genbank是什么意思 genbank的翻译、中文解释

genbank是什么意思 genbank的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


GenBank这个单词并没有特定的词组搭配,因为它通常用作单个的实体名称。但是,通常将其计算机程序和工具与其他相关术语一起使用,例如:BLAST(Database search algorithm)和FASTA格式(Sequence alignment format)。

在发音上,“GenBank” 读音为 [jen-bank],其中,“Gen” 读作 /dʒɛn/,表示基因,“Bank” 读作 /bæŋk/,表示数据库。




例句:And these sites, like GenBank, had the problem in common with Qwiki that scientists — they’re not paid or rewarded for sharing their data. (这些网站与GenBank网站类似, 与Qwiki有着相同的问题—— 也不能通过分享数据 来获得报酬或奖励。)


例句:Everything that we could get out of GenBank — that is, the national repository of sequences. (我们可以从基因库得到每样东西, 也就是国家基因序列库。)


例句:Except that when you lay that side by side with the speed with which gene data’s being deposited in GenBank, Moore’s Law is right here: it’s the blue line. (但有个例外,就是 基因数据库中存放基因的增加速度 蓝线显示的是摩尔定律 )


例句:The sequence data now will be available through GenBank to anyone with Internet access. (翻译:而现在,任何人都能上网通过“基因库”查看序列数据。)

1. Except that when you lay that side by side with the speed with which gene data’s being deposited in GenBank, Moore’s Law is right here: it’s the blue line. (翻译:但有个例外,就是 基因数据库中存放基因的增加速度 蓝线显示的是摩尔定律 )

2. The sequence data now will be available through GenBank to anyone with Internet access. (翻译:而现在,任何人都能上网通过“基因库”查看序列数据。)

3. The sequence of cloned PDZ1 was identical with that reported in GenBank. (翻译:PDZ1测序图谱与文献报道完全一致。)

4. Except that when you lay that side by side with the speed with which gene data’s being deposited in GenBank, Moore’s Law is right here: it’s the blue line. (翻译:但有个例外,就是 基因数据库中存放基因的增加速度 蓝线显示的是摩尔定律)

5. The draft genome sequence has been added to the GenBank database and is freely available to researchers worldwide. (翻译:该基因组草图已添加进基因银行数据库中,可以供全球的科学家免费获取。)

6. The full genetic sequences will then be available in a public database known as GenBank. (翻译:病毒的遗传全序列随后将存入名为GenBank的公共数据库。)

7. Probably the best known of these is the site GenBank, which some of you may have heard of or used. (翻译:可能其中最著名的就是GenBank网站, 你们在座的一些人可能听说过或使用过。)

8. Everything that we could get out of GenBank — that is, the national repository of sequences. (翻译:我们可以从基因库得到每样东西, 也就是国家基因序列库。)


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