cora是什么意思 cora的翻译、中文解释

  cora是什么意思 cora的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 定义:CorA通常是指“Corps of Cadets Association”的缩写,是一个由美校或其他军校毕业生组成的组织,旨在支持军校的学生和校友。

  2. 渊源:起源于美国西点军校,后来在其他军校也建立了类似的组织,如海军学院、空军学院等。

  3. 目的:为军校学生提供各种学习和社交机会,同时也为校友提供一个联络和支持的平台,以支持军校事业和学生发展。

  4. 活动:Cora组织通常会举办各种活动和项目,如学术研讨会、聚会、运动比赛等,以促进成员之间的交流和互动。

  5. 影响:Cora组织具有较强的影响力和社会声誉,其成员通常在军事、、商业等领域有较大的影响力和声望。


  1. Cora组织的成员通常是军校的优秀毕业生和校友。

  2. Cora组织的活动范围很广,可以是学术研讨会,也可以是户外运动。

  3. 作为一名军校学生,加入Cora组织可以为自己的学习和发展提供很多机会和资源。

  4. Cora组织的影响力和声誉非常高,其成员可以在军事、、商业等领域有较大的影响力。

  5. 作为一名Cora组织的成员,我们应该尽最大努力来支持军校事业和学生发展。


  1. The members of the CorA organization are usually outstanding graduates and alumni of military academies.

  2. The activities of the CorA organization are quite extensive, ranging from academic seminars to outdoor sports.

  3. As a military academy student, joining the CorA organization can provide many opportunities and resources for your learning and development.

  4. The influence and reputation of the CorA organization are very high, and its members can have a significant impact in military, political, and business fields.

  5. As a member of the CorA organization, we should make every effort to support the cause and development of military academies and their students.



  例句:Cora is a beautiful name for a baby girl. (Cora是一个漂亮的女婴名字。)



  例句:I don’t know whether to ask Joe or Cora to draw the posters. (我不知道是让乔还是科拉来画海报。)


  例句:Her name is Dr. Corrina Devonshire, but you may have heard of her as Cora D. (她的名字叫科瑞娜?戴文夏博士 你或许听过科瑞?迪)


  例句:Don’t let her through. We cannot let her talk to Cora. She’s gonna ruin everything. (我们不能让她跟科拉谈话 她会毁了这一切的)


  例句:Yes, well, needless to say, we had intended to have both, Krebs and Cora D, extradited and sent to Washington by now. (翻译:是 需要说明 我们本来打算捉拿柯瑞茨和科瑞?迪 然后移送到的)

  cora一般作为名词使用,如在embryonic cora(胚索)、macrodiplax cora(高翔蜻蜓)等常见短语中出现较多。

  embryonic cora胚索macrodiplax cora高翔蜻蜓1. Don’t let her through. We cannot let her talk to Cora. She’s gonna ruin everything. (翻译:我们不能让她跟科拉谈话 她会毁了这一切的)

  2. Yes, well, needless to say, we had intended to have both, Krebs and Cora D, extradited and sent to Washington by now. (翻译:是 需要说明 我们本来打算捉拿柯瑞茨和科瑞?迪 然后移送到的)

  3. Maybe, some day, he would tell Cora the truth. Right now it didn’t seem a very kind thing to do. (翻译:也许,有一天他会对柯拉说真话,但现在说似乎不是体贴的事。)

  4. Michiel, this is Aunt Cora and ehm Janneke. (翻译:米歇尔, 这是科拉婶婶和… …珍妮科.)

  5. One car registered to Mrs. Cora Riley and the other to Ann Martin. (翻译:一辆车注册在 Cora Riley 夫人名下 另一辆是 Ann Martin.)

  6. Sometimes I patronize Harry’s Ham ‘N’ Eggs if Cora’s is crowded. (翻译:有时我光顾哈利的火腿蛋,如果科拉太挤的话)

  7. Cora’s flowers always look more suited to a first communion in southern Italy. (翻译:柯拉准备的花总是更像在举办首次圣餐会 还是意大利南部的那种)

  8. – I rang Cora Ann’s room, and she said Arthur to me. (翻译:她怎么叫我阿瑟 这女人真会耍把戏! 多么急中生智!)

  9. exclaimed Cora, her cheeks flushing and her dark eyes once more sparkling with the lingering emotions of a woman. (翻译:科拉大声说道,她的颊上泛起了红晕,黑眼睛里又闪烁出女性缠绵的柔情。)

  10. A few minutes later, Cora , opening the front door, almost fainted when Alex immediately handed her the package. (翻译:几分钟之后,柯拉打开了前门,阿烈克立刻递给她那个包包,她几乎昏了过去。)

  11. You see Cora, if the skin isn’t free of scars and bruises when the platelets are removed, the skin will rupture. (翻译:你瞧 科拉 如果皮肤无法避免碰伤 血小板又阙如 皮肤就会破裂)

  12. Lloyd Richards, do not consider giving that contemptible little worm the part of Cora! (翻译:洛依理查 你千万不能将可拉的角色 给那个小演)

  13. Okay, we need two more lines of Cora verse. What’s next? (翻译:好极了,根据的韵律我们还需要 两行,下面是什么?)

  14. You used my name to blackmail Karen into getting you the part of Cora. (翻译:你利用我和我的专栏威胁凯伦 协助你争取到可拉这个角色)

  15. The truth is, Cora, there is a reason for inviting you here today and I fear I’m going to be a great disappointment to you. (翻译:事实上 柯拉 今天请你过来是有原因的 恐怕我会让你大失所望的)

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