botulism是什么意思 botulism的翻译、中文解释

  botulism是什么意思 botulism的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




  1. botulism toxin(肉毒毒素)

  2. infant botulism(婴儿型肉毒中毒)

  3. wound botulism(伤口性肉毒中毒)

  4. foodborne botulism(食物型肉毒中毒)



  1. Foodborne botulism is a rare, but serious illness caused by eating food contaminated with the bacteria that produces botulism toxin.


  2. Botulism is usually caused by eating food contaminated with Clostridium botulinum (C. botulinum) bacteria.


  3. The symptoms of botulism can include weakness, dizziness, double vision, trouble speaking or swallowing, and difficulty breathing.


  4. Botulism can be treated with an antitoxin, but it is important to seek medical attention immediately if you suspect that you or someone else has been exposed to the bacteria.


  5. It is important to practice proper food handling and preparation techniques to prevent botulism and other foodborne illnesses.






  1. Botulism is a rare but serious illness caused by a toxin produced by bacteria.


  2. The most common form of botulism is foodborne botulism, which occurs when someone ingests contaminated food.


  3. Symptoms of botulism include weakness, dizziness, and difficulty speaking.


  botulism的中文解释是”肉毒中毒 、肉毒中毒”,还经常被翻译为内科,发音音标为[‘b?tjulizm],botulism来源于英语,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到99个与botulism相关的句子。


  例句:According to public health officials the Toronto residents drank carrot juice that has since tested positive for a botulism toxin. (加拿大公共官员指出,这两名多伦多居民所饮用的胡萝卜汁在早前已被检测出肉毒杆菌毒素阳性。)


  例句:Source of botulism, as well as a million other toxins… that cause gastroenteritis, cardiac symptoms and mental confusion. (除了肉毒杆菌还有成百上千的毒素 会造成肠胃炎 心率紊乱 还有精神混乱)


  例句:Potato-based pruno was also responsible for three other botulism outbreaks in Utah and California since 2004, the report said. (自xx年以来,在犹他州和加利福尼亚州发生了另外三起肉毒杆菌中毒事件,以马铃薯为基础的pruno也得为之负责。)


  例句:Did you make sure that the milk wasn’t sour and that none of the ingredients were spoiled? I’ll probably die from botulism. (翻译:你敢保证牛奶没有发酸,所有的配料都没有坏吗?我可能会死于肉毒中毒。)

  botulism一般作为名词使用,如在infant botulism(婴儿肉毒杆菌症)、wound botulism(创伤肉毒杆菌症)、refined botulism antitoxin(精制肉毒抗毒素)等常见短语中出现较多。

  infant botulism婴儿肉毒杆菌症wound botulism创伤肉毒杆菌症refined botulism antitoxin精制肉毒抗毒素1. Potato-based pruno was also responsible for three other botulism outbreaks in Utah and California since 2004, the report said. (翻译:自xx年以来,在犹他州和加利福尼亚州发生了另外三起肉毒杆菌中毒事件,以马铃薯为基础的pruno也得为之负责。)

  2. Did you make sure that the milk wasn’t sour and that none of the ingredients were spoiled? I’ll probably die from botulism. (翻译:你敢保证牛奶没有发酸,所有的配料都没有坏吗?我可能会死于肉毒中毒。)

  3. Well, recently, my colleagues and I designed constrained peptides that neutralize influenza virus, protect against botulism poisoning and block cancer cells from growing. (翻译:最近, 我和同事们设计出了 能消除流感病毒、 能防止肉毒杆菌中毒、 能抑制癌细胞增长的限制性肽。)

  4. I’m gonna die of botulism from the germs on that gunky towel, you tree-Ioving hippie. (翻译:我会中毒死的 如果香肠细菌还在那毛巾上, 你这个环保主义者)

  5. Harmful bacteria in food cause botulism, which can cause paralysis or even death if even one millionth of the bacterium is ingested. (翻译:食物中的有害菌可以引起肉毒中毒,哪怕摄入百万分之一个这样的细菌,就可以引起瘫痪,甚至死亡。)

  6. the botulism toxin is the bacillus botulismus produces exotoxin, for present known toxin toxicity strongest. (翻译:肉毒毒素是肉毒杆菌产生的外毒素,为目前已知毒素中毒性最强的。)

  7. They’re also used to kill bacteria and prevent botulism. (翻译:它们亦用于杀菌以及防止肉毒中毒。)

  8. The medical name for the food poisoning it can cause is “botulism”, from the Latin word botulus, meaning “sausage”. (翻译:它所导致的食物中毒的医学术语叫“波特淋菌中毒”。这个词来自拉丁语botulus,意为“腊肠”。)

  9. The domestic report botulism causes to breathe the myoparalysis case of illness to be less. (翻译:国内报道肉毒中毒导致呼吸肌病例较少。)

  10. So far, four cases of botulism have been reported — two from Indiana and two from Texas. (翻译:目前报道了四例肉毒杆菌感染案例,印第安纳和田纳西州各占两例。)

  11. And the killer – a fast-acting, naturally occurring deadly disease. (翻译:肉毒症 {cHFFFFFF}{3cH2F2F2F}{4cH000000}Botulism.)

  12. The oil floats on top of the jar and seals out air, leaving water to collect at the bottom, where it acts like a Petri dish for botulism. (翻译:油浮到罐头的顶部,封住空气,留下水在底部聚集,就像是为肉毒菌提供一个有盖培养皿。)

  13. The oil floats on top of the jar and seals out air, leaving water to collect at the bottom, where it ACTS like a Petri dish for botulism. (翻译:油浮到罐头的顶部,封住空气,留下水在底部聚集,就像是为肉毒菌提供一个有盖培养皿。)

  14. It was impossible for me to believe that she had botulism since she was exclusively breast fed. (翻译:我简直无法相信完全乳喂养的她会患上肉毒杆菌中毒。)

  15. In Thailand, delivery of a botulism antitoxin prevented multiple deaths. (翻译:在泰国, 肉毒抗毒素避免了多起死亡的发生。)

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