hypothesis是什么意思 hypothesis的翻译、中文解释

hypothesis是什么意思 hypothesis的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词的意思:


2. 词性:


3. 常用场景:


– 科学研究:研究人员在进行实验或者研究时,通常会提出一个基于理论或者推测的假设,用来解释观察到的现象或者预测未来的变化。

– 统计分析:当研究人员需要验证某个假设是否成立时,通常会进行一系列的实验和数据分析来证实或者证伪’hypothesis’。

– 实验设计:在设计实验时,’hypothesis’通常是实验前需要明确的一个重要因素,它可以帮助研究人员确定实验的目的、方法和预期结果等。

4. 词组搭配:


– Test hypothesis:检验假设

– Support a hypothesis:支持一个假设

– Reject a hypothesis:拒绝一个假设

– Formulate a hypothesis:提出假设

– Hypotheses generation:生成假设

– Null hypothesis:零假设

5. 相关短语:


– Hypothesis testing:假设检验

– Hypothesis generation:假设生成

– Alternative hypothesis:备选假设

– Research hypothesis:研究假设

– Scientific hypothesis:科学假设

6. 发音拼写:

‘hypothesis’的发音为 /haɪˈpɑːθəsɪs/。

英 [haɪˈpɒθəsɪs] 美 [haɪˈpɑːθəsɪs]

n. 假设;前提;猜想


1. The hypothesis has yet to be proven.(这一假设尚未被证实。)

2. His hypothesis was based on limited evidence.(他的假设是基于有限的证据。)

3. We need to test this hypothesis further.(我们需要进一步验证这个假设。)



例句:The Helminthes Hypothesis is nearly identical to the Hygiene Hypothesis but it focuses exclusively on parasites. Helminthes are the worms that live in the human intestinal tract. (“蠕虫假说”和“卫生假说”大同小异,只是这一假说单独强调了寄生虫的作用,它们生活在人类的肠胃内。)


例句:The detections of three steps are failure by hypothesis test. (假设检验法在该三步检测中均为失败。)


例句:My hypothesis is, American soldiers are good, usually. (而我的假设是,美国士兵通常情况下是好的。)


例句:So thank you for confirming my hypothesis. (翻译:What? What are you talking about?)

hypothesis一般作为名词使用,如在dilatancy hypothesis([地震] 膨胀假说)、diluvial hypothesis(洪积说)、dipolar hypothesis([医]偶极说)等常见短语中出现较多。

dilatancy hypothesis [地震] 膨胀假说 diluvial hypothesis 洪积说 dipolar hypothesis [医]偶极说 dipole hypothesis [医] 两极说 economic hypothesis 经济假设 domain hypothesis 功能区假说 dominance hypothesis 显性假说 dopamine hypothesis 【心理学】多巴胺假设 diversitystability hypothesis 多样性-稳定性假说

1. My hypothesis is, American soldiers are good, usually. (翻译:而我的假设是,美国士兵通常情况下是好的。)

2. So thank you for confirming my hypothesis. (翻译:What? What are you talking about?)

3. This misplay by Einstein leads to the hypothesis of the big bang. (翻译:爱因斯坦的这个失误导致了宇宙膨胀假说的产生。)

4. Excuse me, I designed the experiment that proved the hypothesis. (翻译:啥? 是我设计的实验来证明这个理论的,好不好!)

5. The results were concordant with our hypothesis . (翻译:结果与我们的假设一致。)

6. The hypothesis was actually it was your constitution that made you susceptible. (翻译:我们猜想 可能是我们的体质决定了我们的易感染性。)

7. Uh, you mean, my hypothesis. (翻译:嗯 你是说我的猜想吗 Uh, you mean, my hypothesis.)

8. His fourth hypothesis is the comprehensible input hypothesis. (翻译:他的第四个假说是可理解的输入假说。)

9. What hypothesis do you have, detective (翻译:你推断发生了什么,探长 What hypothesis do you have, detective)

10. – The Riemann Hypothesis, huh? (翻译:这是黎曼假设吗? 是啊 我向数学系的教授借来的)

11. This distribution is not inconsistent with the counterflow hypothesis. (翻译:这种分配并不与逆向流动假说相矛盾。)

12. Incidentally, this hypothesis still cannot be confirmed or refuted. (翻译:顺便说下,这个假说 但现在都不能被证实或被反驳)

13. So that brings us to our next hypothesis. (翻译:所以说我们的下一个猜想 So that brings us to our next hypothesis.)

14. Counterexample An example that refutes or disproves a hypothesis, proposition, or theorem. (翻译:反例证对某种假设、命题或定理进行反驳或推翻的例子)

15. His second hypothesis is the natural order in the acquisition hypothesis. (翻译:他的第二个假说是习得学说中的自然秩序。)


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