rooftops是什么意思 rooftops的翻译、中文解释

rooftops是什么意思 rooftops的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 定义:rooftops指的是房顶,是指建筑物顶部的平台或区域,通常用于观赏景色、休息或储存设备。

2. 用途:rooftops大多数用途是观赏城市景观或享受户外活动,例如聚会或烧烤。

3. 建筑设计:rooftops可以通过不同的建筑设计实现多种功能,例如建设花园或安装设备,如空调或太阳能板。

4. 安全问题:在使用rooftops时需要注意安全,避免意外事故,例如滑倒或跌落。

5. 社会意义:在一些城市,rooftops已成为一种流行文化,人们喜欢在屋顶上聚会、拍照或拍摄视频。


1. We had a great party on the rooftop last night.(昨晚我们在屋顶上举办了一场盛大的聚会。)

2. The rooftop of this building has an amazing view of the city.(这座建筑的屋顶可以欣赏到惊人的城市景观。)

3. The hotel rooftop has a swimming l and a bar.(酒店的屋顶设有游泳池和酒吧。)

4. The rooftop garden provides fresh produce for the restaurant.(屋顶花园为餐厅提供新鲜的蔬菜。)

5. We need to make sure the rooftop is safe before we allow anyone up there.(我们必须确保屋顶安全,然后才能让任何人上去。)




1. From the rooftops of the city, you can see the whole skyline.


2. The children were playing on the rooftops of the buildings.


3. The firemen quickly climbed up the ladders to the rooftops to put out the fire.




例句:He didn’t scream it from the rooftops. (他没有跑到房顶大声宣布 是的 因为他没必要那样做)


例句:As the cries of “Allahu Akbar! ” rang out across the rooftops of Tehran, she’d rock herself back and forth, eyes fixed on the screen. (当整个德黑兰的屋顶上响起了“至大”的喊声时,她坐在沙发上前仰后合,眼睛一个劲盯着屏幕。)

1. I think that sort of thing is private and doesn’t need to be sung from the rooftops. (翻译:我觉得这种事情是私人和 并不需要从屋顶演唱。)

2. Little Muggier wants to play . You can come on Monday, or any day you want to come , you can fall on rooftops , But please don’t fall on me. (翻译:小玛吉想出去玩耍。你到星期一再下雨吧。或者什么时候你想下,你可下在屋顶上,但请别下在我身上。)

3. I’ll be doing a lot of thinking on rooftops, you know, about justice and whatever. Maybe the girl I love gets blown up. (翻译:我要屋顶上沉思,你知道,都是关于正义和其他问题,例如我喜欢的女孩为什么对我发脾气。)

4. “New York is such a packed environment, rooftops have always been a natural refuge, ” says founder Mark Elijah Rosenberg. (翻译:“纽约是那么地挤,屋顶自然是一个好去处,”“屋顶电影节”创始人马克·以利亚·罗森博格说道。)

5. I don’t really know what a ninja does, but to me, they slip through the shadows, crawl through the sewers, skip across the rooftops, and before you know it, they’re behind you. (翻译:虽然我不知道忍者是做什么的, 但于我而言,他们从影子里溜走, 沿着下水道爬行, 飞檐走壁, 在你察觉之前, 他们就已经在你的身后了。)

6. And Manila, refusing to acknowledge what has happened, is telling their populace sitting on rooftops to just wait it out. (翻译:还有马尼拉,拒绝承认发生了什么,正告诉他们的百姓坐在屋顶上等水退去。)

7. We’ve made sure there’s no one on the rooftops and it’s safe to do it. (翻译:我们已经确保 楼顶上没有闲杂人等 保证操作安全)

8. Since most langurs are tree dwellers, these often scamper high on the desert cliffs or perch on nearby rooftops. (翻译:因为绝大部分的长尾叶猴是栖在树上的,他们往往是疾走出没在沙漠悬崖上或者是栖息在附近的屋顶上。)

9. From the hill we looked out over the rooftops of Athens. (翻译:我们从山上眺望雅典建筑的顶部。)

10. [ Pilot ] Striker One, rooftops 125 to 136 clear. (翻译:一百二十五到一百三十六屋顶没问题 -保持警戒)

11. Relentlessly pursue Mannix over the rooftops. (翻译:在屋顶不懈地追击Mannix。)

12. A common practice for a lot of units to get the best observation they can get, they would go to the rooftops of buildings. (翻译:因为他们害怕我们 很多次我们都听见他们用语谈论狙击手 我们常听见寺里用对讲机在讲狙击手云云的)

13. Are the rooftops covered, Agent Comden? (翻译:屋顶都检查好了吗 肯丹特工? Are the rooftops covered, Agent Comden?)

14. The rhythm accelerates; plink follows plunk faster and faster until the sound is a roll of drums and the individual drops become an army marching over fields and rooftops. (翻译:雨加快了节奏,叮当声、乒乓声,一阵紧以一阵,最后连成一片绵密的鼓点,点点雨滴也汇成千军万马,扑向田野、屋顶。)

15. Because if someone sings it from the rooftops, you know that they really mean it, and that’s what weddings are all about. (翻译:因为如果有人唱 它从屋顶, 你知道,他们真正的意思是, 这就是婚礼的全部。)


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