aggi是什么意思 aggi的翻译、中文解释

aggi是什么意思 aggi的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词义:’aggi’ 在意大利语中是aggettivo的缩写形式,意为形容词。

2. 词性:’aggi’ 是意大利语中的名词,是aggettivo 的缩写。

3. 词组搭配:没有特殊的词组搭配。

4. 短语:没有特殊的短语。

5. 发音拼写:’aggi’ 的发音为 [ˈaddʒi]。


1. Questo cibo è delizioso e ha un aroma piacevole.(这道菜很好吃,有一种令人愉悦的香味。)

2. La ragazza è molto intelligente e preparata per l’esame.(这个女孩非常聪明,准备充分参加考试。)

3. Questa casa è grande e luminosa.(这个房子又大又明亮。)

4. I vestiti sono morbidi e comodi da indossare.(这些衣服柔软舒适,穿着舒适。)

5. Il cane è simpatico e affettuoso con i bambini.(这只狗对孩子们友好热情。)


读音:ài jī


1. Aggi 是我朋友的名字,她非常活泼开朗。

2. 我们要前往阿加迪尔(Agadir),听说那里的海滩非常美丽。



例句:I feel that i owe you the utmost clarity (-I… I feel that I owe you the utmost clarity)


例句:If I rearrange that and I push that to (If I rearrange that and I push that to)

aggi一般作为名词使用,如在Aggi(阿吉 尼日利亚地名)等常见短语中出现较多。

Aggi 阿吉 尼日利亚地名

1. GG: Every time this light goes off, that means that they think they’re tasting something sweet. (翻译:GG:每当这个灯亮起来, 它们会认为自己在吃甜的东西。)

2. ♪ When I rock, when I rock, when I rock, when I rock ♪ (翻译:When I rock, when I rock, when I rock, when I rock ? ?)

3. GG had held her up to the light and laughed as she exclaimed, “this is the perfect blouse; I’ll never part with it. ” (翻译:曾祖母把她拿到光亮处,边笑边兴奋地喊道:“这件衬衫真是太完美了,我要把她一直穿在身上!”)

4. I said I-I would not do it. (翻译:I said I -I would not do it.)

5. Objective: To investigate the effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG tablets on diarrhea due to intestinal flora imbalance. (翻译:目的:考察微生态制剂鼠李糖乳杆菌片对肠道菌群失调性腹泻的治疗作用。)

6. GG: I’m optimistic. It will be a long, hard haul, but I’m optimistic. (翻译:加贝:我是乐观的。这过程可能漫长而困难 但是我是乐观的 )

7. Okay, I-I think I understand… just fine. (翻译:I -I think I understand… just fine.)

8. GG: I need you to stick out your arm for science, roll up your sleeve a bit, So what I’m going to do, I’m putting electrodes on your arm, and you’re probably wondering, I just said I’m going to record from your brain, what am I doing with your arm? (翻译:GG:我需要你为了科学伸出胳膊, 稍微卷起你的袖子, 我接下来要做的, 是在你的胳膊上贴几个电极, 你可能在想, 我刚说我要记录你的大脑, 这跟胳膊有什么关系? )

9. Oh, Benny-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo. (翻译:kevin8765,timothy cool,阿信gg)

10. Totally tanked porting the thin-client apps for the JDK build. (翻译:JDK建置接精简型APP整个GG Totally tanked porting the thin -client apps for the JDK build.)

11. GG: So we saw that we were able to rescue broccoli and make it just as appealing as banana to our fruit flies. (翻译:GG:我们看到,对于果蝇, 我们可以让西兰花 变得和香蕉一样。)

12. I did everything I could, I swear to God! (翻译:I… I did everything I could, I swear to God!)

13. The Shakespearean sonnet consists of three quatrains (four-line stanzas), rhyming abab cdcd efef, and a couplet (a two-line stanza), rhyming gg. (翻译:莎式十四行诗由三组四行诗节和一个对句组成,韵牌分别为 abab cdcd efef 和gg。)

14. I got the clock I got the time I got the rhyme (翻译:I got the clock I got the time I got the rhyme)

15. I do what I know, I tinker. (翻译:I do what I know, I tinker.)

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