arzamas是什么意思 arzamas的翻译、中文解释

  arzamas是什么意思 arzamas的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释





  1. Arzamas offers online courses on Russian history and culture.

  2. Arzamas is a great platform for anyone who wants to learn about Russian literature.

  3. I took an Arzamas course on Russian art and found it very informative.




  1. Arzamas is a great website for anyone interested in Russian culture.

  2. I read an article on Arzamas about Russian theater and it was very interesting.

  3. Arzamas has a lot of information about Russian artists and their work.




  1. Arzamas is doing a great job of promoting cultural understanding between Russia and other countries.

  2. I learned a lot about Russian history from Arzamas.

  3. Arzamas is a great resource for anyone interested in learning about Russian culture.



  1. Arzamas is a great resource for anyone interested in learning about Russian culture. (Arzamas是任何有兴趣了解俄罗斯文化的人的重要资源。)

  2. I learned a lot about Russian history from Arzamas. (我从Arzamas学到了很多俄罗斯历史。)

  3. Arzamas is a great website for anyone interested in Russian culture. (对于任何对俄罗斯文化感兴趣的人来说,Arzamas是一个很好的网站。)

  4. Arzamas offers online courses on Russian history and culture. (Arzamas提供有关俄罗斯历史和文化的在线课程。)

  5. Arzamas is doing a great job of promoting cultural understanding between Russia and other countries. (Arzamas在促进俄罗斯和其他国家之间的文化理解方面做得很好。)

  ’arzamas’是一个俄罗斯城市的名称,读音为“阿尔扎马斯”。例句:我们计划前往’arzamas’参观当地的历史博物馆。翻译:We plan to visit the local history museum in Arzamas.



  例句:Zam, what are you doing up there? (Zam, what are you doing up there? 我不知道 你们在下面干什么?)


  例句:Hello. This is Ar/’. Leave a message and I’ll call back. (嗨,这是亚莉的电话 请留言,之后我会回拨给你)


  例句:The deployment of AR leads to an obvious increase in sciaenidae fish and rocky fish, and AR environment can not only maintain the inherent species, but also offer more bio-available habitat. (人工鱼礁的建设使石首鱼科种类和岩礁性鱼类增加明显,鱼礁生境既具有维持固有种类的优势,还可为更多生物提供栖息地。)


  例句:AR in case the vessel is in Metro Manila and in the BFAR Regional Office if the? (翻译:以防渔船位于马尼拉和渔业和水产资源局地区厅如果? )

  1. The deployment of AR leads to an obvious increase in sciaenidae fish and rocky fish, and AR environment can not only maintain the inherent species, but also offer more bio-available habitat. (翻译:人工鱼礁的建设使石首鱼科种类和岩礁性鱼类增加明显,鱼礁生境既具有维持固有种类的优势,还可为更多生物提供栖息地。)

  2. AR in case the vessel is in Metro Manila and in the BFAR Regional Office if the? (翻译:以防渔船位于马尼拉和渔业和水产资源局地区厅如果? )

  3. Characteristics and Ar-Ar dating of ultramafic-mafic rocks in the Zadoi area, southern Qinghai, China (翻译:青海南部杂多地区超镁铁质-镁铁质岩石的特征及Ar-Ar定年)

  4. And I have three boxes of AK, AR-15 and MP5 And the ammunition you want. (翻译:我还弄了3箱AK,AR15,MP -5 加要求的)

  5. Hold back from ar what is his, and you will all perish by his hand! (翻译:向神隐瞒了什么 是什么 你们将被他亲手消灭)

  6. – The train Pablo blew at Arevalo. (翻译:- Pablo在Arévalo炸毁了那列火车)

  7. We are proud for we are the only one country in where you still can get the ZAM bear all over the world! (翻译:我们为我们是世界上唯一一个仍然能获得ZAM熊的国家而骄傲! )

  8. With AR, we have the power to reimagine a world that prioritizes justice over oppression. (翻译:通过 AR,我们拥有力量去重新构画一个 正义高于压迫的世界。)

  9. Could you imagine history recording that the first love of Adam and Eva accompanied by “ar ar ar ar”, barking? (翻译:你能想象历史记载 亚当和夏娃第一次时 伴随着 喔 喔 喔 喔 的狗叫声吗?)

  10. Leveling mechanism of leveler AR in reactive dyeing is discussed. (翻译:对匀染剂AR的匀染机理进行初步探讨。)

  11. Obey my command, and ar will continue to protect you! (翻译:需要你们的孩子 服从我的命令 神将继续保护你)

  12. Toa Acron AR is widely used in the automobiles and the parts mechanical. (翻译:广泛地使用在汽车工业及各行业的机能零部件上。)

  13. Then Bush tried it, “Nu-cle-ar pro-boblieration. ” (翻译:接着,试了试:“Nu-cle-arpro-boblieration。”)

  14. I mean what are we, what ar we going to do, you know? (翻译:我是说,我们… 我们 该怎么做呢,你说?)

  15. Oh, that’s, uh… probably just a ar that… (翻译:- 哦,那就是个… 呃… 可能是个疤…)

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