bescheren是什么意思 bescheren的翻译、中文解释

bescheren是什么意思 bescheren的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


bescheren 的中文翻译是“赐予”,读音为 [bəˈʃɛ:rən]。


1. Das wird dir viel Glück bescheren.(这会给你带来很多好运。)

2. Seine Großzügigkeit bescheren ihm viele Freunde.(他的慷慨赐予使他有很多朋友。)

3. Die Gaben der Natur bescheren uns eine reiche Ernte.(大自然的恩赐给我们带来了丰富的收获。)

4. Das Fest bescheren uns ein paar Tage Ruhe.(这个节日赐予我们几天的宁静。)



例句:good guy, and as we all can see, you know, he works hard. (你我都知道,Ren是一个不错的人 大家都看到了, 他工作也很努力)

1. Liu Ke and Ren Weizhi(Liaoning Provincial Institute for Food and Drug Control; Shenyang 110023); (翻译:辽宁省食品药品检验所; )

2. I have a patient referred by you, her name is Ren Xiaoyan. (翻译:有一个病例是从你那儿过来的 名字叫做任小妍)

3. Her name is Wu Ren Ren, but eνeryοne calls her Little Sister Maο. (翻译:她的名字叫吴仁仁 大家都叫她的小名,毛妹)

4. The thesis introduces Ren BoNian s flower and bird paintings and stresses their characteristics. (翻译:本文介绍了任伯年的花鸟画,强调了其花鸟画的特点。)

5. The contemporary poet Ren Hongyuan’s poetry is the typical example of poetic creation of the Chinese academism. (翻译:当代诗人任洪渊的诗歌是中国学院派创作的一个典型。)

6. Ren took Gerin to the bog moon of Bogden. (翻译:伦把婕琳带到博格登的沼泽卫星。)

7. In Building Shanghai, Edward Denison and Guang Yu Ren tell the history of the city through its architecture. (翻译:在《建筑上海》中,爱德华•丹尼森和GuangYuRen通过建筑讲述了这个城市的历史。)

8. Earn this bit of Dai Yan to expend, with Liu Ren famous degree have a place really unworthily . (翻译:挣这点代言费,和刘韧的知名度实在有点不相称。)

9. E consists of three members: Selina Ren, Hebe Tien, and Ella Chen. (翻译:由三位成员组成: 任家萱、 田馥甄和陈嘉桦。)

10. When the final sword was sheathed it was O-Ren Ishii and her powerful posse… (翻译:最后一把武士刀入鞘 就表示御莲大姐大 和她所率领领的疯狂88帮派)

11. Leave the base at once and come to me with Kylo Ren. (翻译:马上离开基地 跟凯洛·伦到我这来 Leave the base at once and come to me with Kylo Ren.)

12. The petroglyphs in “the Table Mountain” were created in the New Stone Age by the Hetao Ren and their descendants. (翻译:桌子山岩画可能形成于新石器时代,作者是河套人及其后裔。)

13. The resulting explosions crippled the Demolisher, and foiled Ren’s plans. (翻译:随之而来的爆炸重创了“者号”,挫败了伦的计划。)

14. The German project architect, working on site, is Ole Scheeren. (翻译:在现场工作的这位德国工程建筑师是Ole Sche。)

15. For example, ninny is still an important role and theatric story-factor in Er Ren Zhuan Opera. (翻译:例如在现在的东北二人转中,就仍然是一个重要的角色人物和戏剧故事要素。)

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