conifer 一词意为“针叶树”,是一个名词,通常用于描述落叶阔叶树木以外的某些树木。这些树木通常是常绿的,有针状叶子和球果。
常用场景:conifer 这个词通常用于林业以及植物学领域。在林业中,它用于描述大多数常绿针叶树,如松树、云杉、柏木等。在植物学中,它用于描述裸子植物中的某些类别。
词组搭配:conifer 通常出现的词组包括 coniferous forest(针叶林)、coniferous tree(针叶树)和 coniferous plant(针叶植物)等。
相关短语:在描述 conifer 时,我们可能会用到一些相关的短语,例如 evergreen(常青)、needle-like leaves(针状叶子)和 cone-bearing trees(球果树)等。
发音拼写:conifer 这个词的发音为 [‘kɒnɪfə],其中“o”发音为短音,即“ɒ”音。
1. Conifers are one of the main types of trees in many forests.(针叶树是许多森林中主要的树种之一。)
2. The pine tree is a common conifer found in many parts of the world.(松树是世界各地许多地方都能找到的一种常见的针叶树。)
3. The conifer forest in the mountains offers a haven for many wildlife species.(山区的针叶林为许多野生动物提供了庇护所。)
例句:To enriching variety of conifer in Korqin sandy land, “009” project introduce exotic conifers for nursery and plantation. (为丰富科尔沁沙地针叶树种的多样性,“009”项目引种外来针叶树种在科尔沁沙地进行育苗造林。)
例句:The conifer sawflies are economically important defoliators in the forest in Yunnan Province. (松叶蜂是云南省森林的重要害虫。)
例句:In corridors cut through the forest, spread with yellow conifer needles, the paths are moist and resilient. (林间的步道垫上了一层的松针,松软潮湿而又富有弹性。)
例句:Conifer tree style such as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, arborvitae, etc. (翻译:针叶类树包括松树、杉树、云杉、红木、柏树,等等。)
conifer一般作为名词使用,如在northern conifer forest(北针叶林带)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. In corridors cut through the forest, spread with yellow conifer needles, the paths are moist and resilient. (翻译:林间的步道垫上了一层的松针,松软潮湿而又富有弹性。)
2. Conifer tree style such as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, arborvitae, etc. (翻译:针叶类树包括松树、杉树、云杉、红木、柏树,等等。)
3. It claims the world’s only parasitic conifer and nearly two-thirds off the world’s species of Araucaria trees, all of which are endemic. (翻译:它宣称是世界的唯一地方性的寄生针叶树和世界三分之二地方性的南洋杉树的种类。)
4. The results indicated that the average water consumption rate of broadleaf trees was more than conifer trees. (翻译:结果表明,针叶树种耗水速率低于阔叶树种。)
5. The spring blooms of the deciduous woodlands have no equivalent in either the great conifer forests, or the tropical jungles. (翻译:- -使落叶林与针叶林和雨林没有任何相似性)
6. Jona Desselberger and family, from Cambridgeshire, purchased a 60-acre upland broadleaf and conifer woodland in West Wales out of a desire to get closer to nature. (翻译:来自剑桥郡的乔纳戴斯尔伯格及其家人购入了六十英亩的高地阔叶林和西威尔士的一片针叶林,就是为了与自然更亲近。)
7. And under conifer forest, the air-anion concentration and ability of air was higher than broadleaf forest. (翻译:而且针叶林下的空气负离子浓度和空气质量要好于阔叶林。)
8. What is a conifer? (翻译:什么是针叶树? )
9. Red squirrels cut conifer cones from trees and bury them in plant litter on the forest floor. (翻译:红松鼠会将针叶树上的果实割下来,然后埋在森林地面的落叶中。)
10. The conifer sawflies are important defoliators in Yunnan Province. (翻译:松叶蜂是云南省的重要食叶性害虫。)
11. At least the conifer’s seeds are edible but they’re protected within armor plated cones and it takes a specialist to reach them. (翻译:至少松果是可以食用的 但松果被层层装甲包围着 还是有破甲专家可以吃到)
12. Yangze Hotel and Huaan Conifer International Hotel in Shenzhen. (翻译:酒店以及深圳华安康年大酒店的市场销售总监职务。)
13. In corridors cut through the forest, spread with yellow conifer needles, the paths are moist and resilient. (翻译:林间的步道垫上了一层的松针,松软潮湿而又富有弹性。)
14. The utility model can be suitable for picking nut fruits and conifer ball fruits in the forest production. (翻译:本实用新型可广泛应用于林业生产中采摘坚果和针叶树球果。)
15. They are large evergreen conifer trees, ranging from 23m to 32m high. (翻译:它们是23米到32米高的大型的常绿针叶树。)