alabama是什么意思 alabama的翻译、中文解释

  alabama是什么意思 alabama的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


  Alabama 是美国南部的一个州名,位于墨西哥湾沿岸,首府为蒙哥马利,是美国的一个州份。


  Alabama 是一个专有名词,一般用于指代美国南部的这个州。


  Alabama 是美国一个著名的州份,其州内拥有许多著名的景点和文化遗产,如蒙哥马利市中心(Montgomery Downtown)、美国国家纪念馆和博物馆(US National Memorial and Museum)等。此外,Alabama 也是一个重要的工业州,其工业产值在美国各州中排名较高。


  - Alabama Crimson Tide: Alabama 州的一支著名大学美式足球队;

  - Alabama Hills: 位于美国加利福尼亚州东部,是一片以奇石和沙岩为主的美丽景区;

  - Alabama Shakes: 美国摇滚乐队,成立于xx年;

  - Sweet home Alabama: 著名的摇滚歌曲和电影名。


  - Alabama native: 生于 Alabama 的人;

  - Alabama accent: Alabama 口音;

  - Alabama barbecue: Alabama 烤肉风味;

  - Gulf of Alabama: 巴马湾。


  Alabama /??l??b?m?/ 。



  1. Alabama is known for its warm climate and diverse geography.(巴马州以其温暖的气候和多样化的地理特点而闻名。)

  2. The University of Alabama is a prestigious institution for higher learning.(巴马大学是一所享有盛名的高等学府。)

  3. My friend is from Alabama and she has a charming southern accent.(我的朋友来自巴马州,她有一种迷人的南方口音。)



  例句:He wants to play football for Bear Bryant over at Alabama. (他想参加巴马州贝尔?布莱恩特的橄榄球队)


  例句:Oh. And Bessemer is also a town in Alabama. Yea! (贝西默还是巴马州的一个镇名没错! )


  例句:So, where exactly in Alabama are you from? (那么,你是巴马哪里人? So, where exactly in Alabama are you from?)


  例句:She was reunited with her boyfriend in the bus depot of Ozark, Alabama. (翻译:她和她的男朋友在亚拉巴马州的奥扎克汽车站重新团聚了。)

  1. So, where exactly in Alabama are you from? (翻译:那么,你是巴马哪里人? So, where exactly in Alabama are you from?)

  2. She was reunited with her boyfriend in the bus depot of Ozark, Alabama. (翻译:她和她的男朋友在亚拉巴马州的奥扎克汽车站重新团聚了。)

  3. I’m not leaving here until you decide to come to Alabama. (翻译:直到你决定要去巴马前 我是不离开这里的)

  4. Alabama lifeboat, this is Frank Castellano, commander of the USS Bainbridge. (翻译:巴马救生船 我是弗兰克?卡斯泰拉诺 美国海军班布里奇号的指挥官)

  5. That settlement is a “shakedown, ” says Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama. (翻译:来自巴马州的参议员理查德·谢尔比说,解决方案是一种“勒索”。)

  6. born into one of the wealthiest families of greenville , alabama , (翻译:生于巴马greenville其中一个最富有的家庭,)

  7. Hologram on the Alabama license is cemented with the wrong base. (翻译:巴马那张的全息图 The hologram on the Alabama license 下层的水泥印花错了 is cemented with the wrong base.)

  8. A prisoner on a chain gang in Alabama was punished by being handcuffed to a post in the midday sun. (翻译:巴马州中的一名犯人 被罚铐在正午的太阳下的铁杆上。)

  9. will be dragging around 170 pounds of dead Alabama flesh with him. (翻译:你想想 {3cH202020}And considering)

  10. I didn’t take algebra until my freshman year at the University of Alabama. (翻译:我直到大学xx年级才在Alabama大学 学习代数. )

  11. There ain’t nothing white about a Bucktussle, Alabama Christmas! (翻译:该 圣诞节Bucktussle, 巴马州有什么白色的。)

  12. Margaret Eby is an Alabama-raised freelance writer living in Brooklyn. (翻译:玛格丽特·伊比是个自由作家,在巴马州长大的她目前居住于布鲁克林。)

  13. Coalition Warship 237, Maersk Alabama. (翻译:盟军军舰237 这里是马士基?巴马号)

  14. So, if you ever come to alabama, (翻译:{fn黑体fs22bord1shad03aHBE4aH00fscx67fscy662cHFFFFFF3cH808080}那么 如果你去巴马 {fnarial blackfs12bord1shad04aH00fscx90fscy110}So,if you ever come to alabama,)

  15. And we were doing all the normal things that boys in Alabama do. (翻译:我们像亚拉巴男孩们一样 做着正常的事情)

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