regiments是什么意思 regiments的翻译、中文解释

regiments是什么意思 regiments的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 定义:’regiments’是名词,表示由一群士兵组成的军团或指挥的单位。

2. 历史:’regiments’这个单词由拉丁语单词“regimentum”发展而来,最早用于表示带有特定区域或国家标识的军团。

3. 军事用途:’regiments’是中的一种标准组织单位,通常由数百个士兵组成,依据各种条件或目的进行组织和指挥。例如,某些国家的被组织成特定的’infantry regiments’(步兵团)或’cavalry regiments’(骑兵团)等。

4. 深层含义:’regiments’的使用还可以涉及组织、调整和管理其它类型的集体,如企业、机构、社会群体等。


1. He was igned to lead one of the infantry regiments during the battle.(他被派遣去领导其中一支步兵团参加战斗。)

2. The cavalry regiments were in position to charge at the enemy. (骑兵团已经站好位置,准备冲向敌人。)

3. The regimental commander ordered his troops to advance toward the enemy lines.(团长下令他的向敌人的防线前进。)

4. The company was divided into several regiments to handle the different tasks. (公司被分成几个团来处理不同的任务。)

5. The local community set up a volunteer regiment to help with disaster relief efforts.(当地社区成立了一个志愿团来协助救援工作。)

1. 中文翻译:团、联队、兵团

2. 读音:/ˈredʒɪmənts/

3. 例句:

– The army divided into several regiments to fight the enemy. (分为几个团来对抗敌人。)

– The cavalry regiment led the charge against the enemy’s infantry. (骑兵团率先冲锋,攻击敌方步兵。)

– The 101st Airborne Division is composed of several regiments. (101空降师包括多个联队。)



例句:Regulations demand that soldiers unfit for battle must remain near their own regiments. (规定非参战士兵 必须留在驻地附近 规定非参战士兵 必须留在驻地附近)


例句:Experienced troops were becoming rare, at least outside the exclusive Guard regiments. (久经沙场的越来越少,至少在近卫军以外的中情况是这样。)


例句:Summer 1916, common-law criminals were enlisted to beef up regiments melted in the fires at Verdun. (xx年夏天,他从狱中被征调 派往维顿战区代替服刑)


例句:I’ve alerted the Navy and Army, and ordered my regiments from Castille and Aragon (翻译:我已经下令给海军和陆军, 以及卡斯提利亚和贡军团)

1. Summer 1916, common-law criminals were enlisted to beef up regiments melted in the fires at Verdun. (翻译:xx年夏天,他从狱中被征调 派往维顿战区代替服刑)

2. I’ve alerted the Navy and Army, and ordered my regiments from Castille and Aragon (翻译:我已经下令给海军和陆军, 以及卡斯提利亚和贡军团)

3. But because ships, like regiments , are composed of hundreds of men each, you can still have a large number of personnel in a naval battle. (翻译:但因为船队象军团一样由数百人组成,您在一次海战能仍然有很大数量的人员。)

4. The German advance ground to a halt as the soldiers in the frontline infantry regiments reached the limit of their endurance. (翻译:德军的地面攻势停止了,因为前线的步兵团已经达到了他们忍受力的极限。)

5. Two regiments were sent to garrison the town. (翻译:派了两个团驻守在那个城镇。)

6. Twenty-two Regiments, a score of Juck Ketches. (翻译:二十个绞刑手,二十二团官兵。)

7. The ammunition must be portioned to sustain the regiments ‘ daily fight . (翻译:必须将这批配给这个团,以保障他们日常的作战需要。)

8. Adriamycin is frequently used in combination chemotherapy regiments with other cytotoxic drugs. (翻译:阿霉素常与其他细胞毒药物合用于化疗方案。)

9. Still, he thinks these days of the effect on towns that are losing their regiments as France’s military modernizes . (翻译:不过,他这一阵子正在思考,随著法国现代化,核电厂对那些逐渐失去驻地军团的村镇有何影响。)

10. The Alpine regiments, they only recruit from their own areas. (翻译:Alpine军团 他们只在自己的地区)

11. Take two regiments of your brigade into the sunken road behind the stone wall. (翻译:把你旅里的两个团切入 到石墙后面的凹陷的马路上.)

12. His name was Diego Alatriste and he had fought with the infantry regiments in Flanders. (翻译:他的名字叫迪亚哥・特里斯特 曾在法兰德斯与步兵团并肩作战)

13. Especially in constituencies near Khartoum, the capital, “flying regiments” of young NCP workers were bussed in to vote on dodgy registers. (翻译:特别是在靠近首都喀土穆附近的选区,年轻的全国大会党工人“飞虎团”乘坐公交车来到这里在不可靠的登记薄上进行投票表决。)

14. Battalion group 135th, 503rd and 693rd regiments. (翻译:第15摩托化步兵师的135、503和…)

15. Highland regiments still wear the kilt on regular basis but it is not an everyday article of dress in Scotland. (翻译:高地军团如今依然定期穿方格呢裙,但这已非苏格兰人的日常服饰。)


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