inh是什么意思 inh的翻译、中文解释

inh是什么意思 inh的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

‘inh’ 不是一个的单词,它可能是一个缩写或者是一个词根。常见的词根 ‘inh’ 来自拉丁语中的 ‘inhālāre’,意思是“吸气”。在不同的词中,’inh’ 有不同的含义和用法。




1. inhale deeply 深呼吸

2. inhale smoke 吸烟

3. inhale gas 吸气

4. inhale fumes 吸入烟雾




1. She took a deep breath and inhaled the scent of the flowers. 她深深地吸了一口气,嗅着花的香气。

2. The patient inhaled the medicine through a nebulizer. 病人通过雾化器吸入药物。

3. He inhaled the dust and immediately started coughing. 他吸入了灰尘,立刻开始咳嗽。

4. She inhaled deeply and tried to calm her nerves. 她深呼吸,试图平静自己的神经。

5. The factory workers were told to wear masks to avoid inhaling toxic fumes. 工厂工人被告知戴口罩以避免吸入有毒烟雾。

6. The smoker exhaled a cloud of smoke while the non-smoker inhaled it. 吸烟者吐出一团烟雾,而不吸烟者则吸入了它。

7. The athlete learned how to inhale and exhale properly during exercises. 运动员学会了如何在锻炼过程中正确地吸气和呼气。




例句:Conclusion FDC (Feining and Feian) are same effective as combination of INH, RFP and PZA, but the formeris more convenient and has better compliance. (结论运用费宁、费安抗结核治疗有效、方便、病人依从性好,便于督导,可在一定范围内替代INH、RFP、PZA。)


例句:The primary target of INH is the proteins involved in the biosynthesis of the mycolic acids. (异烟肼作用的主要靶标是参与枝菌酸生物合成的蛋白质。)


例句:The primary target of INH is the proteins involved in the biosynthesis of the mycolic acids. (INH 的主要目标是参与霉菌酸生物合成的蛋白质。)


例句:A far mer has four sacks of seed inh is barn and he looks at his empty field. (翻译:一个农夫有四贷放在仓库里,他望了望他那空旷的田地。)

inh一般作为名词使用,如在inh.(abbr. inherited 遗传的)等常见短语中出现较多。

inh. abbr. inherited 遗传的

1. The primary target of INH is the proteins involved in the biosynthesis of the mycolic acids. (翻译:INH 的主要目标是参与霉菌酸生物合成的蛋白质。)

2. A far mer has four sacks of seed inh is barn and he looks at his empty field. (翻译:一个农夫有四贷放在仓库里,他望了望他那空旷的田地。)

3. inh Minh Tuan from Vietnam says rewards are important because they prepare students for a competitive life. (翻译:表示,奖励是很重要的,因为这给学生提供了一个竞争环境。)

4. Wed like to cooperate create splendid cities h inh with friends of all circles, eternal insistence br image. (翻译:公司本着永不褪色的执着,永远延续的品牌,愿与各界朋友真诚合作,携手共创美妙的城市。)

5. He stopped dead inh is tracks, pivoted with his left foot, and used his right foot to maneuver the ball around my left. (翻译:他停下死在他的轨道,与他的左脚无所不能,用他的右脚来操纵在我左边的球。)

6. For a split second, I saw surprise and fear inh is eyes. (翻译:对于一瞬间,我看到他的眼睛感到惊讶和恐惧。)

7. Mr Jackson hires relatives to work inh is stores. Blood is thicker than water. (翻译:杰克逊先生雇用他的亲戚在他店里工作。亲戚总比外人可靠些。)

8. And life, inh is opinion, is a kludge. (翻译:而在他看来,生命本身就不完善。)

9. It was found that with the dose of INH increased, the incidence of adverse reactions also increased. (翻译:而增加INH的剂量,相对的也增加了其不良反应的发生率。)

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