divulged是什么意思 divulged的翻译、中文解释

divulged是什么意思 divulged的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词性和词义:divulged是一个动词,意思是泄露(秘密)或公开(信息),通常指某个人主动或无意中透露了不应该被公开的信息。

2. 用法和搭配:divulged常用于动词+宾语的结构中,表示某人泄露了某个秘密或信息。常见的搭配还包括divulge something to somebody(向某人透露某个信息)和divulge that(透露某个事实)。

3. 同义词和反义词:同义词包括disclose、reveal、unveil、expose等,反义词则为conceal或withhold。

4. 常见误用:由于divulged的含义比较特殊,容易被误用。例如,有人误以为divulge是“揭露”的意思,或将它和devote搞混,导致出现“devulge”的错误拼写。


1. He had divulged information about the company’s financial status to a compe. (他向竞争对手泄露了公司的财务状况。)

2. The journalist refused to divulge the identity of her source. (记者拒绝透露她的消息来源。)

3. The government was accused of trying to conceal the true extent of the damage caused by the disaster, rather than divulging it to the public. (被指控试图隐瞒灾难造成的真正损失,而不是向公众披露。)

4. The celebrity couple finally divulged the name of their new baby on social media. (这对名人夫妇最终在社交媒体上透露了他们新生儿的名字。)

5. The spy was afraid of being captured and divulging state secrets under torture. (间谍害怕在受到拷问时供。)




1. He refused to divulge the source of his information. (他拒绝透露他的信息来源。)

2. The company’s financial details were divulged to the public. (公司的财务细节被公开透露了。)

3. I promise not to divulge your secret to anyone. (我保证不会将你的秘密透露给任何人。)



例句:He has divulged what he has divulged, no doubt Abel has, also. (他该交代的他都交代的差不多了 He has divulged what he will divulge, 想必阿贝尔也一样 as no doubt Abel has also.)


例句:For their part, Israeli officials say there has been progress but the talks are secret and little can be divulged. (以色列官员说,他们认为已经取得了一些进展,但是谈判是秘密进行的,因此不能向外透露什么信息。)


例句:The race of the applicant is not divulged to the panel. (申请者来自哪一民族,这一点事先并不透露给评审委员会。)

1. The race of the applicant is not divulged to the panel. (翻译:申请者来自哪一民族,这一点事先并不透露给评审委员会。)

2. It never divulged the existence of this second one. (翻译:它从来没有披露过这第二个浓缩工厂的存在。)

3. News men divulged that the two countries had met together secretly several times before they arrived at the peaceful agreement. (翻译:者透露,这两个国家在达成和平协议前已经秘密接触多次。)

4. After his wife abandoned him, my client divulged his extreme feelings to your department shrink. (翻译:在他的妻子抛弃了他, 我的客户端泄露 他的极端情绪 你的部门收缩。)

5. The Nalle triplets reported back to the mayor any useful information their guests may have foolishly divulged. (翻译:诺尔三人组会把客人傻乎乎泄露的任何有用情报都反馈给阿克罗斯-克里克。)

6. Even if the information were to be divulged that the gold is still to be won, even if another crew could discern its specific location, even if they could refit rapidly enough to get out there ahead of you, (翻译:即使信息泄露了 谁能夺得金币仍凭各家本领 即使其他船队能辨别其具置)

7. McDull hesitantly divulged his reason… for not eating the chicken (翻译:最后 还是麦兜吞吞吐吐地 跟妈妈说了他不吃鸡的原因)

8. Other frugal folks divulged tips that might not quite cover the cost of a jet, even a toy one, but made some sense. (翻译:其他节俭的人所透露的技巧可能不足以支付一架飞机,甚至连玩具飞机也不够,但也有一些意义。)

9. You had to stop Tsuge from carrying out his plans… but it would be for nothing if Tsuge divulged the scope of your organization. (翻译:虽然必须阻止柘植的计划 但是如果他说出组识的全貌 那么你就前功尽弃了)

10. Recently-divulged information has led to a renewed interest in this subject, a well-known rogue physician. (翻译:根据近来各方透露的情报指出了该名个体,一个相当有名的流浪医生。)

11. In the Dark Ages knowledge of female anatomy was divulged through autopsy and execution. (翻译:在那个黑暗的时期 女性的构造 通过尸检被展现)

12. Certain CIA operations have been divulged in the United States Senate. (翻译:从美国参议院已经泄露出中央情报局已经参与了 Certain CIA operations have been divulged in the United States Senate.)

13. During the resulting 90-minute conversation, Sculley divulged Jobs’s first principles. (翻译:在近90分钟的谈话里,斯卡利透露了乔布斯的“基本原则”。)

14. Despite the fact that he divulged on the page that the cause was fake, 27, 000 people signed up to protest the move. (翻译:由于信息与事实相反,所以他在页面上建立的这个cause其实是假的,但还是有27000人签名抵制搬迁。)


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