shackleton是什么意思 shackleton的翻译、中文解释

shackleton是什么意思 shackleton的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 发音与拼写

Shackleton这个单词的发音为/shak-uh l-tuh n/,拼写为Sh-a-c-k-l-e-t-o-n。需要注意的是,这个单词的首字母S要发/s/音,而不是/sh/音。

2. 词义

Shackleton通常指的是英国极地探险家欧内斯特·亨利·沙克尔顿(Ernest Henry Shackleton),他曾多次前往南极和南大洋进行勘探和探险,被誉为极地探险家中的传奇人物。此外,Shackleton也可以指他的家族或与他有关的事物。

3. 缩写

Shackleton的缩写通常为ES,这代表着Ernest Shackleton的缩写。在一些场合下,Shackleton也会被缩写为SH或SHACK。

4. 词源



1. Ernest Shackleton was a British polar explorer who led three British expeditions to the Antarctic.


2. The Shackleton family has a long history of exploration and adventure.


3. During the Antarctic expedition, Shackleton and his crew faced numerous challenges and hardships.


4. The Shackleton Society is dedicated to promoting the legacy of the great explorer.


5. ES is widely regarded as one of the most courageous and determined explorers of all time.





1. Ernest Shackleton was a famous British Antarctic explorer.


2. The endurance shown by Shackleton and his crew during their Antarctic survival journey is truly remarkable.




例句:Left behind, we watched as Shackleton and the boat sailed away from Elephant Island. (我们被留在后面,注视着沙克尔顿和他的小船驶离象鼻岛。)


例句:Shackleton was almost asleep when he noticed one of his trusted men looking around to see if anyone was watching. (沙克尔顿差不多要睡着时,发现一名他信任的队员正四下张望,看有没有人在注意他。)


例句:We can do it by jump-starting with an industrial Lewis and Clark expedition to Shackleton crater, to mine the moon for resources, and demonstrate they can form the basis for a profitable business on orbit. (我们可以发起一次象斯和克拉克穿越美国一样具有历史意义的 对沙克尔顿环形山的工业探索, 以开采月球资源,证明 它们可以成为在轨道上可盈利的商业活动的基础。)


例句:We’ve already lost Hayward and Shackleton, along with the lives of 300 American sailors. (翻译:我们已经失去了海华德号和沙克顿号 牺牲了300名美国海军士兵)

shackleton一般作为名词使用,如在Shackleton(沙克尔顿(①姓氏 ②Sir Ernest Henry, 1874-1922, 英国南极探险家))、Ernest Shackleton(n. 欧内斯特·沙克尔顿)、Shackleton Canyon([地名] 沙克尔顿海底峡谷 ( 罗斯海 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Shackleton 沙克尔顿(①姓氏 ②Sir Ernest Henry, 1874-1922, 英国南极探险家) Ernest Shackleton n. 欧内斯特·沙克尔顿 Shackleton Canyon [地名] 沙克尔顿海底峡谷 ( 罗斯海 ) Shackleton Glacier [地名] 沙克尔顿冰川 ( 南极洲 ) Shackleton Seamount [地名] 沙克尔顿海山 ( 大西洋 ) Shackleton Fracture Zone [地名] 沙克尔顿断裂带 ( 大西洋 ) shackleton ra. 沙克尔顿岭

1. We can do it by jump-starting with an industrial Lewis and Clark expedition to Shackleton crater, to mine the moon for resources, and demonstrate they can form the basis for a profitable business on orbit. (翻译:我们可以发起一次象斯和克拉克穿越美国一样具有历史意义的 对沙克尔顿环形山的工业探索, 以开采月球资源,证明 它们可以成为在轨道上可盈利的商业活动的基础。)

2. We’ve already lost Hayward and Shackleton, along with the lives of 300 American sailors. (翻译:我们已经失去了海华德号和沙克顿号 牺牲了300名美国海军士兵)

3. It’s okay. It’s okay, Brian. It’s Greg Shackleton at 7. (翻译:布莱恩,没事,他是第7频道的格雷・夏寇顿)

4. Mount Erebus was an irresistible draw to the legendary explorer Ernest Shackleton. (翻译:埃里伯斯火山对于传奇探险家 欧内斯特・沙克顿来说 魅力不可抗拒)

5. CIC, coordinate fire control solutions with Shackleton and Hayward. (翻译:战斗信息中心 与沙克顿号和海华德号 协调火控方案)

6. University sources confirm that Simon Silver has accepted the invitation of Paul Shackleton, head of the Scientific Paranormal Research Center to be submitted to an exhaustive scientific study of his extrasensory abilities. (翻译:有来自大学的消息,确认了西蒙·斯列佛 已经接受 科学超能力研究中心的领头人)

7. Growing up in Brooklyn, he dreamed of being Shackleton at the South Pole or Darwin on board the Beagle. (翻译:成长于布鲁克林的他,曾梦想成为沙克尔顿到南极探险,或成为达尔文乘贝格尔船前去考察。)

8. James is seaworthy, Shackleton was sunk, Hayward damaged, and survivors, including Captain Meylan, (翻译:詹姆斯号还能航行 沙克顿号已沉 海华德号受损 幸存者 包括梅朗舰长)

9. I believe Shackleton must have mourned this unexpected end to his expedition, but he did not waste time on regrets. (翻译:我相信沙克尔顿肯定会对这次探险意想不到的结局而痛心,但他没并有把时间浪费在遗憾和悔恨中。)

10. Now, I gotta tell you, I’m always reading books about explorers. I find exploration very interesting, Arctic exploration, you know, people like Magellan, Amundsen, Shackleton, you see Franklin down there, Scott, all these guys. It’s really nifty, exploration. (翻译:好了,我必须告诉你们,我总是在读一些 关于探险者的书籍,我认为探险非常有趣 北极探险,或者是探险家麦哲伦 阿蒙森,沙克尔顿,还有 斯科特,所有的这些人都在探险,探险是件很俏皮的事情 )

11. Shackleton kept his promise. More than three months later, hr returned to Elephant Island to rescue the crew he had been forced to abandon. (翻译:沙而顿没有食言。三个月后,他回到大象岛解救那些他遗弃的船员。)

12. Scott’s team traveled over the Beardmore Glacier, following the path of Ernest Shackleton’s earlier attempt to reach the pole. (翻译:斯科特的队伍在比尔德摩尔冰川上穿行, 沿着未能成功到达极地的探险家 欧内斯特·沙克尔顿的路线前进。)

13. What Shackleton and his men must have felt doesn’t bear thinking about. (翻译:沙克尔顿和他的手下人肯定感觉到的东西是经不起推敲的。)

14. And the most amazing thing that came out of that mission was a strong hydrogen signature at Shackleton crater on the south pole of the moon. (翻译:这项计划最令人称奇的发现 是在月球的南极沙克尔顿环形山 探测到很强的氢气信号)

15. Sir Ernest Shackleton and his Trans-Antarctic Expedition more than a century ago, the celebrated ill-fated adventure. (翻译:欧内斯特·沙克尔顿爵士 和他一个世纪多之前的 “穿越南极”探险队, 经历了一次著名的、 注定要失败的冒险。)


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