japanese是什么意思 japanese的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  japanese是什么意思 japanese的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  japanese 是形容词,指属于或与日本有关的。此外,japanese 也可以作为名词使用,指日本人或日本语。


  - She loves to eat Japanese food, especially sushi.(她喜欢吃日本食物,尤其是寿司。)

  - My favorite city in the world is Tokyo, the capital of Japan. I love all things Japanese.(我最喜欢的世界城市是东京,日本的首都。我喜欢所有的日本物品。)


  - The Japanese language is very difficult to learn, but I am determined to become fluent.(日语很难学,下定决心要讲流利。)

  - We watched a Japanese movie last night, with English subtitles.(昨晚我们看了一部日本电影,带有英文字幕。)


  - Japanese culture(日本文化)

  - Japanese cuisine(日本料理)

  - Japanese tea ceremony(日本茶道)


  - Japanese art(日本艺术)

  - Japanese garden(日本庭院)

  - Japanese martial arts(日本武术)




  1. 日本的

  2. 日本人的,日本语的

  3. 日本文化的

  4. 日本食品的

  5. 日本旅行的

  6. 日本公司的

  7. 日本历史的


  读音:jiǎn dà yì


  1. She loves Japanese food, especially sushi.(她喜欢日本食物,尤其是寿司。)

  2. I am studying Japanese in school.(我正在学校学习日语。)

  3. Japanese culture is very rich and fascinating.(日本文化非常丰富和迷人。)

  4. The Japanese team won the gold medal at the Olympics.(日本队在奥运会上获得了金牌。)

  5. My favorite anime is from Japan.(我最喜欢的动漫是来自日本的。)



  例句:Is your Japanese boy friends teach you? (是你的日本男朋友教你的吗? {cH00FFFF}{3cH000000}Is your Japanese boy friends teach you?)


  例句:The Japanese government also announced that all anti-Japanese movements in China will be suppressed. (日本更发表声明 明确提出要排除和消减中国的运动)


  例句:I turn Japanese into Chinese and Chinese into Japanese (就是把日本话变成中国话,把中国话变成日本话)


  例句:Locking-in the Japanese subs would be taking sides. (翻译:确定日本潜艇会是偏袒 Locking -in the Japanese subs would be taking sides.)

  japanese一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在Japanese allspice([网络] 蜡梅)、japanese allspices([网络] 蜡梅

  (japanese allspice 的复数))、Japanese Alps([地名] 日本阿尔卑斯山 ( 日 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

  Japanese allspice[网络] 蜡梅japanese allspices[网络] 蜡梅

  (japanese allspice 的复数)Japanese Alps[地名] 日本阿尔卑斯山 ( 日 )Japanese amberjack[网络] 青?鲹Japanese anchovyn. 日本鳀Japanese andromedana. 【植】马醉木 (Pieris japonica)japanese andromedas【植物】马醉木(Pieris Japonica)[亦作 andromeda]Japanese anemone[网络] 日本银莲花;野棉花;白描日本银莲花Japanese anemones[网络] 日本海葵japanese anime[网络] 日本动画;日本动漫1. I turn Japanese into Chinese and Chinese into Japanese (翻译:就是把日本话变成中国话,把中国话变成日本话)

  2. Locking-in the Japanese subs would be taking sides. (翻译:确定日本潜艇会是偏袒 Locking -in the Japanese subs would be taking sides.)

  3. Are you completely Japanese or not? (翻译:你是地地道道的日本人 或并不完全是日本人)

  4. No, the Japanese guy Shinsuke (翻译:the Japanese guy Shinsuke)

  5. You used to eat Japanese instant noodles (翻译:你平时吃的公仔面也是日本的 {cH00FFFF}{3cH000000}You used to eat Japanese instant noodles)

  6. This Japanese fancies himself as a revolutionary. (翻译:这个日本人自以为很 {cH00FFFF}{3cH000000}This Japanese fancies himself as a revolutionary.)

  7. Work in BTO Department for Japanese business, and be responsible for Japanese orders and input of concerned data (翻译:所属对日BTO事业部,主要负责面向日本客户的订单管理及系统录入相关工作。)

  8. Naoko is a Japanese. (翻译:直子是日本人。)

  9. You think this is a Japanese restaurant? (翻译:你以为这里是日本啊! {cH00FFFF}{3cH000000}You think this is a Japanese restaurant?)

  10. This is a book on Japanese sumo. (翻译:这是一本论述日本相扑的书。)

  11. The Japanese words for four and seven sound alike. (翻译:日语的四和七发音很像 {3cH202020}The Japanese words for four and seven sound alike.)

  12. Is it like the Japanese shabu shabu? (翻译:火锅?像日本的涮涮锅吗? )

  13. When you speak ill of the Japanese don’t forget I’m Japanese too (翻译:你要讲日本人坏话时 请你记得我也是个日本人好吗?)

  14. Most of my books on the Japanese army are in Japanese, but some are in Εnglish, French, and Russian. (翻译:我的大部分有关日本军事的书都是日文 也有一些英文、法文和俄文书)

  15. # … I’m turning Japanese, I think I’m turning Japanese # (翻译:然后我又变成日本人, 我觉得我变成了日本人#)


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