personhood是什么意思 personhood的翻译、中文解释

  personhood是什么意思 personhood的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:The Supreme Court has even insisted on their personhood.

  翻译:高等法院 就更维护自己的清白了。



  例句:This is a marvelously constructed thing that results in individual form because each one of us has vastly different histories, and vastly different experiences, that drive in to us this marvelous differentiation of self, of personhood.

  翻译:这个宏大的被构建的东西 导致了个体形态的存在, 因为我们每个人都有非常不同的历史, 及非常不同的经历, 而这将推动我们自我,人格 上的巨大差异。。



  例句:We’ve granted legal personhood to corporations.

  翻译:我们授予了公司法人地位。 。



  1. We’ve granted legal personhood to corporations.

  翻译:我们授予了公司法人地位。 。

  2. You see, legal personhood grants us the ability to be visible in a court of law, and to have our voices heard as a person protected under the law.

  翻译:法律人格赋予我们 在法庭上被看到的能力, 让我们作为受法律保护的人 能够发出自己的声音。 。

  3. This is a marvelously constructed thing that results in individual form because each one of us has vastly different histories, and vastly different experiences, that drive in to us this marvelous differentiation of self, of personhood.

  翻译:这个宏大的被构建的东西 导致了个体形态的存在, 因为我们每个人都有非常不同的历史, 及非常不同的经历, 而这将推动我们自我,人格 上的巨大差异。 。

  4. And we need to grant legal personhood to water, because it affords the following rights and protections.

  翻译:我们需要赋予水法律上的人格, 因为它能提供相应的权利和保护。 。

  5. Now, at that time, there was very little known about or spoken about truly animal rights, about the idea of having legal personhood or legal rights for a nonhuman animal, and i knew it was going to take a long time.

  翻译:那时候 人们几乎不知道也很少谈及 动物的真正权利 也很少关心让动物拥有合法人格,或合法权利的观点 所以我知道这将是一条漫长的路 。

  6. See this gooey sackus membranous around my personhood?


  7. We can create laws through which we grant legal personhood to water.

  翻译:我们可以立法来将法律人格授予水。 。

  8. That’s why i’m here with you today, because i believe that one of the many solutions to solving the many water injustices we see in our world today is recognizing that water is a living relation and granting it the legal personhood it deserves.

  翻译:这就是我今天来到这里的原因, 因为我认为,解决当前世界 众多水资源不公的方案之一, 就是承认水是一种, 并且赋予它应有的法律人格。 。

  9. You can advocate for granting legal personhood to water.

  翻译:你可以倡导将法律人格授予水。 。

  10. Students and parents need you. They need your actual person: your physical personhood and your open minds and open ears and boundless compassion, sitting next to them, listening and nodding and asking questions for hours at a time.

  翻译:学生以及家长也需要你 他们要你站在他们身边 也希望得到你在心灵上给予他们指导 只要你用心去倾听 再加上一颗同情心 坐在孩子身边 给予他们肯定的暗示 每次是一连几个小时 回答孩子的疑问。

  11. The Whanganui River in Aotearoa, in New Zealand, and the Ganges River in india were both granted legal personhood in 2017.

  翻译:例如新西兰的旺格努伊河, 以及印度的恒河 都在 2017 年被授予法律人格。 。

  12. Students and parents need you. They need your actual person: your physical personhood and your open minds and open ears and boundless compassion, sitting next to them, listening and nodding and asking questions for hours at a time.

  翻译:学生以及家长也需要你 他们要你站在他们身边 也希望得到你在心灵上给予他们指导 只要你用心去倾听 再加上一颗同情心 坐在孩子身边 给予他们肯定的暗示 每次是一连几个小时 回答孩子的疑问 。

  13. Now, these are controversial cases, and as a Shinnecock woman and a legal scholar, they make me question the moral compass of the Western world, where you can grant legal personhood to a corporation but not nature.

  翻译:这都是一些有争议的案件, 而作为一个辛奈考克女性以及法学家, 它们让我对西方世界的 道德指南针有了疑问, 你可以授予企业法律人格, 却不能授予自然 同样的权利。 。

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