boorman是什么意思 英文名boorman的翻译、发音、来源

  boorman是什么意思 英文名boorman的翻译、发音、来源

  1. 意义:Boorman可以指代多个人名、地名、机构名或品牌名。根据具体的语境和背景,其意义会有所不同。例如,Boorman可能是一个人的姓氏;也可能是一个企业或组织的名称。

  2. 姓氏:Boorman是英国常见的姓氏之一,其起源可能与德语或荷兰语单词’Bormann’或’Buurman’有关联。例如:David Boorman is a well-known journalist in London.(大卫·布尔曼是伦敦著名的记者。)

  3. 地名:Boorman在一些国家和地区也有作为地名的存在,例如在美国的德克萨斯州和内华达州就有小城镇叫做Boorman。例如:Boorman is a tiny town with a population of less than 200 people.(布尔曼是一个人口不到200人的小镇。)

  4. 品牌名:Boorman有时也作为品牌名出现。例如,Boorman Archery是一家专门从事制造和销售的公司。例如:I always buy my bows from Boorman Archery.(我总是从布尔曼公司买弓。)


  1. His name is John Boorman, he is a famous film director in the UK.


  2. When I was in college, I worked part-time at Boorman’s Pizza Shop.


  3. Boorman & Company is going to launch a new line of cosmetics next month.


  4. The Boorman family has lived in this village for generations.


  5. Have you tried the Boorman Amplifiers? They are absolutely fantastic!



  1. Boorman有可能是一个人名,英语中常见的姓氏之一。

  2. Boorman也可以指船长或船员中的高级船员,特别是负责船上机器和引擎的人。

  3. 在荷兰语中,boorman意思是指司机。



  1. David Boorman is a known director who has directed several landmark movies.


  2. The boorman of the ship was responsible for repairing the engines and ensuring the smooth functioning of the vessel.


  3. The boorman drove the taxi to the airport with great care.




  例句:That’s good. Triumph over tragedy. Sounds like a John Boorman picture. (很好 悲壮的胜利 听上去像约翰·保曼的电影)


  例句:This was the introduction to an email I received from Neil Boorman last August. (这是我在去年xx月收到的Neil Boorman的电子邮件的开头介绍。)

  1. The 24, 000 kilometers they travel is rough, but McGregor and Boorman experience the adventure of a lifetime. (翻译:两万四千公里的旅程固然艰辛,但麦奎格和布尔曼却体验了一生难忘的冒险。)

  2. The 24,000 kilometers they travel is rough, but McGregor and Boorman experience the adventure of a lifetime. (翻译:两万四千公里的旅程固然艰辛,但麦奎格和布尔曼却体验了一生难忘的冒险。)

  3. Many of these details come from Boorman, Dodd and Lincoln [1], as my memory is getting hazy; this was 30 years ago. (翻译:许多具体的细节都来自Boorman,Dodd和Lincoln[1],这是xx年前的事情了,好多事情我都记不清楚了。)

  4. This was the introduction to an email I received from Neil Boorman last August. (翻译:这是我在去年xx月收到的NeilBoorman的电子邮件的开头介绍。)

  5. Three years ago, actor Ewan McGregor and his best friend Charley Boorman traveled around the world on their motorcycles. (翻译:xx年前,演员伊旺?麦奎格和他的死党查理?布尔曼,骑着他们的机车环游世界。)

  6. You give us Karl Boorman and Sergei, and you can count on a certain measure of leniency. (翻译:把Karl Boorman和Sergei交给我们 You give us Karl Boorman and Sergei, 你还可以指望得到宽大处理 and you can count on a certain measure of leniency.)

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