willfully是什么意思 willfully的翻译、中文解释

  willfully是什么意思 willfully的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释





  1. He willfully ignored the warning signs and ended up getting lost in the woods.


  2. The ager willfully disobeyed his parents and stayed out past curfew.




  例句:Basically, the law allows prosecution of any entity (person or business) that knowingly or willfully. (简言之,法律允许起诉包括个人和商事组织在内的任何纳税主体。)


  例句:Was I so blind, or did I close my eyes willfully, so I would not have to see the price of power? (难道我是如此的盲目或者固执的闭上了眼,仅仅这样我就不用面对权力的代价了么?)


  例句:To help us remain clear-headed and not get lost in the fog mankind is willfully lost in, it is good to turn to the Book of Genesis. (为了帮助我们保持头脑清醒,不迷失在人类任意陷入的迷雾中,让我们打开创世记这卷书——这对我们是很有好处的。)


  例句:But, for once, he seemed to be speaking past her, and only later did Henry realize she had willfully misheard him. (翻译:但这一次,他似乎不是在对着她说话,后来亨利才意识到莫伊拉成心误解了他的原话。)

  1. To help us remain clear-headed and not get lost in the fog mankind is willfully lost in, it is good to turn to the Book of Genesis. (翻译:为了帮助我们保持头脑清醒,不迷失在人类任意陷入的迷雾中,让我们打开创世记这卷书——这对我们是很有好处的。)

  2. But, for once, he seemed to be speaking past her, and only later did Henry realize she had willfully misheard him. (翻译:但这一次,他似乎不是在对着她说话,后来亨利才意识到莫伊拉成心误解了他的原话。)

  3. Refrainment is a moral norm which binds man’s indulgent behavior of demanding willfully from nature. (翻译:节制是对人类任意向自然索取的放纵行为实施约束的道德规范。)

  4. When you attain your enlightenment, you willfully understand and by that time you will know the boundless powers of the Nursery Rhymes. (翻译:当你修行成功 你自然会明白 到那时候 你就知道儿歌三百首真正无穷的力量)

  5. But we can no longer willfully close our eyes and pretend that we cannot see that he sees us as beneath him (翻译:但是我们再不能装作 不知道他在看着我们了)

  6. It’s almost as if we’re victims of the city, rather than people that have willingly or willfully designed the city or formulated the city. (翻译:就像我们是这个城市的受害者, 而不像是欣然的设计了这个城市 或者表述这个城市。)

  7. I’m obviously not encouraging you to willfully make bad decisions, nor am I encouraging you to not endeavor to get better at it. (翻译:再次声明我不是鼓励你做坏决定,或是叫你不要学著做好决定。)

  8. You have overstepped your jurisdiction, interfering with and willfully damaging a police investigation into arms smuggling. (翻译:你们逾越了司法权 插手并故意警方调查 一起案)

  9. Willfully not knowing. Ignoring, repressing, or generally refusing to acknowledge. (翻译:无视,压制或者一味的拒绝新的知识。)

  10. His lawyers are asking for daily reports about his condition to see whether prison officials are willfully violating the court order. (翻译:他的律师正一直询问关于他情况的每日报道,以此来查看官员是否存心违背法庭命令。)

  11. And like many techy terms, it is willfully misspelled. (翻译:和一些科技术语一样,这个词是故意拼错的。)

  12. It comes from information that is freely available and out there, but that we are willfully blind to, because we can’t handle, don’t want to handle, the conflict that it provokes. (翻译:都是由那些公开的信息而造成的 不过我们只不是完全忽略了而已 因为我们不想去处理引起 的各种麻烦和矛盾)

  13. – Citations for parking in a red zone more than 18 inches from the curb, blocking a fire hydrant expired registration, no front plate, littering, attempt to extort an officer and willfully destroying a court summons. (翻译:-罪证 泊车在红域 离路边距离超过18英寸挡住消防栓 驾照过期 无保险杠)

  14. Muras because Klaette the trick yourself confused, so Stood committed willfully bad. (翻译:老穆因为科莱特的故弄玄虚让自己一头雾水,所以站在那里故意犯坏。)

  15. I charge you, that on the 26th of September you did willfully murder Charles Alexander Swan. (翻译:我控诉你在xx月廿xx日 你有意的了查尔斯史望)

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