词组搭配:hem in(包围,限制)、hem and haw(犹豫不决、支吾不清)
短语:hem somebody/something in(让某人/某物陷入困境,无法自由行动)
1. She hemmed the dress before the event.
2. The seamstress hemmed the pants to the correct length.
3. The city was hemmed in by mountains on all sides.
4. The trapped animal was hemmed in by the hunters.
5. He hemmed and hawed for ten minutes before finally a decision.
6. The protesters were hemmed in by police barricades.
7. The garden was hemmed with a beautiful fence.
1. The skirt was hemmed with a delicate lace.
2. The protesters were hemmed in by police.
3. The new regulations have hemmed in our business operations.
例句:The wild, noisy boy couldn’t bear to be hemmed in with rules or bounds and had been expelled from King’s Canterbury. (正规教育不适合他;这个任性、爱闹的男孩不堪忍受规则与限制,并且被坎特伯雷国王学校开除。)
例句:If it fails to strengthen regional ties, it is destined to see its economic expansion hemmed in by unsympathetic and threatening neighbours. (如果印度不能加强区域联系,它就注定会看到,自己的经济扩张被冷漠而充满敌意的邻国所遏制。)
例句:Helen, don’t you feel hemmed in, what with all these trees overgrown? (海伦,你不觉得包围, 所有这些树是什么杂草丛生?)
hemmed一般作为名词使用,如在hemmed and hawed(支支吾吾;哼哼哈哈;犹豫)、hemmed edge(折边)、hemmed tab(翻进边的拉舌)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. Helen, don’t you feel hemmed in, what with all these trees overgrown? (翻译:海伦,你不觉得包围, 所有这些树是什么杂草丛生?)
2. And he hemmed and hawed and whatever, but he left, like, a week later. (翻译:他吞吞吐吐的解释… ,管它了… 他还是走了,大概一周后吧)
3. You have a feeling of being trapped, hemmed in, and you don’t know whether or not you like it. (翻译:你感觉被困住了, 被包围了, 你不知道这是不是你想要的)
4. It was an image of fishing boats that had been hemmed in by dense mats of water hyacinth. (翻译:我看到渔船被水葫芦 密密麻麻地包围起来。)
5. And his own ability to shape national security policy was being hemmed in by these forces, he couldn’t control. (翻译:而他左右政策的能力 被这些力量限制住 无法施展)
6. She felt hemmed in by all their petty rules and regulations. (翻译:她觉得受到他们那些琐碎的规章制度的束缚。)
7. These definitions seem designed to promote an image of Canada sort of still in our buckskins, hemmed in by dark forests. (翻译:这些定义似乎要替加拿大推广这样一种形象:人们身着鹿皮衣装,隐居在阴暗的森林中。)
8. Frozen and hemmed in by a cold, callous greed, the warming influence of Socialism is beginning to liberate them. (翻译:为冷酷无情的贪婪所冻结和牵制的人性已开始被社会主义的温暖所释放。)
9. He hemmed and hawed around and didn’t tell me what I wanted to know. (翻译:他支支吾吾地兜圈子,就是不肯说出我要知道的问题。)
10. Tim hemmed and hawed, but finally told his boss the truth. (翻译:提姆起初吞吞吐吐,但最终还是向老板说出了。)
11. The canyon is hemmed in by towering walls of rock. (翻译:峡谷四周环绕着高耸的岩壁。)
12. Hemmed in between family-size cartons of cornflakes and giant packets of washing powder, her individual yoghurt seemed to say it all. (翻译:挤在的家庭装的麦片和大包洗衣粉中,她的一个酸奶仿佛在说明这一切。)
13. Luckily, the picket line hemmed him in. (翻译:幸好的人及时抱住了他, 如杲没有的话…)
14. He hemmed and hawed his way through his biography and you put the screws to him. (翻译:对自己的过去含糊其辞... 你却还这么相信他)
15. She is a sprightly married woman, hemmed in by an overwhelming sense of duty. (翻译:她是个活泼的已婚妇女,但却为一种强烈的责任感所约束。)