joyfully是什么意思 joyfully的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  joyfully是什么意思 joyfully的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 词性和词义:

  ’joyfully’ 是一个副词,意思是愉快地,充满喜悦地。它可以用来描述人们的情感、行为和态度。它是 “joyful” 这个形容词的副词形式。

  2. 用法和语法:

  ’joyfully’ 常放在句子的动词之后,用来描述动作的方式。它可以放在句子的开始或结尾,也可以放在句子中间。在修饰动词时,通常要使用动词的进行时态。

  3. 同义词和反义词:



  4. 搭配和例句:

  - She smiled joyfully when she heard the news of her promotion.


  - The children ran joyfully through the park, chasing each other.


  - He sang joyfully at the top of his lungs, entertaining the crowd.


  - The couple danced joyfully at their wedding, surrounded by friends and family.


  - The dog wagged its tail joyfully when it saw its owner coming home.


  joyfully的中文翻译是“愉快地”(yú kuài de)。



  1. She laughed joyfully when she found out she got the job.(当她得知自己得到工作时,她愉快地笑了。)

  2. The children sang joyfully as they played in the sun.(孩子们在阳光下玩耍时欢快地唱着歌。)

  3. After finishing the marathon, he raised his arms joyfully in victory.(完成马拉松比赛后,他欣喜地举起了双臂庆祝胜利。)



  例句:Twycross found a male tapir in Bristol, and he and Debbie are joyfully united. (特怀克罗斯动物园在布里斯托找到了一只公貘。现在,他已经和快乐地结合了。)


  例句:They have begun their work and life, look after sheeps; Near bonfire, length is talked about , is liked joyfully in tent. (他们开始了他们的工作和生活——看着绵羊;在篝火旁长谈,在帐篷里欢爱。)

  1. During these first weeks she slaved joyfully. (翻译:在最初的几周里,她干得很高兴。)

  2. Finally. No matter what kind. I pray for heavenly blessing you to be forever happy joyfully. Refuel! (翻译:无论我在何地,我都永远祝福你和你的家人,幸福+富有+健康!)

  3. The Great Reich for Austria joyfully let herself be annexed in March 1938, launching a reign of terror for the 200,000 Jews living there, and just one year later. (翻译:这个旧日强国, 完全臣服于她的新主人 奥地利境内的20万犹太居民遭受的恐怖统治由此而来)

  4. My heart beats so joyfully (翻译:我心怦怦跳如此狂 My heart beats so joyfully)

  5. Themood because of enriches appears more and more joyfully. (翻译:心情因充实而显得越来越愉悦。)

  6. And this other medicine is something that you can draw on your skin, so intradermal delivery enables you to joyfully be involved in this particular kind of delivery. (翻译:而另外这个药是可以让你在身上作画的。皮内的传输让你很快乐地参与到 这种特别的传输过程中来。)

  7. My name is Ling, I am that a work paints painting joyfully , return back to a very delighted shrewish girl student. (翻译:我的名字叫玲,我是一个活欢画画,还很喜欢泼的女生。)

  8. They greeted him joyfully. (翻译:他们非常快乐地跟他打了招呼。)

  9. “Oh, it really has hurt me less,” she said joyfully. (翻译:“哦,这次没那么疼了。”她高兴地说。)

  10. Starting today, our program, Happy China, will be together with you to learn Chinese joyfully in the beautiful Ili Prefecture. (翻译:从今天开始,我们《快乐中国》将与您在美丽的伊犁快乐学汉语。)

  11. “Now you can walk, Clara, now you can walk,” she kept on saying joyfully. (翻译:“现在你能走了,克拉拉,现在你能走了。”她高兴地说着。)

  12. Yea, I rise at His commanding, walk straightway, and joyfully: This, my hand, so sadly shrivelled, as I reach, restored shall be. (翻译:有了祂的吩咐,我立刻应命起身,忻然举步,我把手一伸,枯萎的残臂恢复健康。)

  13. Joyfully, the car speeds on, with Windows open to enjoy the tangy Estonian air. (翻译:令人快乐的,汽车快速行驶着,车窗开着,让人尽情享受爱沙尼亚清新的空气。)

  14. Twycross found a male tapir in Bristol, and he and Debbie are joyfully united. (翻译:特怀克罗斯动物园在布里斯托找到了一只公貘。现在,他已经和快乐地结合了。)

  15. Instead of your ex’s sweet raspy voice, you hear Santa joyfully ask you and your son what would make you happy. (翻译:你听到的不是你前妻的粗鲁的叫声,而是圣诞老人在问你和你的儿子,什么可以让你们快乐。)

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