织损伤有所减轻,生存率尚无明显变化。)


例句:CA: Thanks so much. That was really fascinating. (翻译:CA:蒂姆,非常感谢。非常棒的演讲。)

cauti一般作为名词使用,如在Cauti(人名 意 考蒂)等常见短语中出现较多。

Cauti 人名 意 考蒂

1. Results: Lung injury alleviated after using the UTI intervention, significant survival rate change did not ap pearled. (翻译:结果:在使用UTI干预后大鼠肺组织损伤有所减轻,生存率尚无明显变化。)

2. CA: Thanks so much. That was really fascinating. (翻译:CA:蒂姆,非常感谢。非常棒的演讲。)

3. Then it must distinguish colic from other causes of excessive crying, including fever, UTI, ear infection, and maltreatment. (翻译:同时,应将疝痛与因其他原因引起的过度哭闹相区别,包括发烧、泌尿道感染、耳朵感染及受到等。)

4. Keep talking, Mr Crane. All I hear is ca-ching, ca-ching, ca-ching. (翻译:别停 Crane先生 我只听到 钱叮咚 叮咚的掉进口袋)

5. ST: Yeah, absolutely, please. CA: This is cool. (翻译:ST:当然可以,请便。CA:这个很酷。)

6. CA: But you allow employees to set their own vacation time, and … (翻译:CA:你还允许员工自己 安排休假时间,还有… )

7. CA: And releasing this caused widespread outrage. (翻译:CA:这段视频的公布 引起了广泛的愤慨 )

8. Thank you. Merci, ca va, ca va. (翻译:留言Merci,CA VA,CA VA。)

9. Musical representations of CA evolutions (翻译:CA 进化的音乐表示 )

10. A urine test can quickly confirm a UTI. (翻译:进行一下尿检,很快就可以确认是否患了尿路感染。)

11. Enter Name for the crypto key, ws-verify-soap-ca. (翻译:输入加密密钥的名称WS – Verify – Soap – ca。)

12. CA: So let’s talk about that, let’s talk about the response. (翻译:CA:那我们来谈谈面对这些危机的反应。)

13. Upper UTI or acute pyelonephritis often presents with fever, chills, flank pain, and varying degrees of dysuria, urgency, and frequency. (翻译:上尿路感染或急性肾盂肾炎经常出现发热、寒颤、腰部疼痛和不同程度尿痛、尿急和尿频。)

14. Objective: To study the clinical significance of the combined detection of CA153, CA125 and TSGF. (翻译:前言:目的:探讨CA125、CA153、T SGF三者联合检测在乳腺癌中的临床意义。)

15. CA: The size of that tribe can shrink or expand. (翻译:CA:部落的大小可以缩小 也可以增大。)

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