antibiotic是什么意思 antibiotic的翻译、中文解释

  antibiotic是什么意思 antibiotic的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 词义:抗生素,指一种可以杀死或抑制细菌生长的药物。

  2. 词性:名词。

  3. 词组搭配:antibiotic resistance(抗生素耐药性)、broad-spectrum antibiotic(广谱抗生素)、antibiotic therapy(抗生素治疗)、antibiotic sensitivity test(抗生素敏感性检测)等。

  4. 短语:无。

  5. 发音拼写:[?nt?a??bɑ?t?k]


  1. Antibiotics are often prescribed for bacterial infections such as pneumonia or strep throat.(抗生素通常被用于治疗细菌感染如或链球菌咽喉炎。)

  2. The overuse of antibiotics has caused many bacteria to become resistant to them.(抗生素的滥用导致很多细菌对它们产生了耐药性。)

  3. It is important to finish the entire course of antibiotics prescribed by your doctor, even if you start to feel better.(完成医生开的全程抗生素治疗非常重要,即使你已经开始感觉好转。)

  4. Scientists are working to develop new antibiotics to combat the growing problem of antibiotic resistance.(科学家正在研发新的抗生素,以应对日益严重的抗生素耐药问题。)

  5. Some people may experience side effects such as nausea or diarrhea when taking antibiotics.(服用抗生素时,有些人可能会出现恶心或腹泻等副作用。)





  1. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. (抗生素用于治疗细菌感染。)

  2. Overuse of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance. (滥用抗生素可能导致抗生素耐药性。)



  例句:And with increasing animal production, also antibiotic use skyrocketed worldwide. (随着动物数量的增加, 抗生素的用量在全球激增。)

  antibiotic一般作为名词使用,如在hybrid antibiotic(杂合抗生素)、macrolide antibiotic(大环内脂类抗菌素)、nucleoside antibiotic(核苷抗生素)等常见短语中出现较多。

  hybrid antibiotic杂合抗生素macrolide antibiotic大环内脂类抗菌素nucleoside antibiotic核苷抗生素peptide antibiotic肽抗生素polyene antibiotic多烯抗生素polyenemacrolide antibiotic多烯巨环内酯抗生素polyether antibiotic多醚抗生素tetracycline antibiotic四环系抗菌素volatile antibiotic挥发抗菌素gene engineered antibiotic基因工程抗生素1. Adopt new compound not to have the antibiotic of noxiousness to kidney, these two kinds of antibiotic combine cure to be beautiful. (翻译:采取新合成的对肾无毒性的抗生素,此两种抗生素联合治疗为佳。)

  2. Will procalcitonin reduce antibiotic use in intensive care? (翻译:原降钙素会减少监护室抗生素的使用? )

  3. He just handed me this pill, an antibiotic. (翻译:他刚递给了我抗生素药丸。)

  4. They expect the antibiotic products to be exported to Southeast Asia and Africa. (翻译:他们期望抗生素产品出口到东南亚和非洲。)

  5. Jamu. Drink this. Better than antibiotic. (翻译:这是加姆药草 把这个喝了 比抗生素还管用)

  6. That’s an antibiotic that we use in modern medicine today. (翻译:这是一种我们现代社会 也在用的抗生素。)

  7. A possible exception is rifampin, the antibiotic prescribed for tuberculosis. (翻译:一种可能的例外是利福平,一种治疗肺结核的抗生素。)

  8. The antibiotic use that industrial food production in the US uses… (翻译:抗生素的使用 工业食品生产 在美国使用.)

  9. Now, could this plant be the answer to antibiotic resistance? (翻译:那这种植物能解决 抗生素耐药性的问题吗 )

  10. Climate change, antibiotic resistance — these are global emergencies. (翻译:气候变化、抗生素耐药性 都是全球性紧急事件。)

  11. They got the organism to evolve to mildness, and they got no development of antibiotic resistance. (翻译:他们使病菌进化的更温和, 而且他们没有让病菌的抗药性进一步恶化。)

  12. Antibiotic and pasteurize can be used against infection. (翻译:抗菌素和高温消毒可以永来防止感染。)

  13. Aim To synthesize meropenem trihydrate, a carbapenem antibiotic. (翻译:目的合成碳青霉烯类抗生素美罗培南。)

  14. You know, antibiotic resistance is proving to be a big challenge globally. (翻译:众所周知,抗生素耐药性 正成为一个全球性的挑战 )

  15. That antibiotic is so strong that it will make you feel sick. (翻译:这款抗生素药效强到 会让你感觉很难受, )

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