caio是什么意思 caio的翻译、中文解释

  caio是什么意思 caio的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释





  1. Caio is an Italian name that means “rejoice”. (Caio是一个意大利名字,意思是“欢乐”。)

  2. Caio, could you please p me the salt? (Caio,你可以把盐递给我吗?)



  例句:C, I write personality quizzes for magazines. (C,我帮杂志编性格测试。C, I write personality quizzes for magazines.)


  例句:Now press CTRL+C. (现在按 CTRL+C。)


  例句:Did you try going through the C-gate? (有没有试过C路径? You tried going through the C -gate?)


  例句:C C c The efficiency of the secondary air injection pump is checked with the HFM component. (翻译:二次空气泵的效率通过HFM部件进行检查。)

  caio一般作为名词使用,如在Caio(人名 西 葡 卡约)等常见短语中出现较多。

  Caio人名 西 葡 卡约1. Did you try going through the C-gate? (翻译:有没有试过C路径? You tried going through the C -gate?)

  2. C C c The efficiency of the secondary air injection pump is checked with the HFM component. (翻译:二次空气泵的效率通过HFM部件进行检查。)

  3. I’m going to play it all the way through and you’re going to follow. (翻译:我这就来把它从头到尾的演奏一遍。你会跟随这琴声,B, C, B, C, B, C, B– )

  4. 3C if you need a cup of sugar. (翻译:我住3C 想借糖就来找我 3C if you need a cup of sugar.)

  5. Now them two Wharton boys, that’d be Odus and C.C., throwed down on him, asked him where his money was, but he wouldn’t tell them. (翻译:两个Wharton兄弟,Otis和C. C. 压在他身上)

  6. Get CTC on the line, please. (翻译:联系的人 Get C. T. C.)

  7. Many infections are nowadays caused by other species than C. albicans, notably C. tropicalis, C. kruse i and C. glabrata. (翻译:如今,许多感染是引起其他物种比白色念珠菌,特别是为热带,长克柔和C。光滑。)

  8. Locking pin, prevents from accidental disconnection and can only be unlocked with a tool. 6 mechanically codings C1 – C6. (翻译:锁紧插针,为防止意外断开,只有用工具才能解锁。6个机械编码C1 – C6。标准编码为C1。)

  9. Colm 301 to Kiakra C.I.C. Come in. (翻译:科尔姆301到达 Kiakra 信息中心)

  10. Never figured the C-in-C for a headbanger. (翻译:从来没有想通的C -在 – C的 1 headbanger。)

  11. Amphenol Industrial Operations (AIO), division of Amphenol Corporation, was founded in 2001. (翻译:安费诺工业部是安费诺集团的一个的分支机构,成立于xx年。)

  12. Ingestion of A. .. goes to B … EC performs the excretion (翻译:由A进食… 通过B… 和C由c执行)

  13. To minimize occurrences, turn off C’Thun Warner if not raiding C’Thun and stay in range of Eye of C’Thun when it dies. (翻译:减少发生已关掉克苏恩监视器,但在距离内克苏恩和克苏恩之眼死亡后仍不正常运作。)

  14. 9920 Millchurch Avenue, apartment C. (翻译:9920,Millchurch大道, 公寓C。)

  15. They’re telling him I’m a C1 and C2 complete. (翻译:他们在告诉他 我是C1和C2颈椎完全损伤)

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