variants是什么意思 variants的翻译、中文解释

  variants是什么意思 variants的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:There’re 102 known variants of the common cold, and there’re only 102 because people got bored collecting them: there are just new ones every year.

  翻译:已知普通感冒有102种变异, 仅仅只有102种是因为人们已经厌倦去收集它们了, 每年都有新的。



  例句:Clearly i could make more variants, but would these three members of the family be better?

  翻译:显然我能制出更多的字体变化, 但这一系列的三种字体会更好吗。



  例句:Well it turns out that every male Olympic power athelete ever tested carries at least one of these variants.

  翻译:每个接受检测的奥林匹克男运动员 都至少含有这种基因型的一个变体。



  例句:So we have to keep plugging away, trying to correct the misapprehensions so that only the benign and useful variants of our ideas continue to spread.

  翻译:所以我们必须坚持不懈地 不断试图矫正各种误解 确保只有思想中有用的、无害的部分得到传播。


  variants一般作为名词使用,如在electroptic variants([机] 电泳转化)、genetic variants(遗传变异体(genetic variant的名词复数))、multivariable variants(多元变量)等常见短语中出现较多。

  electroptic variants[机] 电泳转化genetic variants遗传变异体(genetic variant的名词复数)multivariable variants多元变量optional variants随意变体invariants of projection射影不变量1. Well it turns out that every male Olympic power athelete ever tested carries at least one of these variants.

  翻译:每个接受检测的奥林匹克男运动员 都至少含有这种基因型的一个变体。

  2. So we have to keep plugging away, trying to correct the misapprehensions so that only the benign and useful variants of our ideas continue to spread.

  翻译:所以我们必须坚持不懈地 不断试图矫正各种误解 确保只有思想中有用的、无害的部分得到传播。

  3. it won’t be hard to find the source. We’ve four variants.

  翻译:因为只有4种可能 其中3个在我们眼前。

  4. it is a compendium of mythologies with all their variants and alternative tellings;


  5. i was asked at this time to design a series of condensed sans serif types with as many different variants as possible within this 18-unit box.

  翻译:当时我被要求设计 一系列紧凑的无衬线字体, 在18个单元之内 带有尽可能多的字体变化。

  6. This easy variability is the sign of a bad explanation, because, without a functional reason to prefer one of countless variants, advocating one of them in preference to the others is irrational.

  翻译:这种很随意的可变性 正是坏解释的标志 因为当没有什么关于细节的解释作用的理由能使我们选择 千万种可能解释中的一个 唯独支持这一个而抛弃其他 便是不理性的。

  7. Our pact with our patients, the Hippocratic Oath and its variants, is about the sanctity of the patient-doctor relationship.

  翻译:我们对于病人的承诺 就如希波克拉底誓言和它的不同版本 是神圣不可侵犯的医患关系。

  8. And since there are many genetic variants, and they have different such gradients, this means that if we determine a DNA sequence — a genome from one individual — we can quite accurately estimate where that person comes from, provided that its parents or grandparents haven’t moved around too much.

  翻译:既然存在如此多的基因变异 它们的变化率也不同 这意味着如果我们鉴别出一个DNA序列 即某个人的基因组 我们就可以非常准确地推算出 这个人来自假设这个人的父母或祖父母 基本都留在一个地方。

  9. That’s right. These are mutant variants.

  翻译:没错 是变种。

  10. This easy variability is the sign of a bad explanation, because, without a functional reason to prefer one of countless variants, advocating one of them, in preference to the others, is irrational.

  翻译:这种很随意的可变性 正是坏解释的标志 因为当没有什么关于细节的解释作用的理由能使我们选择 千万种可能解释中的一个 唯独支持这一个而抛弃其他 便是不理性的。

  11. (Roar) What if i told you they are all variants of the same hero?


  12. i’ve acquired the air rights, but we still need the zoning variants.

  翻译:我获得了领空使用权 但还需要区域规划的许可。

  13. So we have to keep plugging away, trying to correct the misapprehensions so that only the benign and useful variants of our ideas continue to spread.

  翻译:所以我们必须坚持不懈地 不断试图矫正各种误解 确保只有思想中有用的、无害的部分得到传播。

  14. For one thing, one can design many variants of a form, in parallel, and one can cultivate them.

  翻译:一方面,建筑师可以设计出一个造型的不同变体 同时,他又可以让它们发展出其他的形态。

  15. Hence the term, mutant variants.



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