osteopenia是什么意思 osteopenia的翻译、中文解释

  osteopenia是什么意思 osteopenia的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  Osteopenia is a term used in the medical field to describe a condition where the bones are weaker than normal. As an English teacher, I would explain this term to my students by breaking it down into the following aspects:

  1. Definition: Osteopenia is a condition that occurs when bone density is lower than normal but not low enough to be considered osteoporosis.

  Example sentence: The elderly woman was diagnosed with osteopenia, and her doctor recommended she start taking calcium supplements.

  2. Symptoms: Osteopenia may not have any obvious symptoms, but it can lead to an increased risk of bone fractures.

  Example sentence: The athlete was surprised to learn that his frequent injuries were due to his osteopenia, which weakened his bones.

  3. Causes: Osteopenia can be caused by a variety of factors, such as age, genetics, certain medications, and hormonal imbalances.

  Example sentence: The young woman was concerned about her osteopenia diagnosis, as it is rare for someone her age to have weak bones.

  4. Treatment: Treatment for osteopenia may involve lifestyle changes, such as exercising more and eating a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D. In some cases, medications may be prescribed to help increase bone density.

  Example sentence: The doctor advised the patient with osteopenia to take a daily calcium supplement and to engage in weight-bearing exercises to help strengthen her bones.

  5. Prevention: Osteopenia can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding risk factors such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

  Example sentence: The nutritionist recommended that the patient incorporate more dairy products into her diet to prevent osteopenia in the future.

  In conclusion, as an English teacher, I would explain to my students that osteopenia is a condition that affects bone density and can result in an increased risk of fractures. I would also provide examples of the symptoms, causes, treatment, and prevention of this condition to help them better understand the term.


  1. 这位年迈的妇女被诊断出患有骨质疏松前期,医生建议她开始服用钙补充剂。

  2. 运动员惊讶地发现,他频繁的受伤是由于他的骨质疏松前期导致的,这导致了他的骨骼变薄。

  3. 这个年轻女子对她的骨质疏松前期诊断感到担忧,因为她的年龄对于拥有脆弱的骨骼来说是罕见的。

  4. 医生建议患有骨质疏松前期的病人每天服用一次钙补充剂,并进行负重锻炼,以帮助强化骨骼。

  5. 营养师建议患者在日常饮食中加入更多的乳制品,以预防骨质疏松前期的发生。




  1. Osteopenia is a condition that can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and medications.


  2. Studies have shown that weight-bearing exercises can help prevent osteopenia and osteoporosis.


  3. My doctor has recommended that I take vitamin D supplements to help manage my osteopenia.




  例句:And yet, if you take, for example, subclinical osteoporosis, a bone thinning disease, the precondition, otherwise known as osteopenia, you would have to treat 270 women for three years in order to prevent one broken bone. (然而, 如果你拿亚临床骨质疏松症做例子, 它的前兆症状, 被称为骨质减少, 你必须为270个女人提供长达xx年的治疗, 来防止一个断裂的骨头。)


  例句:Majority of women allocated in two groups suffered from osteopenia or osteoporosis. (两组患者骨量减少的发生率均占绝大多数,其次为骨质疏松的发生率。)


  例句:Unlike osteoporosis or osteopenia, which result from low bone mineral density, osteomalacia interferes with new bone formation. (与低骨矿物质密度导致的骨质疏松症或骨质缺乏不同,骨软化症妨碍新骨形成。)


  例句:Dietary calcium and vitamins play significant roles in maintaining skeletal health, but high-fat diets may contribute to osteopenia. (翻译:营养的钙质与维他命在维持骨骼的健壮扮演著重要角色,但是,高脂肪的营养则可能导致骨质的流失。)

  1. Unlike osteoporosis or osteopenia, which result from low bone mineral density, osteomalacia interferes with new bone formation. (翻译:与低骨矿物质密度导致的骨质疏松症或骨质缺乏不同,骨软化症妨碍新骨形成。)

  2. Dietary calcium and vitamins play significant roles in maintaining skeletal health, but high-fat diets may contribute to osteopenia. (翻译:营养的钙质与维他命在维持骨骼的健壮扮演著重要角色,但是,高脂肪的营养则可能导致骨质的流失。)

  3. But if we figure out what’s causing the osteopenia, we can reverse the bone damage, then do the surgery. (翻译:但如果我们找出了引起骨质疏松的原因 就可以扭转骨骼损害,完成手术)

  4. Well, if he’s an old man, osteopenia would just be a fact of life. (翻译:好吧,如果他是个老家伙 骨质疏松就是个无法改变的事实)

  5. Osteopenia may be an important risk factor in curve progression. (翻译:骨质减少可能是侧凸进展中的一个重要危险因子。)

  6. He’s got osteopenia. His bones are too thin to fix the arm problem. (翻译:他得到是骨质稀松症 骨骼太细,修复起来很困难)

  7. Some of the racers, young men in their 20s, had osteopenia in their spines, a medical condition only one step below full-blown osteoporosis. (翻译:其中一些比较年轻的车手,不过20出头,脊柱就出现骨质疏松症状,这距离全身骨骼骨质疏松仅一步之遥。)

  8. Conclusions Systemic osteopenia and osteoporosis is a risk factor for periodontal tooth loss. (翻译:结论骨质疏松症是牙周病的危险因子之一。)

  9. Prevention of bone loss by estradiol valerate combined with medroxyprogesterone acetate among postmenopausal women with osteopenia (翻译:戊酸雌二醇联合应用醋甲羟孕酮预防绝经近期低骨量妇女骨丢失的作用)

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