mrap是什么意思 mrap的翻译、中文解释

  mrap是什么意思 mrap的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  MRAP是Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle的缩写,意为“抵御地雷伏击的装甲车辆”。下面从三个方面进行说明:

  1. 意义及历史背景:


  2. 结构构成:


  3. 应用领域:



  1. The soldiers drove an MRAP vehicle to transport supplies to the base camp.(士兵们开着MRAP车辆来运送物资到基地营地。)

  2. The MRAP vehicle is designed to withstand landmine explosions and other forms of attack.(MRAP车辆被设计为能够抵御地雷爆炸和其他形式的攻击。)

  3. The military has recently increased the number of MRAP vehicles in order to better protect troops in war zones.(军方最近增加了MRAP车辆的数量,以更好地保护在战区的。)

  4. The MRAP vehicle is equipped with advanced communication equipment to allow soldiers to stay in contact with each other while on patrol.(MRAP车辆配备了先进的通信设备,可以让士兵在巡逻时保持联系。)

  5. Due to its high level of protection and mobility, the MRAP vehicle has become an important tool for special operations forces around the world.(由于其高度的保护和机动性,MRAP车辆已经成为全球特种的重要工具。)

  中文翻译:MRAP(Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle)地雷防护袭击车



  Translation: MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle) is a type of armored vehicle designed to withstand explosive attacks and protect soldiers in combat zones.

  Pronunciation: [?emr?p]

  Example sentence: The U.S. military uses MRAPs in Afghanistan to protect soldiers from roadside bombs.



  例句:These vehicles recently have been identified as the highest priority acquisition by the Secretary of Defense. (目前,MRAP车在中具有最高的采购优先权。)


  例句:So he intervened: “We had zero MRAP all–terrain vehicles in Afghanistan in January ’09. Now we have over 5, 000. ” (在盖茨的干预下,“xx年初,我们在阿富汗没有一辆MRAP全地形战车,现在,我们有超过5000辆。”)


  例句:Dr. Clyne will be monitoring your helmet-cam feeds from the second MRAP vehicle in the convoy. (博士会在车队中第二辆反伏击车上 监测你们头盔摄像机的反馈影像)


  例句:The Ministry of Defence has purchased a further 37 Mastiff machines to add to the fleet of 277 vehicles it has ordered from the MRAP builder since 2006. (翻译:英国已经购买了37台Mastiff车辆,加入到从xx年开始向MRAP建造者订购的277辆汽车车队中。)

  mrap一般作为名词使用,如在mrap vehicle(n. Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle, designed to protect troops from improvised explosive devices (iEDs); 抵御地雷伏击车)等常见短语中出现较多。

  mrap vehiclen. Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle, designed to protect troops from improvised explosive devices (iEDs); 抵御地雷伏击车1. Dr. Clyne will be monitoring your helmet-cam feeds from the second MRAP vehicle in the convoy. (翻译:博士会在车队中第二辆反伏击车上 监测你们头盔摄像机的反馈影像)

  2. The Ministry of Defence has purchased a further 37 Mastiff machines to add to the fleet of 277 vehicles it has ordered from the MRAP builder since 2006. (翻译:英国已经购买了37台Mastiff车辆,加入到从xx年开始向MRAP建造者订购的277辆汽车车队中。)

  3. Monthly MRAP deliveries climbed to 1, 189 by the end of the year. (翻译:到了年底,MRAP每月出货量上升到1,189辆。)

  4. MRAP vehicles are designed to provide military personnel with greater protection against improvised explosive devices. (翻译:MRAP车设计用于为作战人员提供简易的防护。)

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