lizard是什么意思 lizard的翻译、中文解释

lizard是什么意思 lizard的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

词义:lizard 是指一种爬行动物,通常有四条腿,长有鳞状皮肤。常见种类有壁虎、蜥蜴等。



1. chameleon lizard 变色龙

2. gecko lizard 壁虎

3. iguana lizard 鬣蜥

4. monitor lizard 猫头鹰

5. lizard brain 爬行动物的大脑

6. lizard lounge 壁虎藏身处

7. lizard skin 鳞状皮肤

短语: catch a lizard 抓住一只蜥蜴



1. The lizard darted across the rock and disappeared into a crevice.(那只蜥蜴窜过岩石,消失在了一个缝隙中。)

2. The iguana lizard basked in the sun on the rock.(那只鬣蜥在岩石上晒太阳。)

3. The gecko lizard crawled up the gl window. (那只壁虎爬上了玻璃窗。)

4. The monitor lizard opened its mouth wide to breathe. (那只猫头鹰张开大嘴喘气。)

5. She is afraid of lizards, so she refuses to go camping. (她害怕蜥蜴,因此拒绝去野营。)

6. The lizard shed its skin to grow a new one. (那只蜥蜴蜕皮以换新的皮肤。)

7. The lizard lounge was hidden behind a bookshelf. (壁虎藏身处藏在书架后面。)

lizard的中文翻译是蜥蜴 (xī yì)。

读音为: [ˈlɪzərd]


1. I saw a lizard running across the wall.


2. Lizards are often kept as pets.




例句:The dhub lizard’s skin is too thick to pierce, so he tolerates the deadly tenant (黑蜥蜴的皮肤很厚无法刺穿 所以它允许具有杀伤力的访客)


例句:Oh, what are you supposed to be, a lounge lizard? (噢,你会打扮成什么呢 一只游手好闲的蜥蜴吗?)


例句:This defenceless little lizard carries the beetle’s warning pattern. (这只毫无防御的小蜥蜴 身怀甲虫的警示花纹)


例句:The same is true when we looked at this lizard running on fluidized sand. (翻译:当我观察蜥蜴在流态化的沙子上移动时,结果相同。)

lizard一般作为名词使用,如在draco lizard(【动物】 =flying lizard)、dragon lizard(【动物】=Komodo dragon)、drain the lizard(蜥蜴)等常见短语中出现较多。

draco lizard 【动物】 =flying lizard dragon lizard 【动物】=Komodo dragon drain the lizard 蜥蜴 fence lizard un. 刺蜥;美洲石龙子 flying lizard 【动物】飞蜥,飞龙(= flying dragon) frill lizard = frilled lizard frilled lizard [动物]折鳃蜥;澳洲热带蜥蜴(chlamydosaurus kingi) giant lizard 巨大的蜥蜴;大蜥蜴 gl lizard [动物]脆蛇蜥

1. This defenceless little lizard carries the beetle’s warning pattern. (翻译:这只毫无防御的小蜥蜴 身怀甲虫的警示花纹)

2. The same is true when we looked at this lizard running on fluidized sand. (翻译:当我观察蜥蜴在流态化的沙子上移动时,结果相同。)

3. In the lizard, a muscular septum partially divides the ventricle. (翻译:在虫蜴中,肌肉质的隔膜把心室部分地隔开。)

4. The lizard is the last animal still out on the dunes. (翻译:那只蜥蜴是沙丘上唯一暴露在外的生物 {3cH202020}The lizard is the last animal still out on the dunes.)

5. Mr. Zebra painted the front part of himself green, like the lizard. (翻译:斑马先生把自己画的前面部分绿色,像蜥蜴。)

6. Since when a Marabou’s servant to a lizard. – He’s got a point. (翻译:- 什么时候马里布的人成了一只蜥蜴的部下)

7. This giant sea creature looks like a whale, but it is actually an extinct lizard. (翻译:这种巨大的海洋生物看上去像是鲸鱼 但它实际上是已经绝种的蜥蜴)

8. And so the lizard completes his journey from humble beginnings to the legend we sing of today. (翻译:就这样蜥蜴结束了他的旅途 从一开始的悲剧到如今为人所高歌传颂)

9. Stinking Lizard has spoken! (翻译:肖松尼族就会处死阿帕哈奇和他的白人兄弟 我意已决,不要再来纠缠了)

10. Also known as ‘The Lizard Man Of Lee County’ or ‘The Lizard Man Of Scape Ore Swamp’. (翻译:它也被称为“李县的蜥蜴人”或是“逃生沼泽的蜥蜴人。”)

11. The razor-sharp jaws of these army ants can strip a frog or a lizard to the bone in minutes. (翻译:这些军蚁的锐利下颌 能在几分钟内 把青蛙或蜥蜴吃到只剩骨头)

12. lizard with black and yellowish beadlike scales; of western Mexico. (翻译:长有珠子状的黑色和微鳞片的蜥蜴;产于墨西哥西部。)

13. If the face’s not like curdled milk and, the gait’s not like a lizard. (翻译:如果脸不像冻住的牛奶… …还有走路不像只晰蝎)

14. Dinosaur Devourer Was Lizard-like snake. (翻译:吞食恐龙的是像蜥蜴的蛇。)

15. I have two dogs, two cats and a green lizard. (翻译:我养了两只狗 两只猫 还有一只绿色的蜥蜴)


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