mos是什么意思 mos的翻译、中文解释

mos是什么意思 mos的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. MOS的含义


– MOS (Mean Opinion Score):平均意见得分,是一种用于衡量通信质量的度量单位。

– MOS (Military Occupational Specialty):军事职业专业,是美军用来描述不同兵种和职业的术语。

– MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor):金属氧化物半导体,是集成电路的一个重要组成部分。

2. MOS的用法



– The call quality was excellent, with an MOS score of 4.5.



– John has a MOS in the Infantry and served two tours in Iraq.



– The MOS technology has greatly improved the performance of modern integrated circuits.


3. MOS的例句

– The call quality was r with an MOS score of only 2.3.


– After completing basic training, soldiers choose their MOS based on their skills and interests.


– The new MOS technology allowed for the creation of smaller, more powerful microprocessors.


– Our company specializes in the production of MOS transistors for use in electronic devices.


– MOS codes are used to describe different military occupations in the US Army.


4. MOS的相关术语


– MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor):金属氧化物场效应晶体管,是一种常见的集成电路元件。

– MOS capacitor:金属氧化物电容器,是一种被广泛用于半导体器件中的电容器。

– MOS certification:金属氧化物半导体认证,是一种证明技术专业能力的认证。

– MOS plotter:金属氧化物绘图仪,是一种用于绘制复杂曲线和图形的绘图工具。


1. Mos is a talented musician who plays the guitar and sings beautifully. (莫斯是一位才华横溢的音乐家,他能弹奏吉他并唱得非常动听。)

2. I met Mos at a party last night and we had a great time dancing and talking. (昨晚我在派对上遇见了莫斯,我们跳舞聊天玩得很开心。)

3. Mos decided to travel to Asia and explore different cultures. (莫斯决定去亚洲旅行,探索不同的文化。)



例句:It’s a routine flight, and you’ll be flying a Vulcan at 45,000 feet armed with two atomic bombs, MOS type. (例行性飞行,驾驶猎犬式飞机 高度四万五千尺 携带二枚MOS)


例句:The object of the invention is to obtain a semiconductor storage which operates stably and can be produced by an MOS process. (本发明的目的在于,获得可用MOS工艺制造的、且可实现稳定动作的半导体存储装置。)


例句:Ackmena was the night-time bartender of the Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine. (阿克梅娜是塔图因星球莫斯艾斯利酒馆的夜班服务员。)

mos一般作为名词使用,如在mos'(abbr. (=Monday)(=molybdenum)【化】钼
n. 〈俚,谑〉同“moment. Wait half a mo”
[网络] 金属氧化物半导体(metal oxide semiconductor);平均意见得分(Mean Opinion Score);场效应管)、MOS memory MOS(存贮器)、mos structure mos([网络] 结构)等常见短语中出现较多。

mos’ abbr. (=Monday)(=molybdenum)【化】钼
n. 〈俚,谑〉同“moment. Wait half a mo”
[网络] 金属氧化物半导体(metal oxide semiconductor);平均意见得分(Mean Opinion Score);场效应管 MOS memory MOS 存贮器 mos structure mos [网络] 结构 mo mos n. (Momos)人名;(德)莫莫斯 MOS amplifier 金属氧化物半导体放大器 MOS array [计] 金属氧化物半导体阵列, MOS阵列 MOS bite 街头采访[电视新闻记者用语] mos def [网络] 茅斯·达夫;摩斯·德福;莫斯·达夫 MOS diode [电子] 金属-氧化物-半导体二极管 Mos Gallicus [网络] 高卢法律研究风格

1. Ackmena was the night-time bartender of the Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine. (翻译:阿克梅娜是塔图因星球莫斯艾斯利酒馆的夜班服务员。)

2. Ketwol told her she could always come back when his ship was in Mos Eisley. (翻译:凯特·沃尔告诉她,只要自己的飞船在莫斯埃斯利,她就能随时回来。)

3. -And what your MOS might be? (翻译:-你的军职专长是什么? -摄像师 -摄影师。)

4. You can get a transport there to Mos Eisley or wherever you’re going. (翻译:从那可转到摩斯艾斯里港 或任何你想去的地方)

5. Unable to finish the race, Bolt recovered from his injuries at a Mos Espa med center. (翻译:无法完成比赛的博尔特在莫斯·埃斯帕的一间医疗中心养伤,直至康复。)

6. NWT~Childrens Place Infant Hooded Jacket. Size 12 mos. (翻译:新世界广场儿童婴儿连帽外套。大小马鞍山。新。)

7. By adding MoS2 and PbO into the middle copper content brushes, the brushes for high – speed electric machinery are proved to be effective by experiments. (翻译:高速电机用电刷,采用中钢—石墨电剧中添加二硫化钼和氧化铅,经试验效果优良。)

8. Landscape Poetry MOS always have gathered Fuga is the narrowest place of the city landscape nourished the blood, poetry casting the soul of the city. (翻译:山水 诗都马鞍山历来就是文人墨客云集的风雅之地, 山水滋养了城市的血脉, 诗歌铸造了城市的灵魂。)

9. Knowledge of MOS and BJT device physics and device models. (翻译:知识的MOS和BJT的器件物理和器件模型。)

10. Located in the heart of the Old Quarter, the Mos Eisley Cantina is just across the dusty street from the Dowager Queen wreckage. (翻译:摩斯‧艾斯里酒吧坐落于旧城区的心脏地带,就在杜瓦加皇后号遗骸区对面老旧的街道上。)

11. Unable to finish the race, Bolt recovered from his injuries at a Mos Espa med center. (翻译:无法完成比赛的博尔特在莫斯埃斯帕的一间医疗中心养伤,直至康复。)

12. Yes, Mr. Commissioner. I am Mrs. Mos, I heard the young girl yelling. (翻译:是的 警长先生 我是莫斯太太 我听到这年轻姑娘叫喊)

13. Doda was born on a transport shuttle and raised in the port city of Mos Eisley on Tatooine. (翻译:多达在一艘运输船上出生,在塔图因的港口城市莫斯艾斯利长大。)

14. Adopting LDD structure. 3. Properly increasing the channel length of MOS devices in admitted scope. (翻译:采用LDD结构:3。在允许的范围内,适当增加器件的沟道长度。)

15. Doda was born on a transport shuttle and raised in the port city of Mos Eisley on Tatooine. (翻译:多达在一艘运输船上出生,在塔图因的港口城市莫斯·艾斯利长大。)


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