ecoa是什么意思 ecoa的翻译、中文解释

ecoa是什么意思 ecoa的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释





1. The ECOA prohibits lenders from discriminating against applicants based on their race, color, religion, national origin, , marital status, or age.


2. The ECOA requires that lenders provide applicants with a written explanation of why they were denied credit if they ask for one.




例句:You know, most industries are using green products. (most industries are using green products. eco)

ecoa一般作为名词使用,如在ECOA(Equal Credit Opportunity Act 平等信用机会法案)等常见短语中出现较多。

ECOA Equal Credit Opportunity Act 平等信用机会法案

1. The athletes, the fashionistas, the dramas, the eco-kids, the techies, the rockers. (翻译:包括体育校队的啦 美研社的啦 戏剧社的啦)

2. It is vital that the ideas that are nurtured in TED, that the ideas that we think about look forward, and make sure that this will be the most glorious century, and not one of eco-disaster and eco-collapse. (翻译:能够在TED形成这些 思考,展望未来的想法很重要。同样重要的是我们要确保这个世纪成为最美好的世纪, 而不是一个生态遭到严重,灾难重重的世纪。)

3. Eco Concept says LDV will still concentrate on light commercial vehicles but on a smaller scale. (翻译:Eco Concept说LDV仍将主攻轻型商用车辆的生产,但规模将有所缩小。)

4. Mr. Eco-Developer is flying hundreds of miles out of his way in a private jet in order to have a meeting about eco-development? (翻译:环保开发商坐私人飞机 飞了几百哩来讨论环保开发?)

5. Now a lot of people ask me, why is your business eco-friendly? (翻译:现在很多人问我, 为什么你的生意是环境友好型的? )

6. The toilet is water efficient und eco-friendly. (翻译:马桶既省水又环保 The toilet is water efficient und eco -friendly.)

7. Now I’m wondering if you wouldn’t prefer an eco-room? (翻译:现在,我想知道 你不喜欢一个生态空间呢?)

8. The electrical properties of Hydrin (ECO) are made more and more static dissipative by increasing its ethylene-oxide content. (翻译:ECO的静电耗散特性,会随着其乙烯氧化物含量的增加而提高。)

9. Haesung Hospital is building an eco-friendly power plant there. (翻译:我们海星集团在那儿 不是建生态环保型发电站嘛)

10. He was an eco-warrior, one of the first recognized Extreme Poly-Athletes. (翻译:他曾经是生态武士 也是第一批的全能极限运动员)

11. The wide variety of grades currently offered by the Hydrin ECO elastomer product line covers the full range of the static dissipative spectrum utilized by the imaging roller industry today. (翻译:目前,ECO橡胶产品线所提供的众多等级品种,覆盖了当今成像胶辊行业中所使用的所有静电耗散材料。)

12. By wrapping itself in the planet, Discovery is betting that “eco-tainment” will appeal to viewers. (翻译:通过将自己包装进星球频道,发现网络确信环境会吸引电视观众。)

13. She’s eco-friendly and she’s global! She’s a godsend! (翻译:她注重生态友好 她世界闻名 她是上天赐给我们的!)

14. Umberto Eco and Sharon Stone are coming. Oh, goody. (翻译:- Umberto Eco和Sharon Stone 会来的.)

15. However, currently the expiation mode of eco-protection and construction in our country is unimproved. (翻译:但是,目前我国的生态保护与建设的补偿措施并不完善。)

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