subverted是什么意思 subverted的翻译、中文解释

  subverted是什么意思 subverted的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


  这个词的常用场景是指一个原本稳定的体系或秩序被或颠覆。例如,“subverted government”指被颠覆的,“subverted system”指被的体系。

  在词组搭配方面,’subverted’经常与其他形容词或名词一起使用,例如’subverted authority’、’subverted power’、’subverted morality’等。

  相关的短语包括’subverted by’,意思是被某个因素所。例如,“subverted by greed”指因为贪婪而被。




  1. The rebels managed to subvert the government and establish a new regime.(叛乱分子设法颠覆了并建立了新的政权。)

  2. The corrupt officials subverted the rule of law for their own benefit.(官员为了自己的利益而颠覆了法治。)

  3. The company’s compes tried to subvert its market dominance by launching a price war.(公司的竞争对手试图通过发起价格战来颠覆其市场主导地位。)



  例句:Well, as you’ve seen, this check has been subverted and now a NumberFormatException is thrown. (正如已经看到的那样,这个检查已经被,抛出了一个NumberFor matException。)


  例句:The more copious life’s social behaviors are, the more likely they are to be subverted into mutually beneficial interactions. (生物的社会行为越丰富,就越有可能形成互惠互利的关系。)


  例句:As an indivisible part of his ontology philosophy, Heidegger’s aesthetics has subverted traditional western aesthetics. (海德格尔美学是其存在论哲学思想的不可分割的部分,是对西方传统美学的颠覆。)


  例句:The problem is that digital technology has completely subverted the logic of this physically fixed, expression versus idea concept. (翻译:问题是数字技术 已经完全颠覆了 这种依据自然法则固定的表达 与思想理念.)

  1. As an indivisible part of his ontology philosophy, Heidegger’s aesthetics has subverted traditional western aesthetics. (翻译:海德格尔美学是其存在论哲学思想的不可分割的部分,是对西方传统美学的颠覆。)

  2. The problem is that digital technology has completely subverted the logic of this physically fixed, expression versus idea concept. (翻译:问题是数字技术 已经完全颠覆了 这种依据自然法则固定的表达 与思想理念.)

  3. Its appearance not only has subverted “the third child or brother type” the stable landscape, at the same time the Iraqi Lante has also become “new three type” the head. (翻译:它的出现不仅颠覆了“老三样”的稳固江山,同时伊兰特也成为了“新三样”之首。)

  4. If not, we run the risk that the surveillance facilities will be subverted or actually used against the U. (翻译:假如答案是否定的,侦查设备就有遭到或反被利用来对抗美国的风险。)

  5. They seem to have subverted a male trick that is intended to ensure paternity rights, and turned it into a trap. (翻译:它们似乎能够识破雄性蜘蛛维护其父权地位的诡计,并将其变成一个陷阱。)

  6. The problem is that digital technology has completely subverted the logic of this physically fixed, expression versus idea concept. (翻译:问题是数字技术 已经完全颠覆了 这种依据自然法则固定的表达 与思想理念. )

  7. The ease with which it can be sweet-talked, overwhelmed, or subverted by other hard-wired tendencies sometimes themselves disguised as the light of reason, is worrisome. (翻译:人很容易被甜言所惑,不知所措 The ease with which it can be sweet -talked, overwhelmed, 或是曲从于强权 or subverted by other hard)

  8. The more times you’re forced to use your real identity, certainly in transactional terms, the more likely that identity is to get stolen and subverted. (翻译:被强制使用真实身份的次数越多, 当然是在交易中, 那么它被盗被毁的可能性就越大。)

  9. And you can have an identity, you don’t like it, because it’s subverted in some way, or it’s insecure, or it’s inappropriate, you just delete it and get another one. (翻译:有的你可能不喜欢, 因为它可能被了, 或者不安全,或是不恰当。你只需要删除它,找另一个, )

  10. On the other hand, if you’re too permissive, you may not find that out until after your program has been subverted. (翻译:另一方面,如果你限制的过于宽松,可能得直到程序被您才会发现这一问题。)

  11. Christianity, in Britain as in much of Europe, is forever “subverted” , which in truth means it is defamed, reviled and mocked. (翻译:教在英国也和在欧洲的大部分地区一样,永远是“被的”,事实上也意味着它是受、诽谤和嘲笑的。)

  12. In the 1960s, postmodernist aesthetics got on the historical stage in the status of a negator to the Western traditional aesthetics, and totally subverted traditional aesthetics. (翻译:19世纪xx年代,后现代美学以西方传统美学的否定者的身份登上历史舞台,对传统美学进行了彻底的颠覆。)

  13. You and the lunatic fringe that listen to this drivel have ruined the country, and subverted conservatism into the ideology of hate. (翻译:你和那些听这些胡言乱语的极端分子简直毁了这个国家,愚蠢地把保守主义颠复成了怨恨!)

  14. They seem to have subverted a male trick that is intended to ensure paternity rights, and turned it into a trap. (翻译:它们似乎颠覆了雄蜘蛛想要维护父权的诡计,将之转变成一个陷阱。)


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