crisi是什么意思 crisi的翻译、中文解释

crisi是什么意思 crisi的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. 含义和解释:


2. 用法和搭配:


– 名词:经济危机、健康危机、身份危机、领导危机、感染高峰、饥荒危机等。

– 形容词:危机意识强的、危机感重的、危机公关等。

– 缩写词:CRISPR(一种基因编辑技术)、C.R.I.S.I.S.(为“Critical Incident Stress Information System”的缩写,指紧急事件压力信息系统)、CRI(中国国际广播电台)等。

3. 相关短语和表达:


– 处于危机之中:in crisis

– 突发危机:crisis outbreak

– 应对危机:handle a crisis

– 危机集中期:crisis point

– 知道如何处理危机:know how to manage a crisis

4. 例句:

– The COVID-19 crisis has caused great damage to the global economy.(新冠疫情导致全球经济受到了巨大的损失。)

– The company is currently facing a leadership crisis.(该公司目前正面临着领导层危机。)

– We need to develop a crisis management plan to deal with any unexpected emergencies.(我们需要制定危机管理计划,以应对任何意外紧急情况。)

– The country is experiencing an energy crisis due to the lack of renewable resources.(由于可再生资源的缺乏,这个国家正在经历一场能源危机。)

– The CRISPR technology has the potential to cure genetic disorders.(CRISPR技术有可能治愈基因疾病。)

– The company is in a financial crisis and is facing bankruptcy.(该公司陷入了财务危机,面临破产。)

– The government has been criticized for its handling of the refugee crisis.(因处理难民危机的方式而受到批评。)

– The world is currently experiencing a climate crisis due to global warming.(由于全球变暖,世界目前正在经历气候危机。)

– The international community is coming together to address the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.(国际社会正在共同努力解决也门的人道主义危机。)

– The C.R.I.S.I.S. system helps emergency responders handle high-stress situations.(C.R.I.S.I.S.系统帮助应急响应人员处理高压力情况。)




1. La crisi economica sta causando molti problemi alle famiglie.


2. La crisi sanitaria ha reso evidente l’importanza della prevenzione.


3. La crisi politica ha portato alla caduta del governo.


4. La crisi ambientale richiede una risposta urgente da parte di tutti.




例句:Well, I-I mean, I-I am — really? (I -I am … – Really?)


例句:♪ I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know ♪ (♪ I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know ♪)


例句:I have my skills, Cris has his. (我有我的技能,克里斯有他。)


例句:I feel that i owe you the utmost clarity (翻译:-I… I feel that I owe you the utmost clarity)

1. I have my skills, Cris has his. (翻译:我有我的技能,克里斯有他。)

2. I feel that i owe you the utmost clarity (翻译:-I… I feel that I owe you the utmost clarity)

3. I did everything I could, I swear to God! (翻译:I… I did everything I could, I swear to God!)

4. I have a speech that I wanna make to you, but I was afraid that I was gonna forget it. (翻译:I have a speech that I wanna make to you, but I was afraid that I was gonna forget it.)

5. – Cris left me, man. – I can’t stay in the hill. (翻译:Cris留下我了,兄弟 我不能待在山上了)

6. I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna (翻译:I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna)

7. d i kissed a girl And i liked it d d ooh, yeah, i liked it d [ cheers and applause ] (翻译:I liked it♪ I liked it♪)

8. She says “I loved Cris , still love him, he’s one of the best people. ” (翻译:洛佩兹说,风趣幽默的贾德深深吸引她:“克里斯好棒,至今我依然爱着他。”)

9. But he was questioned by federal agents looking for Cris Johnson, yes? (翻译:他被一个联邦特工问询 特工在找克里斯·约翰逊,是吗?)

10. A book by Connie Cox and Cris Evatt, it takes various ways to simplify your life, including decluttering, and puts them into a 30-day program. (翻译:30天过上简单的生活。这本书是由Connie Cox和Cris Evatt所著的,这里有很多简化你生活的方法,包括清除,并把它放到一个30天的计划中。)

11. I believe, I believe I believe, I believe (翻译:I believe, I believe I believe, I believe)

12. ♪ When I rock, when I rock, when I rock, when I rock ♪ (翻译:When I rock, when I rock, when I rock, when I rock ? ?)

13. If I had one wish, I wish I could be (翻译:∮ If I had one wish, I wish I could be)

14. I wanna, I wanna I wanna, I wanna (翻译:I wanna, I wanna I wanna, I wanna)

15. ¶ ooh, yeah, ooh i love you (翻译:Stay* *I want I want I want you to?)

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