cohere是什么意思 cohere的翻译、中文解释

  cohere是什么意思 cohere的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




  词组搭配:cohere with(与…相符合);cohere to(遵循,坚持);cohere around(围绕…凝聚)。





  1. The different parts of the argument did not cohere well, so the essay was difficult to follow.(这个观点的不同部分没有很好地连贯在一起,因此这篇文章很难理解。)

  2. The team must cohere together if they want to achieve their goal.(如果这个团队想要达成目标,他们必须要团结一致。)



  例句:”I do have a sense of having completed a quartet of books which, while not a tetralogy in any narrative sense, do cohere in a way. ” (“我的确有一种感觉,我已经完成了这套四重奏似的作品,从叙述角度上来讲它们尽管不是四联曲作品,但在某种方面它们是前后连贯的。”)


  例句:The various elements of the novel fail to cohere. (这部小说的各部分之间无法连贯起来。)


  例句:After the engine adheres to stick cohere this kind of extremely light plastic ball which the human measures, will break down, even flameout. (当发动机附着人量的这种极轻的塑料球以后,就会发生故障,甚至熄火。)


  例句:Some people think that religion is an adaptation evolved both by cultural and biological evolution to make groups to cohere, in part for the purpose of trusting each other and being more effective at competing with other groups. (翻译:某些人认为是一种适应作用 来自文化和生理进化 让群体可以合作 让人们何以互信 在与他人竞争时能够更有效 )

  1. After the engine adheres to stick cohere this kind of extremely light plastic ball which the human measures, will break down, even flameout. (翻译:当发动机附着人量的这种极轻的塑料球以后,就会发生故障,甚至熄火。)

  2. Some people think that religion is an adaptation evolved both by cultural and biological evolution to make groups to cohere, in part for the purpose of trusting each other and being more effective at competing with other groups. (翻译:某些人认为是一种适应作用 来自文化和生理进化 让群体可以合作 让人们何以互信 在与他人竞争时能够更有效 )

  3. McMaster University:All things cohere in Christ. (翻译:麦克马斯特大学:世间万物在上帝的怀抱中和谐如一。)

  4. Some people think that religion is an adaptation evolved both by cultural and biological evolution to make groups to cohere, in part for the purpose of trusting each other, and then being more effective at competing with other groups. (翻译:某些人认为是一种适应作用 来自文化和生理进化 让群体可以合作 让人们何以互信 在与他人竞争时能够更有效)

  5. The Green Movement’s initial promise soon petered out, revealing, sadly, that it had very little political content to cohere support around. (翻译:“绿色运动”的最初承诺快速地销声匿迹,可悲地揭示了这样一点:它没有得到广泛支持的主张。)

  6. This view does not cohere with their other beliefs. (翻译:这个观点与他们的其他看法不一致。)

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