claim是什么意思 claim的翻译、中文解释

claim是什么意思 claim的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 解释

– Claim可以作为动词或名词,表示声称或要求拥有某种权利、财产或地位。

– 在保险领域,claim也指要求保险公司赔偿某种损失或损害。

– 在法律领域,claim表示提出对某人或机构的索赔或指控。

2. 用法

– Claim作为动词时,其常见搭配为claim that…,表示声称/断言某事。例如:

– The company claims that their product is 100% organic.(该公司声称他们的产品是100%有机的。)

– He claimed that he had never met her before.(他声称他之前从未见过她。)

– Claim也可以表示要求或提出索赔,常用于保险领域。例如:

– You should file a claim with the insurance company if your car is stolen.(如果你的车被盗了,你应该向保险公司提出索赔。)

– We have already processed your claim and will send you a check soon.(我们已经处理了您的索赔,并很快会寄给您一张支票。)

– 在法律领域,claim可以表示对某人或机构的索赔或指控。例如:

– The plaintiff is claiming $1 million in damages from the defendant.(原告要求从被告那里获得100万美元的赔偿。)

– The company is claiming that the new patent infringes on their existing intellectual property rights.(该公司声称新专利侵犯了他们现有的知识产权。)

3. 缩写词

– 在保险领域,claim还可以是Claim Loss Adjustment Expense的缩写,表示索赔损失调整费用。

– The insurer agreed to cover the cost of the claim, including any applicable claim loss adjustment expenses.(保险公司同意承担索赔费用,包括适用的索赔损失调整费用。)

– 在社交媒体上,claim也可以是Click Like Add More的缩写,表示在某篇帖子或评论中点击“赞”按钮来提高其曝光率和受欢迎程度。

– Please help us spread the word about this important cause by clicking “claim” on this post.(请帮助我们通过在此帖子上点击“赞”的方式传播这个重要事业。)


– He claimed that he was innocent, but the evidence against him was overwhelming.(他声称自己是无辜的,但对他的证据是压倒性的。)

– The insurance company refused to pay her claim, saying that the accident was her fault.(保险公司拒绝支付她的索赔,称事故是她的责任。)

– The environmental group is claiming that the new factory will have a negative impact on the local ecosystem.(环保组织称新厂会对当地生态系统造成负面影响。)

– The claim loss adjustment expense is typically included in the total claim amount and paid out by the insurer.(索赔损失调整费用通常包括在总索赔金额中,由保险公司支付。)

– If you want to see more posts like this one, please claim it by clicking the “like” on.(如果您想看到更多这样的帖子,请通过点击“赞”按钮来提高它的曝光率。)


读音: [kleɪm]


1. He filed a claim for compensation with the insurance company after his car was damaged in an accident. (他在他的车因出现事故而损坏后向保险公司提出了索赔。)

2. The company claims to have the best customer service in the industry. (该公司声称在行业中拥有最好的。)

3. The government has claimed that the new policy will create more job opportunities. (声称新政策将创造更多的就业机会。)



例句:It’s not a safe place to do a takedown. (拿行李的地方人太多了 There are too many people in Baggage Claim.)


例句:Response flow for Claim check service checkin operation. (Claim check服务checkin操作的响应流。)


例句:How does the state have any claim here? (I understand Ventura. How does the state have any claim here?)


例句:Do you claim yourself a doctor? (翻译:你是怎么做医生的? {cH00FFFF}{3cH2F2F2F}{4cH000000}Do you claim yourself a doctor?)

claim一般作为名词、动词使用,如在no claim([网络] 无索赔;无申报通道;不是不再宣称)、the claim([电影]雪岭传奇)、to claim(辩护)等常见短语中出现较多。

no claim [网络] 无索赔;无申报通道;不是不再宣称 the claim [电影]雪岭传奇 to claim 辩护 diplomatic claim 外交求偿 Direct Claim 直接请求权 dividend claim [经] 要求股息权 document for claim [经] 索赔证件 documents for claim [经] 索赔书 discovery claim 【采矿】申请开采权

1. How does the state have any claim here? (翻译:I understand Ventura. How does the state have any claim here?)

2. Do you claim yourself a doctor? (翻译:你是怎么做医生的? {cH00FFFF}{3cH2F2F2F}{4cH000000}Do you claim yourself a doctor?)

3. This was Foucault’s point: Any claim to knowledge is always a claim to power. (翻译:福柯指出:任何对知识的诉求都是对权力的诉求。)

4. If what they claim is false, then nothing will come of it. (翻译:假如他们所言虚假 那就不会有任何事发生 If what they claim is false, then nothing will come of it.)

5. “and I would never have disputed her claim for custody. (翻译:我也不会和她争夺抚养权 and I would never have disputed her claim for custody,)

6. But you claim you have none. (翻译:但你却不肯承认 but you claim you have none.)

7. Critics claim the trucks are unsafe. (翻译:批评者声称这些卡车很危险。)

8. – We need it to claim this. (翻译:- We need it to claim this.)

9. No, but you claim to be in contact with his spirit. (翻译:是没有 但你自称能与死者的鬼魂交谈 No, but you claim to be in contact with his spirit.)

10. # And when we reach up to claim the throne (翻译:# And when we reach up to claim the throne)

11. We claim this land in his name. (翻译:我们要以他的名义接收这片土地 We claim this land in his name.)

12. They have a valid claim to compensation. (翻译:他们有要求赔偿的合法权利。)

13. Are these the men that claim to keep the law of Moses? (翻译:是这些人宣称遵守摩西律法吗? Are these the men that claim to keep the law of Moses?)

14. Is the claim capable of proof? (翻译:这个说法能证明是正确的吗? )

15. Request claim on claim numbers 158183… (翻译:根据索赔条款 第158条, 183条要求索赔)

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