excision是什么意思 excision的翻译、中文解释

excision是什么意思 excision的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词释:

Excision (名词) – 切除,切除手术,切除物;

Excision (缩写词) – 四肢或身体部位切断或切除手术。

2. 词性变化:

Verb – excise;

Adjective – excised.

3. 词根:


4. 同义词和反义词:

同义词 – Removal, Eradication, Extirpation;

反义词 – transposition。

5. 实际使用:



1. The surgeon performed an excision of the tumor from the patient’s lung.


2. The excision of the affected lymph nodes was necessary to prevent further spread of the cancer.


3. The tax excision on luxury items was expected to result in a decrease in profits for the luxury goods industry.


4. The DJ excised a portion of the song to create a remix.


5. The excision of the damaged section of the ship’s hull was necessary for repairs to be made.






1. The doctor recommended excision to remove the cyst.


2. The excision of the tumor was successful and the patient is now recovering.




例句:With what does scar organization treat way best? Be direct excision still medications? (瘢痕组织用什么治疗方式最好?是直接切除还是药物治疗? )


例句:Obiective:To study the causes of complication following excision of the radial head by biomechanic experiments and a long term follow up. (目的:研究桡骨小头切除后晚期并发症产生的原因、发病机制和预防措施。)


例句:Summary of Background Data. Curative treatment of osteoid osteomas entails complete intralesional excision of the nidus. (背景信息摘要:骨样骨瘤的根治方法是病变内完全切除病灶。)


例句:Objective To discuss the possibility of excision of apocrine sweat glands unexposed through a small incision for therapy of bromhidrosis. (翻译:目的探讨小切口顶泌汗腺非暴露修剪术治疗腋臭的可行性。)

excision一般作为名词使用,如在DNA excision(【分子生物学】 DNA切割)、excision axiom(切除公理)、excision enzyme([机] 外切)等常见短语中出现较多。

DNA excision 【分子生物学】 DNA切割 excision axiom 切除公理 excision enzyme [机] 外切 excision filter 切除泸波器 excision in stages 分期切除[术] excision isomorphism 切除同构 excision map [数] 切除映射 excision nuclease [医]切除核酸酶 excision of cataract 内障剪除术

1. Summary of Background Data. Curative treatment of osteoid osteomas entails complete intralesional excision of the nidus. (翻译:背景信息摘要:骨样骨瘤的根治方法是病变内完全切除病灶。)

2. Objective To discuss the possibility of excision of apocrine sweat glands unexposed through a small incision for therapy of bromhidrosis. (翻译:目的探讨小切口顶泌汗腺非暴露修剪术治疗腋臭的可行性。)

3. Do excision , VP contents change a hypophysis? (翻译:垂体切除,VP含量变化? )

4. Objective To discuss the curative effect and complications between Z-plasty with fusiform excision and laser in treating bromhidrosis. (翻译:目的探讨梭形切除Z成形手术与激光治疗腋臭的效果和并发症。)

5. Glioma, post-infection or other diagnosis was impressed. Suboccipital craniectomy with total tumor excision was performed. (翻译:神经胶质瘤.感染后变化,或其他疾病皆可能有此影像表现。)

6. The number of these circular DNA molecules – known as signal joint TCR excision circles (sjTRECs) – declines at a constant rate with age. (翻译:这些环状DNA分子叫做信号结合T细胞受体删除DNA环,其数量随着年龄的增长按固定比率减少。)

7. Objective: To study the effects of PANP on male patients with rectal cancer following curative excision. (翻译:目的:研究保留盆腔自经直肠癌根治术对于减少男性患者术后性功能障碍的作用。)

8. Curative effect of chemotherapy with BVD in treating brain gliomas after surgical excision (翻译:脑胶质瘤术后应用BVD方案化疗的疗效观察)

9. Objective To investigate the feasibility of the regional excision of parotid gland in the treatment of Warthin s tumor. (翻译:目的探讨腮腺区域性切除保留导管术在治疗沃辛瘤中的临床应用。)

10. Fistula of anastomose ostium of oesophagus, stomach inside these is the severity syndrome of oesophagus cancer and stomach cancer excision. (翻译:食管、胃胸内吻合口瘘是食管癌和贲门癌切除术后最严重的并发症。)

11. PVE and two-stage hepatectomy can raise the operation safety and excision rates. (翻译:术前PVE和两步肝切除术可提高手术安全性和切除率。)

12. The objective is to observe the effects of partial excision of muscoli puborectalis. (翻译:目的是观察耻骨粘膜部分切除的效果。)

13. Four patients underwent intracaps ule excision, 7 marginal excision, and 4 wide excision. (翻译:肿瘤切除方式:囊内切除4例,包膜切除7例,广泛切除4例。)

14. Conclusions Squamoid eccrine ductal carcinoma is an exceedingly rare low-grade malignant tumor and can recur after excision but do not metastasize. (翻译:结论鳞样小汗腺导管癌是一种非常罕见的低度恶性肿瘤,局部切除后可复发,未见转移报道。)

15. Results: a 63-year-old male with no underlying autoimmune disorders developed scleritis 7 years after pterygium excision. (翻译:结果:一名本身无自体免疫异常的xx岁男性在翼状赘片切除术后xx年发生巩膜炎。)


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