akio是什么意思 英文名akio的翻译、发音、来源

  akio是什么意思 英文名akio的翻译、发音、来源

  1. 作为人名:’Akio’可以是一个男性名字,在日本常见使用。在其他国家如中国、韩国和美国等国家也有人使用这个名字。


  - Akio Takamori is a famous Japanese artist. (Akio Takamori是一位著名的日本艺术家。)

  - Akio is a very common name for Japanese boys. (Akio是日本男孩的常见名字。)

  - I have a Japanese friend called Akio. (我有一个名叫Akio的日本朋友。)

  2. 作为缩写词:’AKIO’可以是一个缩写词,代表着某些专业领域的术语。


  - AKIO stands for Automated Knowledge and Information Organization. (AKIO代表着自动化知识和信息组织。)

  - In the medical field, AKIO is an abbreviation for Acute Kidney Injury Outcome. (在医学领域,AKIO是急性肾损伤结果的缩写。)

  - AKIO is a computer software used in engineering design. (AKIO是用于工程设计的计算机软件。)

  3. 作为词汇:’akio’也可以是一个普通词汇,描述某种事物。


  - Akio is a type of Japanese rice cracker. (Akio是一种日本的米饼干。)

  - The Akio plant is a type of succulent that grows in South Africa. (Akio植物是一种生长在南非的多肉植物。)

  - In Hawaiian, Akio means “the brave one”. (在夏威夷语中,Akio的意思是“勇敢的人”。)



  读音:ā kì ōu


  1. Akio是我的日本朋友名字。

  (Akio is the name of my Japanese friend.)

  2. 我不知道akio这个词的意思。

  (I don’t know the meaning of the word akio.)



  例句:Is Akio ducking criticism of being a beneficiary of nepotism by accusing us and trying to justify his ascendancy to the top job? (丰田章男是否通过谴责我们而回避了那些对他是裙带关系受益人的批评,以确保其在公司领导层的统治地位?)


  例句:It was Akio Toyoda’s first remarks since the latest round of recalls began last week. (这是自上周新一轮“召回事件”后丰田章男首次表态。)


  例句:Prof. Akio TAKAHARA, University of Tokyo, Japan The Complexity of Japan-China Relations: Its Present and Future (东京大学高原明生教授主讲错综复杂的中日关系:目前与未来)


  例句:In a weekend briefing, Tepco Managing Director Akio Komori cited the elevation of the backup generators as one potential issue. (翻译:在一星期的简报中,东京电力公司常务董事丰田章小森把备用发电机所处的海拔列为一个潜在的问题。)

  akio一般作为名词使用,如在Akio(美 日 巴西 俄 阿根 加 英 阿吉奥 阿桥 明夫 人名)等常见短语中出现较多。

  Akio美 日 巴西 俄 阿根 加 英 阿吉奥 阿桥 明夫 人名1. Prof. Akio TAKAHARA, University of Tokyo, Japan The Complexity of Japan-China Relations: Its Present and Future (翻译:东京大学高原明生教授主讲错综复杂的中日关系:目前与未来)

  2. In a weekend briefing, Tepco Managing Director Akio Komori cited the elevation of the backup generators as one potential issue. (翻译:在一星期的简报中,东京电力公司常务董事丰田章小森把备用发电机所处的海拔列为一个潜在的问题。)

  3. It was Akio Toyoda’s first remarks since the latest round of recalls began last week. (翻译:这是自上周新一轮“召回事件”后丰田章男首次表态。)

  4. Akio Morita had no money, no experience, no external support when he started his business. (翻译:盛田昭夫创业时没有钱,没有经验,没有外部支持。)

  5. Akio Morita had no money, no experience, no external support when he started his business. (翻译:盛田昭夫创业时没有钱,没有经验,没有外部支持。)

  6. Akio Toyoda himself, as one of five executive vice-presidents, isn’t entirely free of blame for the company’s recent woes. (翻译:作为原来的五位执行副总裁之一,丰田章男对公司目前的问题也不是完全没有责任。)

  7. It took weeks for Toyota President Akio Toyoda to speak publicly about the recalls. (翻译:丰田总裁Akio Toyoda在几周后才对召回事件公开表态。)

  8. One night, Sony Chairman Akio by Convention came into the restaurant and the staff and workers together to lunch, chat. (翻译:一天晚上,索尼董事长盛田昭夫按照惯例走进职工餐厅与职工一起就餐、聊天。)

  9. Brilliant entrepreneurs like Soichiro Honda and Akio Morita at Sony set about building the future. (翻译:聪明的企业家像宗一郎和索尼的盛田昭夫开始建筑未来。)

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