faults是什么意思 faults的翻译、中文解释

faults是什么意思 faults的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词义: ‘faults’ 是 fault 的复数形式,意为”错误”、”缺点”、”毛病”等。

2. 词性: 名词。

3. 词组搭配:

– find fault with:挑剔,找错。

– fault line:断层线。

– have a fault:有缺陷。

– fault detection:故障检测。

– fault tolerance:容错性。

4. 短语:

– a major fault:严重的错误。

– a minor fault:轻微的错误。

– to admit fault:承认错误。

– to point out faults:指出缺点。

– to correct faults:纠正错误。

5. 发音拼写: [fawltz]


1. He has a lot of faults but he is still a good person. 他有很多缺点,但他仍然是个好人。

2. The company admitted fault and offered compensation to the customers. 公司承认错误,并向客户提供了赔偿。

3. The fault line caused a huge earthquake in the region. 断层线在该地区引发了一场巨大的地震。

4. It is not right to constantly find fault with others. 经常找别人的毛病是不好的。

5. The engineers worked hard to detect and correct the faults in the system. 工程师们努力检测和纠正系统中的故障。

英文单词 ‘faults’ 的意思是错误、缺陷、毛病。




1. The product has some faults which need to be fixed before it can be released. (这个产品有一些缺陷需要修复才能发布。)

2. It’s not fair to blame all the faults on me. (把所有错误都归咎于我是不公平的。)

3. The earthquake was caused by a fault in the earth’s crust. (地震是由地壳断层引起的。)



例句:Faults: Long neck with insufficient muscle. Dewlap very obvious. (缺点:肌肉缺乏的过长的脖子,喉部赘肉极其明显。)


例句:The hydrocarbon migration took place vertically and dominantly by the faults and fractures. (油气运移以纵向为主,主要借助于断裂和裂缝。)


例句:The faultfinder will find faults even in paradise. (吹毛求疵的人总会找到毛病的。)


例句:Faults and diapir develop widely and influence the distribution of gas hydrate. (翻译:盆地广泛发育断裂、底辟构造,影响着水合物的分布。)

faults一般作为名词使用,如在double faults(双重故障)、echelon faults(雁行断层)、electrical faults([化] 漏电; 走电)等常见短语中出现较多。

double faults 双重故障 echelon faults 雁行断层 electrical faults [化] 漏电; 走电 eliminating faults 除故障 escapement faults 擒纵机构误差[缺陷] Faults Separated [网络] 过失中断 foot faults n. 脚步犯规 geological faults [地质] 地质断层 gravity faults gravity fault
【地质学】正常断层,重力断层[亦作 normal fault]

1. The faultfinder will find faults even in paradise. (翻译:吹毛求疵的人总会找到毛病的。)

2. Faults and diapir develop widely and influence the distribution of gas hydrate. (翻译:盆地广泛发育断裂、底辟构造,影响着水合物的分布。)

3. The Callout node of this mediation flow must be configured with retry on modeled faults. (翻译:这个仲裁流的Callout节点必须配置为对模块化错误进行重试。)

4. Gait Faults: There will be no rolling, paddling, or weaving, when gaited. (翻译:步态缺陷:摇摆起伏、划桨姿势、交织步伐。)

5. The virtuous have their faults, and so do the wicked have their virtues. (翻译:笵纨碞琌炒, 硂杠,翴玱Θ才翴)

6. Vanward water heater common faults: 1, not ignition. (翻译:万和热水器常见故障:1、不能点火。)

7. Jane : Adele is not responsible for her mother’s faults. . . or yours! (翻译:她母亲的错与Adele没有任何关系的。你也没错!)

8. There are worse faults than failing to appreciate your music. (翻译:他只是不太能欣赏你的音乐罢了 这算不上什么大罪过啊)

9. Common faults of autoloader mainly result from control circuit faults and mechanical faults. (翻译:自动装弹机常见故障主要是由控制电路故障和机械故障引起的。)

10. Please do not whitewash your inherent faults with your acquired virtues. I would have the faults; they are like mine own. (翻译:请你不要以后天的德行来粉饰作的先天的缺陷。我宁愿有缺陷;这些缺陷和我自己的一样。)

11. Today we’ll pinpoint some of your faults in grammar. (翻译:今天我们要强调 几个你们常犯的几个语法错误)

12. These faults are sent to the wireless communication module called RemoteVision and that will alert Miele. (翻译:这些故障被发送到称为RemoteVision的无线通信模块,并向美诺公司发出警报。)

13. His affections for her beauty blinded him to her faults. (翻译:他对她美貌的爱慕之情使他对她的过错视而不见。)

14. despite his heterodoxy , faults , and weaknesses , he was a man with a conscience. (翻译:虽然克莱不顾世俗,有许多缺点,许多毛病,但是他却是个有良心的人。)

15. The faults are growing in Yangxin Series, Permian, in Southeast Sichuan. (翻译:川东南地区二叠系阳新统断层发育。)


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