ress是什么意思 ress的翻译、中文解释

  ress是什么意思 ress的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  作为语言模型AI,我很高兴为您提供以下关于 “ress” 的解释:

  1. 定义: “ress” 不是一个常见的单词或缩写词,无法在词典中找到确切定义。然而,它可能是一些特定领域的缩写词,如:Remote Education Support System, Recruitment and Employment Support Services, Resource Efficiency Support Scheme 等等。

  2. 发音:无法为 “ress” 提供确切的发音指导,因为其并不常见,也没有标准化的发音。

  3. 用途:根据 “ress” 所代表的特定领域,它的使用是极为有限的。如果您想要了解 “ress” 更加详细的用途和含义,建议您进一步查询与特定领域有关的文献或者相关词汇表。

  4. 例句:

  - Remote Education Support System (RESS) is an innovative online platform that connects teachers and students around the world.

  (Remote Education Support System(RESS)是一个创新的在线平台,将世界各地的教师和学生联系在一起。)

  - The Recruitment and Employment Support Services (RESS) aim to ist clients in finding suitable employment opportunities.


  - The Resource Efficiency Support Scheme (RESS) provides funding for businesses to improve their energy efficiency and reduce waste.


  5. 相关词汇:如果您对 “ress” 感兴趣,可以尝试搜索以下与之相关的词汇:

  - Remote Education Support System

  - Recruitment and Employment Support Services

  - Resource Efficiency Support Scheme

  - Research

  - Resume




  例句:Ress, to meet the color business card printing and membership card production market demand for high-end professional user. (以满足彩色制卡和会员卡制作生产市场上高端专业用户的需求。)


  例句:WIN450 Small offset ress can print all kinds of colour products as colour picture, the front and back covers of a book. (WIN450单面小型胶印机可印刷彩片、杂志封面等各种彩色印刷品。)


  例句:Design of the nozzle applied in RESS coated particles technology (超临界流体快速膨胀法粒子包覆技术喷嘴的设计)


  例句:The rapid expansion of supercritical solution (RESS) process for particle encapsulation is a recently developed technology. (翻译:超临界溶液快速膨胀技术是一种新兴的超细粒子包覆技术。)

  ress一般作为名词使用,如在vot’ress([网络] 投票)等常见短语中出现较多。

  vot’ress[网络] 投票1. Design of the nozzle applied in RESS coated particles technology (翻译:超临界流体快速膨胀法粒子包覆技术喷嘴的设计)

  2. The rapid expansion of supercritical solution (RESS) process for particle encapsulation is a recently developed technology. (翻译:超临界溶液快速膨胀技术是一种新兴的超细粒子包覆技术。)


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