pituitary是什么意思 pituitary的翻译、中文解释

  pituitary是什么意思 pituitary的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:To slow the process, he must extract the hormones from the pituitary glands of his victims to treat himself, to stay young.

  翻译:为了减缓衰老 他必须从那些受害者的脑垂体中 提取激素来对自己进行治疗 保持年轻。



  例句:is it a pituitary-like function or is it something else?

  翻译:是由于脑垂体的功能还是别的原因 ?。



  例句:Want find to pair up that time from pituitary glands.




  例句:When we experience a stressor— anything from a fight with a friend, to spotting a bear, to an infection or low blood sugar— the brain reacts by sending a signal from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland.

  翻译:每当我们经历一种应激源—— 比如和朋友的一场争执, 突然发现一头熊, 感染或低血糖—— 大脑就会通过下丘脑向脑垂体 发出信号来做出反应, 。


  pituitary一般作为名词使用,如在fossa pituitary(脑垂腺窝)、furth pituitary tumor(福氏脑下垂体瘤)、granuloma of pituitary(垂体肿)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. Want find to pair up that time from pituitary glands.


  2. When we experience a stressor— anything from a fight with a friend, to spotting a bear, to an infection or low blood sugar— the brain reacts by sending a signal from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland.

  翻译:每当我们经历一种应激源—— 比如和朋友的一场争执, 突然发现一头熊, 感染或低血糖—— 大脑就会通过下丘脑向脑垂体 发出信号来做出反应, 。

  3. Your pituitary gland pumps this stuff out as part of the stress response.

  翻译:由脑下垂体分泌 是压力反应的其中一环 。

  4. Advanced, rapid aging, like the disease called progeria, can be induced artificially by manipulating the pituitary gland.

  翻译:通过控制脑垂体可以 提前加速老化 就像早衰。

  5. Certain diseases, growths in the thryoid or chemical imbalances in the body can confuse the organ and make it deaf to the pituitary’s guiding commands.

  翻译:一些疾病, 甲状腺肿大, 或是体内化学物质不平衡 可能扰乱器官, 使器官无视脑下垂体的指示。 。

  6. Go back to the pituitary views.


  7. Pituitary glands in females were the second most affected.

  翻译:在女性中的脑下垂体腺 第二大部分被影响了。。

  8. it’s pepper, cheese, chopped up baby lamb lung, and cow pituitary gland.


  9. But when they receive the signal from the pituitary gland, they release a burst of cortisol, which spurs the body to generate more glucose for energy, decrease functions not immediately related to survival, like digestion, and can activate a fight-flight-or-freeze response.

  翻译:但是当肾上腺 从脑垂体接收到信号时, 它们所释放的大量皮质醇 会人体产生 更多的葡萄糖作为能量来源, 降低与生存没有直接关系的 功能运作,比如消化, 并且能激活人体的 “战斗、逃跑或原地不动”反应机制。 。

  10. conduct an experiment to find out about the functional viability of the pituitary in a host organism and its role in rejuvenation.

  翻译:进行这项实验是为了发现… 在原生物体上的垂体的多功能 生存能力和恢复活力的作用 手术执行者P.。

  11. The mysterious function of the pituitary has now been clarified!


  12. The pituitary gland has indeed been removed.


  13. Benign brain tumor exerts pressure on her pituitary gland and optic chiasma and expands to both sides of the forehead.

  翻译:脑下垂体与交叉视神经… 扩及两侧额叶 判定无法开刀。

  14. Look for anything with the pituitary in it. i’m sorry.


  15. So the most common form of giantism is a condition called acromegaly, and acromegaly is caused by a benign tumor on your pituitary gland that causes an overproduction of human growth hormone.

  翻译:巨人症最常见的症状 叫做肢端肥大症 肢端肥大症是由位于脑下垂体 的良性肿瘤 过多分泌人类生长激素而导致的 。

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