limar是什么意思 limar的翻译、中文解释

  limar是什么意思 limar的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 解释:Limar是一个相对较少使用的单词或缩写词,它可能具有多种含义,具体含义取决于上下文环境。例如,它可能是一个名字、一个品牌、一个组织、一个地点或者一个技术术语等等。

  2. 用途:对于不同的含义,Limar可以用于不同场合,如商业、科技、医疗、教育等等。在英语写作中,准确理解和使用这个词可以提升文章的专业程度和文学水平。

  3. 案例:以下提供几个常见的Limar相关例句:

  - My son’s name is Limar. (我的儿子叫Limar。)

  - Limar is a well-known brand in the bicycle industry. (Limar是自行车行业的知名品牌。)

  - The study was conducted by Limar Medical Technologies. (这项研究由Limar医疗技术公司进行。)

  - Limar is a small town located in the north of Italy. (Limar是位于意大利北部的一个小镇。)

  - Have you ever heard of Limar Algorithm? (你听说过Limar算法吗?)

  - We visited Limar, a small town located in Italy. (我们去了意大利的小镇Limar。)

  - Limar is a brand known for their high-quality bike helmets. (Limar是一家以高品质自行车头盔而闻名的品牌。)

  - The scientist led a team of researchers from Limar Medical Technologies. (这名科学家带领了来自Limar医疗技术公司的研究团队。)

  - Limar is widely used in the field of computer engineering. (Limar在计算机工程领域被广泛应用。)

  - Limar is a popular name among Spanish speaking countries. (Limar是西班牙语国家中一个流行的名字。)



  1. Use sandpaper to limar the rough edges of the wood. (用砂纸磨掉木材的粗糙边缘。)

  2. She accidentally limarred the suce of her favorite table.(她不小心磨掉了她最喜欢的桌子表面。)



  例句:Extra navigational equipment optional on US mar-ket helicopters. (额外的导航设备在美国xx月-酮直升机可选的。)


  例句:Newton. li Q: I do not know why the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for such a large change? Driving force for change come from? (li问:不知瑞典皇家科学院为何如此进行这种大改变?改变的推动力从何而来?)


  例句:You’ve got to understand, Maria. I’m in this war to the finish. (你要明白, María 这场战争我要打到底)

  1. You’ve got to understand, Maria. I’m in this war to the finish. (翻译:你要明白, María 这场战争我要打到底)

  2. No, Maria. What I do now, I do alone. (翻译:不, María 我现在要干的事,我要单独去)

  3. Li Dongxu, Vice Captain of Yingkou Maritime Safety Administration, said “This floating ice mark is used in the winter time to guide the cargo boats.” (翻译:营口海事局副队长Li Dongxu称:“这个浮冰标记是在冬天时使用的,用来为货船引路。” )

  4. Li-Fi uses off-the-shelf LEDs to transmit data incredibly fast, and also in a safe and secure manner. (翻译:用现存的LED灯可以极快地传递Li-Fi数据 并且这种方式安全可靠 )

  5. I wish I could be another Kung fu star after Bruce Li and Jet Li (翻译:我希望能做李小龙,李连杰之后 又一个扬名中外的武术巨星)

  6. As Li Zhen reports, Avril left her fans eager for more. (翻译:Li Zhen报道,艾薇儿令她的歌迷渴望看到她更多演唱会。)

  7. study on the conceptive fashion and the origin of the poems that li yu and li qing – zhao invented in their late stage (翻译:李煜及李清照后期词的构思方式及其创作渊源)

  8. If he does not break himself of his bad habit, he will mar his own market. (翻译:如果他不必掉这种坏习惯,他会坏自己的事的。)

  9. We came back here to live with my father in Mar Vista. (翻译:所以我们回到这儿 跟我爸一起住在Mar Vista)

  10. L-I, two D’s… double D… two D’s… (翻译:LI两个D… 两个D… 两个D…)

  11. Group Exhibition with He Yunchang, Li Dafang, Li Zhanyang, Wang Xingwei. (翻译:包括艺术家昌,李大方,李占洋,伟。)

  12. In fact, Li Xueqin, the son of teacher Li, died in a hijacking case of an Audi automobile. (翻译:事实上,李启明的儿子李学勤几年前已经死于一场奥迪劫车案。)

  13. – Tell Sordo I’m coming with Ingles! (翻译:- María! – 告诉Sordo,我要带老外来了)

  14. In Mar. 2003, products were certified by China Quality Certification Center and got CQC certifications. (翻译:xx年xx月经过中国质量认证中心审核,获得CQC认证证书。)

  15. Any bacteria that survived died in the subzero temperatures when exposed to Mar’s atmosphere. (翻译:暴露在零度以下的火星大气中, 任何微生物都无法生存)

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