complain是什么意思 complain的翻译、中文解释

complain是什么意思 complain的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

Complain是一个动词,表示抱怨、发牢或投诉。其常见用法为“complain about”,表示对某事或某人提出不满。例如,“She always complains about the bad food in the cafeteria”(她总是抱怨食堂的食物太差了)。


常见的词组搭配有“complain to(向某人抱怨)”,“complain of(抱怨某种不适或疾病)”等。例如,“He complained to the manager about the r service”(他向经理投诉了糟糕的服务),“She complained of a headache”(她抱怨头痛)。






1. She is always complaining about her job. (她总是抱怨她的工作。)

2. The customers complained about the r service. (顾客们抱怨服务不好。)

3. He complained to the manager about the noisy neighbors. (他向经理抱怨了吵闹的邻居。)



例句:I was too cowardly to complain. (我胆小得都不敢抱怨。)


例句:If a complain were lodged, you bet it would. (如果对方投诉的话 肯定会的 If a complain were lodged, you bet it would.)


例句:Never complain, never explain. (很好 {3cH202020}Good.)


例句:I cannot complain of the time I have spent (翻译:# 我不会抱怨为此消磨的时光 # # I cannot complain of the time I have spent #)

complain一般作为动词使用,如在to complain([网络] 抱怨;投诉;埋怨)、interference figure complain(干涉像)等常见短语中出现较多。

to complain [网络] 抱怨;投诉;埋怨 interference figure complain 干涉像

1. Never complain, never explain. (翻译:很好 {3cH202020}Good.)

2. I cannot complain of the time I have spent (翻译:# 我不会抱怨为此消磨的时光 # # I cannot complain of the time I have spent #)

3. You can complain about memory or you can complain about price, but you can’t do both at the same time. (翻译:你可以抱怨内存 也可以抱怨价格 但你不能两样都抱怨)

4. Don’t complain about the referees and umpires. (翻译:不要抱怨裁判员。)

5. I just love hearing you fools complain. (翻译:斜眉歪眼,一个个鬼哭狼嚎什么? 找死啊?)

6. Complain to the French court directly instead of bothering us. (翻译:如果那么不满的话你去法国法院 别总往这打电话)

7. Crewmembers complain shipboard living conditions. (翻译:船员抱怨船上的生活条件。)

8. Do you have something to complain about? (翻译:- 你有什么要抱怨的吗? – 可是…)

9. I’m going to complain to your superiors. (翻译:我要去找你的上级投诉。)

10. You always complain about having him around. (翻译:你成天都抱怨他一天到晚在家 You always complain about having him around.)

11. Agitation: Of the above grievances we do not hesitate to complain, and to complain loudly and insistently. (翻译:鼓动工作:对于上述不平之事,我们毫不犹豫地进行控诉,不断大声地疾呼。)

12. Reverend looked in today to complain his hens had stopped laying’. (翻译:牧师今天顺路过来 抱怨他的母鸡们不下蛋了.)

13. To put it in context: web developers used to complain about Netscape the same way they complain about IE6 now. (翻译:上面说的要有时代背景:现在网页设计师们通常像当年抱怨网景浏览器一样的来数落IE6。)

14. The president Obama says they no longer have reason to complain. (翻译:总统说他们不再有理由抱怨。)

15. All she ever does is complain. (翻译:她就会抱怨。)

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