farmed是什么意思 farmed的翻译、中文解释

farmed是什么意思 farmed的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. 用法:’farmed’常常用于被动语态,表示农田或土地被耕种、种植或养殖等。也可以被用作及物动词,意为“种植,耕种”。

2. 同义词:’farmed’的同义词包括’cultivated’、’planted’等。

3. 反义词:’farmed’的反义词是’wild’,表示没有经过人工种植或开垦的自然状态。


1. The land was farmed for generations by the same family.(这片土地被同一个家族耕种了好几代人。)

2. The vegetables are all farmed organically without the use of any chemicals.(蔬菜全部是有机种植,不使用任何化学药品。)

3. The fields will be farmed year after year to maintain the fertility of the soil.(这些田地将会年复xx年地种植,以保持土壤肥力。)

4. The land had never been farmed before and was covered with tall gres and wildflowers.(这片土地以前从未开垦过,长满了高草和野花。)

5. The company’s goal is to create sustainable farmed seafood that is healthy and environmentally friendly.(这家公司的目标是创造健康、环保的可持续养殖海鲜。)





1. The family farmed the land for generations. (这个家族代代种植这片土地。)

2. The fish are farmed in large tanks. (这些鱼是在大型水槽里养殖的。)

3. The soil needs to be farmed carefully to get the best results. (需要仔细耕种土壤才能得到最好的结果。)



例句:I was a little girl growing up in California, where my family has lived and farmed for a century. (我是一个在加利福尼亚 长大的小女孩。我的家族在那里居住并 耕种了近一个世纪。)


例句:And they lived on this land that’s all overgrown, like you couldn’t even tell what they farmed, so overgrown. (他们生活在这片土地上 这一切杂草丛生, 像你甚至不能告诉什么 他们养殖的,所以杂草丛生。)


例句:She may have farmed the child out in order to remarry. (她为了再婚可能已经把孩子寄养出去了。)


例句:About 10% of the seafood caught globally is used to feed animals, including carnivorous farmed fish. (翻译:世界上水产捕捞的 10% 是用来饲养动物的, 包括养殖的肉食鱼。)

farmed一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在farmed out(n. 转交;移交
un. 移交;分包出任务)、farmed salmon([网络] 养殖鲑鱼;三文鱼;土养鲑鱼)等常见短语中出现较多。

farmed out n. 转交;移交
un. 移交;分包出任务 farmed salmon [网络] 养殖鲑鱼;三文鱼;土养鲑鱼

1. She may have farmed the child out in order to remarry. (翻译:她为了再婚可能已经把孩子寄养出去了。)

2. About 10% of the seafood caught globally is used to feed animals, including carnivorous farmed fish. (翻译:世界上水产捕捞的 10% 是用来饲养动物的, 包括养殖的肉食鱼。)

3. The family has farmed in Kent for over two hundred years. (翻译:这个家族在肯特务农两百多年了。)

4. Transgenic soybeans for cows, pigs, factory-farmed chickens and fish. (翻译:转基因大豆用于牛,猪, 工厂化养殖的鸡和鱼。)

5. Lenape men were expert hunters and fishermen, while Lenape women farmed. (翻译:Lenape部落的男人是打猎和捕鱼的能手,而该部落的女人主要从事耕作。)

6. The couple’s three cats have been farmed out to friends and neighbors, but Strong’s dog, Pepper, is still with her. (翻译:这对伴侣的三只宠物猫已经送给了朋友和邻居。但是沙琳的那只名叫Peper的宠物狗仍然陪伴着她。)

7. When they farmed this place, they didn’t know about soil conservation or crop rotation. (翻译:他们把这地方辟为农场时不懂 土壤保持或轮作)

8. Discussion on minimum Price Preservation Capital Returned Period and Pure Benefit on Farmed Excellent Wapiti of Tianshan (翻译:圈养优良天山马鹿的保底价回本期和创净利的探讨)

9. So that if you add wild fish and farmed fish together, you get the equivalent of two Chinas created from the ocean each and every year. (翻译:所以如果把捕捞和养殖的鱼类加在一起, 每年海洋里产出全体中国人总重量的两倍。)

10. Shafaq’s father farmed in their village Haft Gody in Waras a district in southern Bamian and ran a restaurant in the district center. (翻译:他的父亲在巴米扬南部的瓦拉斯地区一个叫哈夫戈蒂的村庄种植庄稼,并且在那个区的中心地段开了一家餐馆。)

11. That way, once you’ve got a zone farmed out, you can actually go back to it for longer to get some PvP gear out of it. (翻译:那个方式,一旦您有出租的区域,您可以实际上回到它长期的能使一些PvP齿轮脱离它。)

12. In the olden days you were born into it, all decisions made, and you farmed until you died, or cleaned the royal toilets. (翻译:如果你生于古代,命运就已被决定,你会种田或打扫皇室厕所直至老死。)

13. He farmed 200 acres of prime arable land. (翻译:他耕种了200英亩良田。)

14. Unfortunately, what is farmed ends up as what we eat. (翻译:不幸的是,田里种了什么决定了我们吃什么。)

15. Pacheco has yet to make the breakthrough at Anfield and could be farmed out for a season of SPL action. (翻译:目前帕切科仍未在利物浦迎来突破,下赛季租至苏超或许是个不错的锻炼机会。)


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