acab是什么意思 acab的翻译、中文解释

  acab是什么意思 acab的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  ACAB是一个缩略语,表示“all cops are s”(所有都是)。它通常用于和反对暴力和不公正行为的语境中。ACAB也被认为是一种口号和社会现象。它可以被视为一个脏字,因为其中包含了强烈的负面情感和攻击性。


  词组搭配:ACAB通常完整的口号或标语使用:“ACAB!”或“All cops are s!”




  1. 许多人认为,是ACAB,因为他们的行为常常反映出种族歧视和暴力。

  Many people believe that police officers are ACAB because their actions often reflect racism and violence.

  2. 他们用喊着ACAB的标语警方的不公正行为。

  They protested against police injustice by shouting slogans like ACAB.

  3. 当我们开始意识到的系统性问题时,ACAB这个口号就开始流行起来了。

  The ACAB slogan became popular when we started recognizing the systemic issues in the police force.

  4. 这个T恤上印着ACAB,它的设计旨在反对对无辜人群的暴力行为。

  The T-shirt featuring ACAB was designed to protest against police violence against innocent people.

  5. 我们不能容忍ACAB这种种族歧视的言论。

  We cannot tolerate racist statements like ACAB.

  6. 对于那些已经遭受暴力待遇的人来说,ACAB代表他们的痛苦和愤怒。

  For those who have experienced police brutality, ACAB represents their pain and anger.

  7. ACAB不仅仅是一句口号,它代表了我们对暴力和不公正行为的。

  ACAB is not just a slogan, it represents our protest against police violence and injustice.

  ’acab’是一个缩写,代表“所有都是”(All cops are s)。在一些活动中,人们手持写有’acab’的标语,以表达对机构存在的问题和不满。读音为/??k?b/。例句:她穿着黑色T恤上写着’acab’,表达她对机构的不信任。



  例句:What cab company did he, uh… (他走的时候叫的是 What cab company did he, uh…)


  例句:Could you get me to a cab to… (-非常严重 -Very high. 可以帮我叫辆计程车…)


  例句:Dressler says a porter at Pier 41 took his bag, threw it in this cab, the porter disappeared and the cab dug out fast. (德雷斯 勒说,在41号码头的一个门童 把他的皮包扔进这辆出租车 门童不见了,计程车匆匆离开 这就是目击者的陈述)

  1. Dressler says a porter at Pier 41 took his bag, threw it in this cab, the porter disappeared and the cab dug out fast. (翻译:德雷斯 勒说,在41号码头的一个门童 把他的皮包扔进这辆出租车 门童不见了,计程车匆匆离开 这就是目击者的陈述)

  2. You have to swear that this does not leave this cab. (翻译:{fn黑体fs22bord1shad03aHBE4aH00fscx67fscy662cHFFFFFF3cH808080}你发誓这些话不会传出去 {fnarial blackfs12bord1shad04aH00fscx90fscy110}You have to swear that this does not leave this cab.)

  3. Look, Susan, God called you a cab. (翻译:看吧 Susan 老天爷给你叫了辆出租车)

  4. Can I have the number for Vanguard Cab? (翻译:能告诉我Vanguard 出租车公司的电话吗?)

  5. Watson, would you send for the cab immediately? (翻译:是一个良好的开端 华生 你能不能马上叫一辆马车来?)

  6. Now, you told Inspector Asher this porter took your bag, threw it in a taxi cab and the cab took off (翻译:你告诉艾舍探员 是门童帮你拿皮包 扔进计程车后,车就开走了)

  7. The cab speeded them into the centre of the city. (翻译:出租汽车载着他们迅速驶往市中心。)

  8. Cab’ll be here in 20 minutes. (翻译:????? ?? ??? ????? ??? ?? ? ????? ?????)

  9. Guess cab drivers are the new bartenders, huh? (翻译:{fn黑体fs22bord1shad03aHBE4aH00fscx67fscy662cHFFFFFF3cH808080}我猜出租车司机要变成酒吧招待了 {fnarial blackfs12bord1shad04aH00fscx90fscy110}Guess cab drivers are the new bartenders, huh?)

  10. He just caught a cab outside. (翻译:刚在外面打了辆出租车 He just caught a cab outside.)

  11. Okay, Peck got into Skyview cab 302. (翻译:好吧 Peck上了Skyview公司的302号出租车)

  12. I have a receipt for the cab. (翻译:出租车给谁 {3cH202020}I have a receipt for the cab.)

  13. I’ve come never to expect greatness from a cab franc, and this one is no different. (翻译:我从来就没觉得cab franc酒有什么妙处,这次也不例外。)

  14. Mr. Yip is a cab driver with 2 kids (翻译:父亲开夜班计程车 有一儿一女,都就读下午班学校)

  15. Cab projects allow you to create a. Cab file to package ActiveX components that can be downloaded from a Web server to a Web browser. (翻译:使用Cab项目,可以创建.Cab文件,以便对可以从Web服务器下载到Web浏览器的ActiveX组件进行打包。)

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