colombi是什么意思 colombi的翻译、中文解释

colombi是什么意思 colombi的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

‘colombi’ 在英语中并不是一个正确的单词,也没有明确的定义。可能是拼写错误或者词形变化。

以下是与 ‘colombi’ 相关的可能单词、短语、例句:

1. Colombia(哥伦比亚,名词)- a country in South America.

例句:I am planning a trip to Colombia next month.(我打算下个月去哥伦比亚旅游。)

2. Columbia(哥伦比亚,名词)- a river in western North America that flows through British Columbia and the state of Washington.

例句:Fishing for salmon in the Columbia River is a popular activity for tourists.(在哥伦比亚河钓鲑鱼是游客的热门活动。)

3. Columbian(哥伦比亚的,形容词)- relating to or from Colombia.

例句:They enjoyed a delicious Columbian meal at the restaurant.(他们在餐厅享用了美味的哥伦比亚菜。)

4. Columbia Pictures(哥伦比亚电影公司,名词)- an American film studio.

例句:The new Spider-Man movie is produced by Columbia Pictures.(新的蜘蛛侠电影是哥伦比亚电影公司出品的。)

5. Columbia Sportswear(哥伦比亚户外品牌,名词)- an American company that produces outdoor clothing.

例句:I always wear my Columbia Sportswear jacket when I go hiking.(我去徒步旅行时总是穿着哥伦比亚户外品牌的夹克。)

6. Columbus(哥伦布,名词)- Christopher Columbus, the Italian explorer.

例句:Columbus is known for discovering America in 1492.(哥伦布因在xx年发现美洲而闻名。)

7. Columbine(哥伦拜恩,名词)- a type of flower, or a high school in the United States where a shooting occurred in 1999.

例句:The colorful Columbines make a beautiful addition to any garden.(各种颜色的哥伦拜恩花让花园更加美丽。)


读音:gē lún bǐ yà


1. 哥伦比亚是南美洲的一个国家。

Colombia is a country in South America.

2. 她的丈夫是哥伦比亚人,他们经常一起回他的故乡。

Her husband is Colombian, and they often go back to his homeland together.




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