insistent是什么意思 insistent的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  insistent是什么意思 insistent的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 词性和词义:’insistent’是一个形容词,意为”坚持的,执着的,迫切的”。

  2. 语法用法:常用作表语、定语或者表语从句的谓语。

  3. 近义词汇:persistent,tenacious,determined,dogged,persistent表示”坚持不懈的”,而tenacious则指”顽强的”,determined强调”有决心的”,dogged则指”固执己见的”。

  4. 例句:

  1) The insistent knocking at the door finally woke me up. (坚持不懈的敲门声终于把我吵醒了。)

  2) She was insistent that we arrive on time for the meeting. (她坚持我们必须准时赶到会议室。)

  3) The insistent sound of the alarm clock made me get out of bed. (闹铃不断响着,最终让我起床了。)

  4) Despite his insistent complaints, I refused to change my decision. (尽管他一再抱怨,拒绝改变我的决定。)

  5) The insistent demands of the protesters finally led to changes in government policy. (者不断的要求最终导致了政策的改变。)

  英 [?n’s?st?nt];美 [?n’s?st?nt]



  1. He was insistent that she should go with him.


  2. The child was insistent on having another cookie.


  3. His insistent knocking at the door finally woke us up.




  例句:And by the way, she was also very insistent on being able to change the color, an important feature for this demonstration. (顺便一提,她对可以转换颜色这一点 特别乐此不疲, 这也是这个展示的一个重要的特征。)


  例句:He sent a note this morning and was most insistent. (他今早送来信 而且坚持我一定要去 是什么事啊)


  例句:It sings its sweetest, most insistent song, like the Sirens trying to draw Odysseus and his crew onto the rocks. (她唱着最甜蜜最坚持不懈的歌曲,正如塞壬试图令奥德修斯和他的手下迷惑,让航船触礁沉没。)


  例句:”By the dye vats, ” I repeated cheerily, and flinched at a second, more insistent poke. (翻译:“在染缸那儿,”我快活地重复道,立即被戳得缩了下身子,第二指更坚决了。)

  1. It sings its sweetest, most insistent song, like the Sirens trying to draw Odysseus and his crew onto the rocks. (翻译:她唱着最甜蜜最坚持不懈的歌曲,正如塞壬试图令奥德修斯和他的手下迷惑,让航船触礁沉没。)

  2. “By the dye vats, ” I repeated cheerily, and flinched at a second, more insistent poke. (翻译:“在染缸那儿,”我快活地重复道,立即被戳得缩了下身子,第二指更坚决了。)

  3. Kew Gardens were insistent that I couldn’t come and hack into their rubber tree. (翻译:Kew 庄园的人很顽固 所以我不能去砍他们家的橡胶树来弄点绝缘材料)

  4. Kew Gardens were insistent that I couldn’t come and hack into their rubber tree. (翻译:Kew 庄园的人很顽固 所以我不能去砍他们家的橡胶树来弄点绝缘材料 )

  5. So insistent was he in his respect for ownership that he took care not to disturb or displace anything belonging to someone else. (翻译:因为没有一刻不尊重旁人的,他绝对不动别人的东西。)

  6. The changing era requires the United States to be more insistent upon the need for free trade and an end to protectionism, he said. (翻译:他说,这个不断变化的时代要求美国更加坚持自由贸易的必要性,同时制止贸易保护主义。)

  7. moreover, so insistent was the spur within me that to stop my poetic adventure was a matter of sheer impossibility. (翻译:而且,我内心抒感的如此迫切,若要阻止我写作诗歌的冒险的历程简直是不可能的事情。)

  8. They were guests of the BioCruiser, and he never liked to start out a mission by being insistent. (翻译:他们是生态游艇的客人,他也不想在执行任务时显得过于急躁。)

  9. An army of sperm is insistent. It spurns delay and pointless diplomacy. (翻译:它们是迫切的,它拒绝推迟和无意义的手段。)

  10. Colic probably has no relation to development of an insistent, impatient personality. (翻译:疝痛与迫切、急躁的人格发育可能没有联系。)

  11. We got our first bill, and, you know, if you’re still insistent… (翻译:我们拿到了第一笔账单 如果你还坚持 –)

  12. Mr Fehrenbach is insistent that the ownership status makes no difference to the company. (翻译:菲润坚持认为,所有权状况对于公司没有影响。)

  13. The keeper needs to be strong, insistent on regular feedings of great content, watchful of mischief and laziness. (翻译:看守的需求是强劲的,定期喂食伟大的内容,恶作剧和懒惰警惕坚持。)

  14. Why are you so insistent that we leave tonight? (翻译:你为什么一定要我们今晚离开? )

  15. I can’t believe I was so insistent upon bringing these… silly things. (翻译:真不敢相信 是我非要让局面变得… 如此难以收拾)

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