adrift是什么意思 adrift的翻译、中文解释

adrift是什么意思 adrift的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. 词性及释义:’adrift’是一个形容词,意为“漂泊的,漂浮的,漫无目的的”。通常指无目的地漂浮或流浪,如船只漂泊在海上,人处于失去方向的状态。

2. 词源:’adrift’源自于拉丁语的’ad’, 意为“到,向”,和Old Norse 语的’drift’,意为“推动,运动”。在14世纪时,这个词首次出现在英语文献中。

3. 用法:’adrift’通常作为定语,放在名词前面修饰名词,也可以用来形容人的状态。’adrift’还有一种含义是指失控并飘浮的状态。

4. 同义词:drifting, floating, aimless, wandering, disoriented

5. 例句:

– The boat was adrift in the ocean with no land in sight.


– After her divorce, she felt adrift and lost, unsure of her next steps.


– The balloon floated adrift in the sky, carried away by the wind.


– The rowboat became adrift after the anchor broke loose.


– Without a clear purpose or goal, he felt adrift in his career.





1. The sailor was adrift in the open sea for three days before being rescued.(这位水手在开阔的海面上漂泊了三天才被救援。)

2. She felt adrift after leaving her job and didn’t know what to do next.(离开工作后,她感到很迷失,不知道下一步该怎么办。)

3. The boat was set adrift by the strong winds and currents.(强风和潮流使船漂浮了起来。)

adrift在中文中有”漂流着 、松动的”的意思,其中文解释还有”失灵的”的意思,发音是[ә’drift],adrift来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到52个与adrift相关的例句。


例句:Two Aussies are adrift in a lifeboat. (两个澳大利亚人乘一艘救生船漂流在海上。)


例句:Our plans had gone badly adrift. (我们的计划已严重受挫。)


例句:The great quintus arrius adrift with a slave (Quintus Arius和一个奴隶一起)


例句:The human race is going to be… adrift… desperate for a rock it can cling to while it catches its breath. (翻译:人类将会… The human race is going to be… 居无定所…)

adrift一般作为形容词使用,如在to be adrift(漂流)、get adrift(v. 随波逐流,脱节)、go adrift(随波逐流, 脱节)等常见短语中出现较多。

to be adrift 漂流 get adrift v. 随波逐流,脱节 go adrift 随波逐流, 脱节 run adrift (船等)随波逐流;脱节;离题 set adrift 使随风漂流 to break adrift [网络] 锁锚 to set adrift [+boat,crew] 使漂流 turn adrift 逐出(某人);使漂泊无依;免职,辞退 uncontrollably adrift un. 失控漂流

1. The great quintus arrius adrift with a slave (翻译:Quintus Arius和一个奴隶一起)

2. The human race is going to be… adrift… desperate for a rock it can cling to while it catches its breath. (翻译:人类将会… The human race is going to be… 居无定所…)

3. The images that more readily come to mind are things like retreating glaciers and polar bears adrift on icebergs. (翻译:我们心头浮现的画面更多的是 冰川消融,漂浮在冰山上的北极熊。)

4. I have often been adrift but I have always stayed afloat. (翻译:我的船儿时常都在漂泊, 但是总能保持着不至沉没。)

5. But instead of ever feeling fulfilled, I felt anxious and adrift. (翻译:可我非但没有感到充实, 反而感到焦虑迷茫。)

6. My ship was found adrift. I alone was revived. (翻译:韦慰 蟽魏维蚃慰蟼 渭慰? 尾蚁苇胃畏魏蔚 谓伪 蟺蔚蚁喂蚃苇蚁蔚蟿伪喂 魏喂 蔚纬蠋 伪谓伪尾委蝇蟽伪.)

7. As she struggled to find a way out of her gift, she had no way of knowing something worse was adrift. (翻译:在她努力寻找脱离咒语的方式的时候 她还没有察觉到 临近的某些更糟? 的东西)

8. All right, turn her adrift. (翻译:All right, turn her adrift. 好了,让它漂流)

9. Now, if you want to understand what happened then when the continents broke apart, and dinosaurs found — landlubbers, as they are — found themselves adrift. There’s some missing puzzle pieces. (翻译:如果你想知道远古后 发生了什么, 为什么恐龙被发现时是 四分五裂的,我们还需要其他一些关键证据。)

10. Adrift, my darkest imaginings welled up unchecked… spilling from brain to heart like black ink… impossible to remove. (翻译:漂流中,我最黑暗的想象 在我脑海中自由地涌现 如同黑墨水般从脑中溢向心中 无法抹除)

11. Now, if you want to understand what happened then when the continents broke apart, and dinosaurs found — landlubbers, as they are — found themselves adrift. There’s some missing puzzle pieces. (翻译:如果你想知道远古后 发生了什么, 为什么恐龙被发现时是 四分五裂的,我们还需要其他一些关键证据。)

12. They found her abandoned boat two months later adrift near France. (翻译:两个月后,他们在靠近法国 的海面找到了被遗弃的船。)

13. I may live with my parents and get drunk off half a beer and yeah, I admit to being slightly adrift as far in my life but I’m not a complete idiot… (翻译:我可能是跟父母住在一起 而且半杯啤酒就醉 而且我承认我现在的生活没有稳定下来 不是一个十足的傻瓜…)

14. Negative, Flight. It’s not adrift. They adjusted course. (翻译:不行,飞控,他们不是在漂移,他们调整了航线)

15. In this storm, the ship is about to break loose from her moorings and be set adrift. (翻译:在这场风暴中,船马上就要脱离开它的停泊处而随波逐流了。)

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