enumeration是什么意思 enumeration的翻译、中文解释

enumeration是什么意思 enumeration的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 定义: Enumeration指的是列举、枚举,它是一种在文本中用列表形式列举项目、事物或观点的方法。在计算机科学中,它指的是枚举所有可能的值或者选项。

2. 用途: 在写作和论述中,Enumeration可以帮助作者清晰地列出观点。在计算机科学中,枚举可以用于定义一个可以取值的集合。

3. 语法: Enumeration通常是用列表或者序号的形式出现,每个项目或者值都要有一个明确的标识符,例如数字或者字母。

4. 缩写词: 在计算机科学中,Enumeration通常缩写为Enum,是一种常见的编程结构,用于定义一组有限的常量。

5. 相关术语: Enumeration常常和Iterators、Generators和Maps等概念一起出现,它们都是关于枚举或者生成数据的方法。


1. The author used enumeration to clearly list the different methods of solving the problem.


2. In computer science, enumeration is commonly used to define a set of values that a program can use.


3. The teacher asked the students to provide an enumeration of the different types of renewable energy.


4. This algorithm uses enumeration to find all possible solutions to the problem.


5. The enum keyword in Java is used to define a set of constants with fixed values.





1. The report includes a detailed enumeration of the company’s ets and liabilities.(报告包括公司资产和负债的详细清单。)

2. Enumeration of the different species of plants in the park took several weeks.(对公园中不同植物物种的列举花了几周时间。)

3. The book provides a comprehensive enumeration of the history of art.(这本书提供了艺术史的全面列举。)

enumeration的中文解释是”列举 、计算”,其次还有”法”的意思,发音音标为[i.nju:mә’reiʃәn],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到86个与enumeration相关的句子。


例句:To specify an input mode, specify one of the values from the InputMode enumeration. (若要指定输入模式,请指定InputMode枚举中的一个值。)


例句:Enumerations and enumeration literals to define. (要定义的枚举和枚举文字。)


例句:Pnp – forces Mini-Setup to re-run the full PnP device enumeration the next time the computer is started. (pnp-强制最小安装程序在下一次启动计算机时重新运行完整的PnP设备枚举。)


例句:For fields that store combinable enumerations, the individual enumeration values are treated as groups of bits in the field. (翻译:对于储存可组合列举的栏位而言,个别的列举值会被视为栏位中的位元群组。)

enumeration一般作为名词使用,如在enumeration algorithm([化] 枚举法)、enumeration algorithms(un. 枚举算法)、enumeration correlation(计数相关)等常见短语中出现较多。

enumeration algorithm [化] 枚举法 enumeration algorithms un. 枚举算法 enumeration correlation 计数相关 enumeration data 计数数据;计数资料 enumeration form [网络] 调查表 enumeration function 枚举函数 enumeration literal [计] 枚举文字 enumeration literals 列举文字 enumeration method [计] 枚举法

1. Pnp – forces Mini-Setup to re-run the full PnP device enumeration the next time the computer is started. (翻译:pnp-强制最小安装程序在下一次启动计算机时重新运行完整的PnP设备枚举。)

2. For fields that store combinable enumerations, the individual enumeration values are treated as groups of bits in the field. (翻译:对于储存可组合列举的栏位而言,个别的列举值会被视为栏位中的位元群组。)

3. For fields that store combinable enumerations, the individual enumeration values are treated as groups of bits in the field. (翻译:对于储存可组合列举的栏位而言,个别的列举值会被视为栏位中的位元群组。)

4. The HotSpotMode enumeration represents the behaviors that you can apply to a HotSpot object within an ImageMap control. (翻译:HotSpotMode枚举表示可以应用于ImageMap控件内的HotSpot对象的行为。)

5. With the complete enumeration of the entire nuances it is possible to become acquainted on the official forum. (翻译:与完整的枚举整个的细微差别是有可能成为熟悉有关的论坛。)

6. One of the CharacterCasing enumeration values that specifies whether the TextBox control modifies the case of characters. (翻译:CharacterCasing枚举值中的一个值,它指定TextBox控件是否修改字符的大小写格式。)

7. A complete enumeration of the types of embryos in each taxon is considerably beyond the scope of this work. (翻译:充分叙述每个分类单位胚的类型大大超出本研究的范围。)

8. This made each enumeration value, e. g. , Mon, Tues, etc. in scope. (翻译:这使得每一个枚举值,比如Mon,Tue等都暴露在了可见域里。)

9. Returns an enumeration representing the file mode for files opened using the FileOpen function. (翻译:返回一个枚举,该枚举表示使用FileOpen函数打开的文件的文件模式。)

10. Enumeration offers variations of each modifier key , so it is important that you perform the bitwise AND with the correct value . (翻译:枚举提供每个修改键所对应的不同变体,因此使用正确的修改键值执行按位AND运算十分重要。)

11. The available colors for use with the BgColor property can be determined from the KnownColor enumeration. (翻译:可用于BgColor属性的颜色可由KnownColor枚举确定。)

12. Anglo-American exporters of tobacco and rice—the chief commodities affected by enumeration—had their burdens reduced by two significant concessions. (翻译:英美和大米这两种主要商品的出口商,两项重大让步减轻了它们的负担。)

13. The end result of the enumeration or reenumeration process is a collection of PDOs. (翻译:列举或者重列举进程的最 终 结果是一个PDO的集合。)

14. And any enumeration type based on a CLS-compliant base integer type. (翻译:以及任何基于符合CLS的基础整数类型的枚举类型。)

15. Since Scala enumerations are just regular objects, you could use any object with vals to indicate different “enumeration values” . (翻译:因为Scala的枚举值是通常的对象,你可以使用任何val对象来指示不同的“枚举值”。)


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