thoreau是什么意思 thoreau的翻译、中文解释

  thoreau是什么意思 thoreau的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:i will tell that woman that my students can talk about transcendentalism like their last name was Thoreau, and just because you watched one episode of “The Wire” doesn’t mean you know anything about my kids.

  翻译:我会告诉那位女士 我的学生们会谈论先验论, 仿佛他们有着梭罗(Thoreau)家族血统, 仅仅因为你看过了一集《火线》 (译注:美剧,又译为《线人》、《风云》), 并不意味着你很了解我的孩子们。 。


  thoreau一般作为名词使用,如在Henry David Thoreau([网络] 亨利大卫梭罗)、henry david thoreaus(亨利·大卫·梭罗(美国作家及自然主义者))等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. from writers like Tolstoy, Jack London and Thoreau.

  翻译:托尔斯泰刻画的人物 杰克?伦敦和思娄。

  2. As a high-schooler, i started to read authors like Thoreau and Aldo Leopold and Edward Abbey, and i really began to develop a deeper appreciation of the natural world.

  翻译:上高中后,我开始阅读 梭罗,阿尔多.李奥帕德 和爱德华.艾比等作家的书 我对于自然世界 萌生了更深层次的感情。

  3. Whenever we think of indigenous people and landscape, we either invoke Rousseau and the old canard of the “noble savage,” which is an idea racist in its simplicity, or alternatively, we invoke Thoreau and say these people are closer to the Earth than we are.

  翻译:说到土族居民和原始的风土人情 我们会想到罗素 关于那个高贵的野人的古老传说 那一个理想的种族主义者 我们会想到梭罗 这些人比我们更亲近大地 。

  4. Star Wars, Thoreau, Ayn Rand…

  翻译:星际大战 哲学家 梭罗。

  5. i’ll now read the traditional opening message by society member Henry David Thoreau.

  翻译:现在我来朗读我们的社员之一 亨利?戴维?梭罗的传统开幕词。

  6. See, we would gather at the old indian cave and take turns reading from Thoreau, Whitman, Shelley, the biggies.

  翻译:我们在老印地安人石穴会合 轮流念梭罗、惠特曼、雪莱。

  7. Miss Thoreau… limit your answers to the questions asked.

  翻译:梭罗… 限制你的答案 在问的问题。。

  8. i was walking along, looking at the tall buildings, and i got to thinkin’ about what Thoreau said.

  翻译:我在回家路上 看着那些高耸的建筑物 接着就想到古人说的话。

  9. Henry David Thoreau once wrote:


  10. Henry david thoreau Found nature inspiring as well.


  11. So, Miss Thoreau… how long do these diagnoses of yours generally take?

  翻译:所以,梭罗… 多久做这些诊断 你一般取?。

  12. (Applause) The Henry David Thoreau quote goes, “When you achieve your dreams, it’s not so much what you get as who you have become in achieving them.”

  翻译:亨利·戴维·梭罗有句名言, 当你实现你的梦想的时候,关键并不是你得到了什么, 而是在最求的过程中你变成了什么样的人。 。

  13. Meanwhile, over in America, in Concord, Massachusetts, it was Henry David Thoreau who came up with the grading scale for different hardnesses of pencil.

  翻译:同时 在美国马萨诸塞州的康科德市 亨利·大卫·梭罗针对不同的铅笔 制定了硬度的等级表 。

  14. As a high-schooler, i started to read authors like Thoreau and Aldo Leopold and Edward Abbey, and i really began to develop a deeper appreciation of the natural world.

  翻译:上高中后,我开始阅读 梭罗,阿尔多.李奥帕德 和爱德华.艾比等作家的书 我对于自然世界 萌生了更深层次的感情 。

  15. That’s a wonderful use of Thoreau, Scottie.


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