clone是什么意思 clone的翻译、中文解释

clone是什么意思 clone的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. 定义:’clone’是指复制、复制品或者克隆的意思。在科学领域,克隆指的是一种通过无性繁殖产生的和原本物种完全一样的生物体。

2. 用途:’clone’在生物学以及科技领域中被广泛应用于基因工程、细胞培养、动物繁殖等方面。

3. 涵义扩展: 当’clone’被用于与人工智能、虚拟现实等领域时,也可以代表着复制、模仿的意味。


1. Scientists have successfully cloned monkeys using somatic cell nuclear transfer.


2. The company is hoping to clone its most successful product.


3. The cloned sheep Dolly was created in 1996.


4. The app was a clone of another popular social networking platform.


5. The designer’s new collection is just a clone of their last season’s work.





1. Scientists have successfully cloned a sheep named Dolly.(科学家成功克隆了一只名叫多莉的羊。)

2. The company has released a new product that is a clone of their top-selling item.(该公司推出了一款新产品,是他们最畅销商品的复制品。)



例句:You’d have to greatly multiply the workweek and clone the teachers. (除非你大幅度加大教师的工作量,并克隆出更多的老师)


例句:The virt-clone script provided by Fedora 10 can completely automate the task. (Fedora10提供的virt-clone脚本可以完全自动化这个任务。)


例句:Every man wants his son to be somewhat of a clone. (每个男人都希望自己的儿子在某种程度上是自己的克隆体。)

4.克隆 、一模一样的人

例句:Two different behaviors with Draggable UI helper clone and non-clone, what’s going on? (翻译:两个不同的行为与拖动ui辅助克隆和非克隆,怎么了? )

clone一般作为名词、动词使用,如在Disk Clone([网络] 磁碟复制;硬碟复制;硬碟克隆)、father clone(父本无性系)、forbidden clone(禁忌克隆)等常见短语中出现较多。

Disk Clone [网络] 磁碟复制;硬碟复制;硬碟克隆 father clone 父本无性系 forbidden clone 禁忌克隆 gene clone 基因克隆 heterozygous clone 异型接合营养系 ibm clone iBM仿制品 immune clone 免疫无性系 intermediate clone 中间型无性系 macintosh clone 麦金塔电脑仿制品

1. Every man wants his son to be somewhat of a clone. (翻译:每个男人都希望自己的儿子在某种程度上是自己的克隆体。)

2. Two different behaviors with Draggable UI helper clone and non-clone, what’s going on? (翻译:两个不同的行为与拖动ui辅助克隆和非克隆,怎么了? )

3. As the Clone Wars erupted on Geonosis, Windu led a special squad of commando clone troopers into the thick of battle. (翻译:克隆人战争在吉奥诺西斯爆发后,温杜率领着一个克隆军特别突击队投入了激烈战斗。)

4. Clone culture result of unicell. (翻译:单细胞克隆培养结果。)

5. If it’s so safe then why is it against the law to clone humans? (翻译:如果说这很安全… …那法律为什么不允许克隆人类?)

6. Having made it available in Gerrit, we can create a clone. (翻译:随后,可以创建一个克隆。)

7. The virt-clone script provided by Fedora 10 can completely automate the task. (翻译:Fedora 10提供的virt – clone脚本可以完全自动化这个任务。)

8. {fnHobo Stdfs48}Shadow Clone Jutsu. (翻译:{fnHobo Stdfs48}影分身之术)

9. Did yoe deer thety Cherish the beoble clone to yoe… (翻译:听到没有啊 要珍惜眼前的人 Did yoe deer thety Cherish the beoble clone to yoe…)

10. Dynein Heavy Chain, Clone: 440.4, Mab anti. (翻译:动力蛋白重链,克隆:440.4,单克隆抗体抗。)

11. Her task was to clone a rat gene called neu. (翻译:她的任务是克隆出一个老鼠的神经鞘基因。)

12. LPS, Bordetella pertussis, Clone: 5111, Mab anti. (翻译:百日咳杆菌,克隆号:5111,单克隆抗体抗。)

13. Clone Commander Cody, also known as unit 2224, was a loyal clone trooper serving the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. (翻译:克隆人指挥官科迪,也被称为2224号个体,是一名忠诚的克隆人战士,在克隆人战争期间为银河共和国效力。)

14. which is an Arduino clone that can easily plug into a solderless breadboard. (翻译:这是一个伊诺克隆,可以很容易堵塞成为一个焊breadboard。)

15. He knows her clone may not have her temperament. (翻译:他知道她的克隆品可能没有她的气质。)

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